The Social Works: A Comprehensive Framework of Spiritually Perceive Sensitivity - Essay

Published: 2023-10-29
The Social Works: A Comprehensive Framework of Spiritually Perceive Sensitivity - Essay
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Sociology Social work
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1058 words
9 min read


The social works serve many people in universal with the conclusive intention of drawing upon spirituality perception. It is by specified reference by calling it to infuse resources, succeed challenges, thrive on helping, and relationship beyond survival value. The expansion edition and revise of a classical provision of comprehensive framework values in evidence, skills, and knowledge of spiritually perceive sensitivity with diverse clients. Highly assessable reliable illustrative text in professional values and ethical principles under guidance on spiritually sensitive practice is essential in social life. It indicates conceptual models and definitional of spirituality and religion drawing connection of cultural, spiritual diversity, gender, and sexual diversity orientation. Furthermore, it offers insights from transpersonal theory, existentialism, Judaism, Islamic, indigenous religions, Hinduism, Confucianism, and Christianity, among diverse religious beliefs. The spiritual address human dignity and rights in interaction, cultural, social diversity and competence, and grows to the engagement in diversity in practice.

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Spiritual Human Dignity and Right

The general social life in the working sector needs an emphasis on human rights and dignity. Human rights are upheld by the rule of law and labor union that ensures the workers are safe, and their rights are in consideration of management priority (Smith, 2020). The dignity of human beings is in spiritual, social life, a powerful virtue that Christian and holly spiritual human being should portray. It is paramount and rewarding in various testimonies of spiritual tests concerning dignity.

Cultural Competence and Social Diversity

Cultural values and social dignity in society are acquired to a large percentage by a spiritual person in society. Spiritual it is social education that the values of Christianity and any supremacy consideration in the spiritual sector is paramount in consideration of competency to the cultural values in the society (Oxhandler, 2017). The society gives several dignities to the personnel with spiritual life. However, the spiritual life in diverse that the person needs to choir which religion to grown and nourish in spiritually. The religious and spiritual belief outlay gives cultural competency and social diversity in guidance of living and finding meaning in day-to-day triumphs and disappointments in specific communities and groups.

Cross-Cultural Skill on Spiritual Perspective

The social life in consideration of spiritual, social existence at a different workplace where human beings have cross-cultural skills and spiritual perspective has a different understanding (Openshaw & Harr, 2005). However, the evolution of humanity in consideration to adopted more spiritual life after getting more educated in missionary existence and dropping the social culture that is no longer reliable in the modernity of social life due to dynamic changes in the society.

Engagements of Diversity in Practice

The human being different occupation of work is diverse in a large area. Consideration of having spiritual diversity in that law gives human being the right to worship. The divested spiritual is upholding in society. The different beliefs in the society about the supreme being and the worship bring diversification in society (North American Association of Christians in Social Work (NACSW), 2016). However, in cohesion and social life, it is paramount for a human being to respect the spiritual belief of another society to live in peace. In generality, spiritual care falls under psychosocial care.

Ethical Issues in Spiritual Assessment

The spiritual matters in good treatment work create ethical concerns about workers' social issues. The social works and interaction of human beings in work need to have clarification of the spiritual values before trying to give the client incorporate spirituality healing. The social workers need to utilize the tool to assist in determining client served and in a productive way with inclusion issues counseling (Oxhandler, 2017). Social works need to understand the spiritual aspect of diversification to get ethnicity and race consideration understanding. There is a need to have the self-monitors to hedge the violations of critical ethical principles.

Spiritual/Religious Guidelines on Practice Information

The ethical and spiritual guidelines information practice has information on consideration of human life understating to maintain peace and harmony in social life. Religion and spiritual life play an essential role in medical decisions with many social life considerations. The knowledge of belief affects patient-provider communication resulting in more sensitive cultural care and service in the social interaction.

Incorporate Social Work as A Holistic System of Activities into Social Work Practice

The social work intervenes in support of dealing with the client. The broad group is of social work is divided into primary and secondary methods. The primary practices are the scenario of workers directly intervening with the client and need professional social workers. They are a community organization, social group work, and social casework. Social work is the essential institution firm social belief in the balance of family produce among the individual makeup in society (Smith, 2020). A social group allows people to develop a more sophisticated group and social work practice. On the other hand, secondary methods are social actions, social welfare administration, and social work research.


In social work practices, there are different backgrounds of humanity. Tit result in divested religions and beliefs depending on the society surrounding and where society grows to nourish spiritual belief in an individual. To live in peace and harmony in society, respect for spiritual diversity is essential. It is necessary to respect the spiritual belief and choice of the client and social work. The diverse belief is human right freedom entitles to, and the law should protect it from hedging conflict in social life.


North American Association of Christians in Social Work (NACSW). (2016, October 4). “A Vital Christian Presence in Social Work”. Google.

Openshaw, L., & Harr, C. (2005, October 3). Ethical Issues In Spiritual Assessment.

Oxhandler, H. K. (2017). Social work Field instructors’ integration of religion and spirituality in clinical practice. Journal of Social Work Education, 53(3), 449-465.

Smith, E. D. (2020). Spiritual diversity in social work practice: The heart of helping, 3rd ed. Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 1-2.

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