The Resurgence of Vintage T-Shirts in the United States - Essay Sample

Published: 2024-01-28
The Resurgence of Vintage T-Shirts in the United States - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States Fashion
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 625 words
6 min read


The United States is launching a conservation campaign to make the economy fashionable unless it becomes obligatory. The government lowered registration fees and rates for the clothing industry and gave them an environment suitable for manufacture. This is a clothing t-shirt of vintage outlook. The clothing designs were so common during World War II between 1945 and 1960 when they were the trending versions in both America and the entire world (Lee et al., 2013). It has a relatively low cost even though the products are of high quality. Usually, its prices going for around $19 (Lee et al., 2013). Luckily, the clothing brands are being reused because of the emerging shortage of varieties and materials in the textile industry.

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The vintage t-shirts are natural synthetic and industrial made. Besides, they are found in different local boutiques in various cities, consignment shops, antique markets, flea markets, and second-hand clothing shops. Also, they are sold out on the internet using websites like Etsy, eBay, Amazon, Twitter, and Facebook, where customers can order their brands, pay online, or at the point of delivery. In an online purchase, the transport or shipment cost is applied (Lee et al., 2013).

Vintage Design

The vintage clothing is increasing in value because of the genuine past era making their demands increase due to the products' originality. Furthermore, the authentic t-shirts were made in detail to create long-lasting value. The items were mass-produced in the USA, especially during 1960, attracting a large customer base, specifically the youth (Lee et al., 2013). The products are available in a range of all sizes, colours, and fabrics. The clothes have a bag representing their origin and a crimson that shows the red-colored flag of Baton Rouge City (Lee et al., 2013). On the upper left, there is a shield representing France and a crest on the lower left of the badge, and it uses the blue, red, and white colour hence representing the colour of the United States (Lee et al., 2013). At the same time, the upper right of the badge contains a castle representing Spain (Lee et al., 2013).


The item originated from Baton Rouge city, the capital city of Louisiana in the United States. This is because the cloth contains the flag of Baton Rouge city. There is a red field containing a shield (Lee et al., 2013). In addition, it has a cursive manuscript text reading called "Baton Rouge" on a crimson red in the background.

The products hit deadstock in late 1960 due to changes in fashion trends and superseded by other clothing brands (Lee et al., 2013). Fortunately, the product is still found in some retail clothing shops, whereas their demand increases progressively. The vintage clothing size is regularly smaller in size than the corresponding contemporary clothing size. For instance, the above t-shirt is labelled as Large (L) but might be smaller in size than a t-shirt in 2015 of Medium (M) (Lee et al., 2013). This is because obesity is relatively higher from 1980s going forward, hence making the clothing companies increase the sizes of clothes.

Other images include vintage clothes of that era includes:

Figure : Vintage Camera Sublimation T-shirt ((Lee et al., 2013)

Overall, the larger sizes are currently hard to get historically accurate clothes from the vintage era. The clothing designs have been as a result of improvement of the trending fashion from the previous era. Many people have the taste of buying vintage clothes even though their supply is greatly reduced. The price also lows compared to their contemporary clothing. Therefore, there is a need to increase the supply of vintage clothes in the market because of its authenticity.


Lee, J.Y., Halter, H., Johnson, K.K., and Ju, H., 2013. Investigating fashion disposition with young consumers. Young consumers.

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