Marketing Essay Example: The Brand Manager

Published: 2019-05-16
Marketing Essay Example: The Brand Manager
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Marketing Branding
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1410 words
12 min read

Businesses have woken up to realize the importance of integrating certain essential values while serving their customers. In particular, businesses have embraced the fact that consumers play a pivotal role in determining the brands of the product (Kapferer, 2012). As a matter of fact, brand manager are working to familiarise themselves fully with what is required of them in the process of brand making. In addition to this, they have realised that there are a lot of benefits if a companys brand is properly managed. Last but not least, the evolution of data and technology has significantly impacted on brand making and management. Companies and brand managers utilize technological advancement to gather opinion and information from various clients (Mathiesen, Watson & Bandara et al 2012, p.234). After gathering the information, managers and companies utilize the same to come up with a clear impression of what consumers need in the market. In other words, information presented in the papers revolves around marketing of products through a brand name. More so, these papers establishes on the importance of data, technology and proper management of brands.

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A brand refers to a symbol that is made up of several aspects such as attributes, slogans, logos, names, packages, reputation, advertisement, and price (Kapferer, 2012). All this aspects regards to a product that is manufactured in a company. However, it should be noted that there is a great difference between a brand and a product. A product necessarily comprises of those items in a company that are produced by manufacturers. On the other hand, a brand necessary comprises of what intrigues or rather determines the overall impression of the consumer. Notably, a product is not resistant to change; it can change from one state to another or form time to time. On the contrary, a brand is usually there to stay. Upon production, brands are meant to stay for a long period of time.

While that is the case, managers have several duties in the process of brand making. In fact, it has been established that managers are no longer brand guardians, but rather brand hosts. It is for the fact that, they assume all the responsibilities to build a strong brand. One primary role of brand managers is to choose a brand position. Ideally, a brand position is considered as the foundation of a company since it influences the overall culture of the organization. Brand managers have also the responsibility to choose a brand name. In this case, the goal of the brand name is to ensure that customers obtain information from it. Finally, managers must ensure that they create a brand name that develops associations with consumers. Associations will be created through logos, trademarks, slogans and the like. Even so, managers must always consider consumers opinions, decisions and requirement while in the entire process of choosing the brand name and position.

Technology and its evolution have been discussed in details.In fact, one has been exposed to various types of websites (web 1.0 and web 2.0), their differences and how they have influenced brand making (Mathiesen, Watson&Bandara et al 2012, p. 235). There is the notion of interaction between consumers themselves and consumers interacting with the company. Web 1.0 ensured that consumers should share important information about the brand and how they feel about the same. What is more, with the introduction of Web 2.0, consumers interaction has gained another meaning. It is very possible to interact freely on this platform while sharing essential ideastransmitted as videos, audios, and images. In this regard, consumers have taken an important ground in determining and influencing a companys brand. In fact, as a result of this technology, their participation has changed from passive to active. They can closely monitor the making of a brand name; therefore, have a say on how they want the brand to look like.For instance, currently there are companies who are incorporating consumers name on products. In this case, it is apparent that a consumer will be actively involved in the making of such a brand as way of ensuring that it is produced as he would have wanted.

Finally, the evolution of data has immensely shaped how businesses are conducted across the globe. The ease within which data is transmitted from one location to another is astonishing. For this reason, with the help of advanced technology, companies can easily provide services to their clients without the limit of time and location. The use of computers and internet allows companies to document important information about their clients. For instance, customers location, age, address, and telephone number can easily be stored on companys computer data bases hence facilitating sharing of data and information as well as provision of services. However, this platform is up to some challenges. Security of data has severally been questioned. Companies as well as consumers privacy has continuously been interfered with by malicious individuals. As a result, this has greatly undermined application of technology in businesses and companies (Mathiesen, Watson & Bandara 2012, p.238).

Strengths and weaknesses

There are several strengths that can be deduced from these papers.First, these papers have succeeded in bringing to surface, important knowledge aboutmarketing of products. In this case, it has come out very clearly that the companys brand is an important aspect in product sale. It determines the customers impression and perception of the product.Secondly, these papers did mention that technology is an important aspect in business. Technology allows companies consumers to interact freely and hence allows easy provision of services to consumers. What is more, technology is an important tool in shaping a companys decision. It allows consumers to give feedback in regard to a particular development that is being undertaken by a company. On the same, these papers did also mention several challenges that relates to technology. It is quite evident that technology violates consumers and companies privacy. Additionally, companies have a great task in winning the trust of customers. Customers will be free to work with a company if they trust the technology used by the company.

These papers have also some weaknesses. They only focused on how technology violates the privacy of individuals. However they did not suggest how the same can be solved. While still that, there is the problem of concentrating too much on how a brand is made or how can be improved. However, these papers did not tell the audience what to do if the brand failed to create a good impression to the consumer. Last but not least, some the papers appeared as very unprofessional. It is when there was no any format used when presenting ideas.For instance, the paper on brand and technology is much disorganised. Sentences are not well structured. The author did not even use subtopics when presenting his ideas (Kapferer, 2012).

How to Improve the Papers

These papers could be improved by doing the following. First, it should be ensured that they discuss both side of the topic. That is, the papers must present the positive side of the topic as well the negative side of it. In addition, it was very important and particularly much helpful if the papers giverecommendations on how certain challenges should be approached.Properly organised papers are very easy to understand. In this case therefore, the papers should follow a professional format. Sentences should be structured in a paragraph while presenting augments. In addition, each idea or augment should be presented under its topic to avoid overlapping of ideas.

Overall Assessment of the Papers

These papers contain a lot of knowledge in regard to marketing of products. In this case,one has come to terms with several important concepts about brands and products. It is clear that the main objective of a brand is to create an impression to consumers. As a matter of fact, consumers should always be involved in the process of coming up with a brand. Technology is an important aspect in promoting the relationship between a business and the consumer. It ensures that consumers and businesses interact freely by exchanging important ideas concerning the business. However, technology is a subject to several challenges. It violates privacy from both parties undermining the trust of customers (Mathiesen, Watson, Bandara et al 2012, p.240).

Reference List

Mathiesen, P., Watson, J., Bandara, W., &Rosemann, M. 2012, January.Applying social technology to business process lifecycle management.InBusiness Process Management Workshops (pp. 231-241). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Kapferer, J. N. 2012. The new strategic brand management: Advanced insights and strategic thinking. Kogan page publishers.

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Marketing Essay Example: The Brand Manager. (2019, May 16). Retrieved from

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