The Big Short: How the FED Failed to Control Financial Markets in 2008.

Published: 2022-12-27
The Big Short: How the FED Failed to Control Financial Markets in 2008.
Type of paper:  Case study
Categories:  United States Economics Finance
Pages: 1
Wordcount: 143 words
2 min read

A film documentary by the name The Big Short was made that depicts the fall of the financial markets in 2008. The movie indicates that some people like Michael Burry insider information with regards to the market crash and used this to make predictions against the mortgages that were backed by securities, to make a profit out of this. The FED had made a grave mistake by depending on only a single policy instrument.

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The FED also failed to control the rate for federal funds, and they also did not identify the significant implications that their actions would bring. It can, therefore, be deduced that the notion that the mortgage project or plan would not fall since the program was deemed too big to fall became the genesis of the worst downfall of the housing market, its crash and the resultant crisis that followed.

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The Big Short: How the FED Failed to Control Financial Markets in 2008.. (2022, Dec 27). Retrieved from

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