Thank Mom: P&G's Emotive Olympic Commercial - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-29
Thank Mom: P&G's Emotive Olympic Commercial - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Advertising Business Sport
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 610 words
6 min read

Thank you, mom commercial presented by P&G aims at athletes having undergone extreme conditions with the help of their mothers on their journey to becoming of becoming a success in the Olympic competition. The commercial become popular during the Rio Olympics in early 2016, aiming at making the audience thanks to their mothers. Through the use of compassionate and emotive tone, P&G can convince the audience to reflect the extent of sacrifices done by their mothers.

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At the start of the commercial, tough situations faced by the athletes are reflected, including turbulence in a storm, stopping an elevator, car crash, and a tornado. Despite the child being scared of the tough situations, the mother remains serene and calm to assure child safety. The commercial then extends its theme to show a new set of issues the child faces while training for the competition. The teen has to undergo cat-calling strangers, harsh coach, bullying, and even sustaining injuries. However, during these periods, the mother is always there to calm their son's and daughters' situations.

Finally, the commercial terminates with the triumph of the athlete in a competition. There is a new set of emotions attained when the athlete wins the sports; they have to share their happiness of winning their families, their country, and even themselves. The athlete is seen sharing their happiness with their mothers. The commercial aims at showcasing the extent of impact individuals mothers are important into creating a successful path for their children despite the challenging experience throughout their way.

The commercial executes many things, among them is pathos in the audience. In the entire commercial, there are instances where you see emotion to be invoked. You see the struggle that the athlete endures and how their mother enabled that to occur. Through that, it caused me to tear up as it is an event that lets one think of their female guardian or mother. After the athlete wins after much struggling, the audience relates to the video as one cannot fail to seep the emotion of her mother, especially her pride. The commercial's tone at the beginning is chaotic and anxious. However, in the end, it is electric and joyous as the athlete wins.

The commercial highlights ethos too. The P&G Company allows the audience to know how reliable they are by choosing the four athletes to represent them at the top of the game. Since the athletes use their credibility, it acts as a confirmation to the audience.

Logos is highlighted in the commercial through an array of things. Even though it is not clear on what the P&G Company is selling, it strives to make its clients feel a certain way. In most parts of the video, I did not acknowledge what the company was selling to its consumer. It continued to be so until after the commercial. I acknowledge that the P&G Company was showcasing and portraying how they sponsor sports and the Olympics. I understand that the company supports mothers. Throughout the video, it was not clear what product they offered as it was not mentioned in the advertisement.

In conclusion, the commercial was emotional, heart-wrenching, and sentimental. Even though it accomplishes to persuade the audience to appreciate their mothers, it failed to coax the audience into striving to do anything. The commercial did not capture any products nor goods offered by the P&G Company, such as Tide, Glide, Pampers, Gillette, among others. If one knew nothing connected to P&Gs products, they would have felt how warming the commercial was alongside acknowledging that they support mothers.

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Thank Mom: P&G's Emotive Olympic Commercial - Essay Sample. (2023, Oct 29). Retrieved from

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