Paper Example. The Book "Tribe" By Sebastian Junger

Published: 2023-04-05
Paper Example. The Book "Tribe" By Sebastian Junger
Type of paper:  Argumentative essay
Categories:  Social psychology Depression Community Books
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 897 words
8 min read

There is a strong instinct for one to belong to a tiny group, which is defined by a clear understanding and purpose, and it is what is known as "tribes." The connections in the tribe have significantly been lost in contemporary society, but regaining the lost connection may be the key to people's psychological survival. Putting together anthropology, psychology, and history, "tribe" is exploring what can be learned from the societies which are tribal about belonging, and the eternal human quest for meaning and loyalty (Junger, 2016). The irony is explained that for many veterans and also the war of civilians is much better felt than peace. That adversity can turn to be a blessing and sometimes disasters are remembered more clearly than tropical vacations or weddings. Therefore "tribe" is explaining the reason for being stronger when people come together and the way it can be achieved in the world today which is divided. According to Sebastian Junger, a society will be much better with close-knit, small communities of the tribe, which has limited resources and depends on each other for survival (Junger, 2016). The paper, therefore, argues that the increase in urbanization and wealth is corresponding to the rise in loneliness, suicidality, and depression.

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The Book Overview

"Tribe" discusses the communal nature and loyalty of the Native Americans, arguing that the colonists lived among the Native Americans by abandoning their settlements, but the reverse did not happen. It does not necessarily mean that positive things cannot originate from tragedy. As Junger puts a note on the way soldiers with high unity cohesion or community with high unity can probably reduce symptoms of psychology. Junger is tempted to latch onto the essential concept that human beings should be part of or belong to something (Petersmeyer, 2019).

"Men and the Dogs"

Junger synthesized his book by referring to the powerful quotes of other authors. For instance, he saw Sharon Abramowitz, who spent more time in the peace corps of Africa. Sharon Abramowitz claimed that Americans are rampant in expressing support for the military by words and posters, but modern society does not give the troops who are returning productive most prized jobs. In that manner, Sharon Abramowitz provides a clarification that it does not mean only being a member of the tribal community that can promote the well-being of psychology (Petersmeyer, 2019). Instead, people's recognition for what they have achieved and assured that they hold a role that is meaningful in society could give more benefits, and require bloodshed to acquire them.

Sebastian Junger also synthesized the story by referring to Stephen Pinker, where Pinker indicated that death or injury through violence was very rampant in the society of hunter-gatherers, which is the most complex society that came along. Therefore, Pinker emphasizes that the civilization of March brings a more peaceful and safer life. The arguments of Pinker do not rule out the claims of Junger that the social organization which is more primitive, serves the people's psychological needs better (Junger, 2016).

Sebastian's Methods of Synthesis in his Book

Meta-Ethnography Method - Sebastian embraced the Meta-ethnography method of synthesis by referring to different sources to come up with his original argument. The construction of the whole original work is importantly characterized by some innovation aspects to make the results better than the total sum of its parts. Other different methods of synthesis used in meta-ethnography include; concept translation from the studies of an individual into one another; hence overarching concepts evolve. The lines of argument synthesis entail putting up a picture of the reviews as a whole of its parts. The refutational combination involves explaining and exploring the contradictions between the studies of an individual (Barnett-Page & Thomas, 2009).

The effectiveness of the synthesis method embraced by Sebastian in his study is that it can quickly bring a message that appears to be more attractive to others. Thus it is necessary to identify a synthesis method that will result in the best conclusion needed. Sometimes it may not be easy to achieve the possible or simple objectives required.

Embarking on the Sebastian Junger book, he punctures the mythology which is an accessible concerning traumatic stress disorder. Many individuals in the conflict business are prone to have it to an extent but still do not qualify to be a life sentence excuse on the social scrap head, which is reflected in many veterans. The main issue is that society has become too selfish, too costly to get to understand the importance of the cohesion kind of the tribal collective (Petersmeyer, 2019).


To conclude, Junger attempts to make provocative but observations that are plausible that the primary reason the combat veterans of America are suffering from the high level of traumatic stress disorder or depression, is because it is not easy for them to separate the War harm from its pleasures. Junger is not wrong when he draws attention to the main faultiness in affluent societies, such as dismantling the community sense (Junger, S. (2016). A large proportion of individuals are suffering from chronic loneliness, anxiety, and depression. Junger observes that the route to happiness is not wealth. The fundamental to human health and happiness is being loved and giving love (Petersmeyer, 2019).


Barnett-Page, E., & Thomas, J. (2009). Methods for the synthesis of qualitative research: a critical review. BMC medical research methodology, 9(1), 59.

Junger, S. (2016). Tribe: On homecoming and belonging. Twelve.

Petersmeyer, N. (2019). Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging.

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Paper Example. The Book "Tribe" By Sebastian Junger. (2023, Apr 05). Retrieved from

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