Technology in Education Innovation - Essay Example

Published: 2023-12-25
Technology in Education Innovation - Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Technology
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1301 words
11 min read


Science education is considered to be focused on teaching, learning, and comprehending the teachings of science. Science is involved in the development of numerous innovations in the current digital world. With the increased responsibility of the scientists, teachers, and engineers to improve science's future, gifted students in high school have been targeted. This initiative involves redesigning the school system to improve the learning system to achieve future targets and goals. This is achieved through policies, practices, and technological interventions. The government is involved in developing policies and intervening to ensure that it is effective within secondary schools. This paper will focus mainly on technology and its use within the secondary schools to achieve the initiative.

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Gifted Students

Gifted students include the students who illustrate and provide evidence of their high level of achievement and ability in a specific area. In academics, gifted students demonstrate a high level of comprehension and achievement in different academic fields. These students require an exceptional education from the other students since they have unique and different ways to learn and understand academic areas (Page & Davis, 2016). These students also need to be taught how to achieve more in their academic fields by focusing on the field they perform best. It is considered that only six percent of the students in the US make up the gifted students. This makes it essential to develop the school system's changes to ensure that these students can build their capabilities.

The Meso-level strategy is an effective strategy that has been used in secondary schools within Canada to aim to establish the initiative. This initiative considers the method of learning concerning the qualification of the teachers in institutions. The initiative is developed to improve the schools' performance while ensuring the micro population of gifted students acquire the highest level of education. It is considered an initiative towards the sustainable development goal in the quality students receive in the high school level. Numerous studies conducted on education for the gifted students illustrate that separating them from other students does not help them achieve. This leads to the initiation of a creative, equitable, and enriched alternative with all students learning together. Numerous schools utilize technology to deliver the initiative in their system.

Technology Development

Technology has been used in improving the learning model in the twenty-first century that allows development and academic achievement if gifted students. Technology is included in the curriculum through a network system that helps school operations and learning be conducted. This initiative focuses on innovating pedagogy cores by connecting teachers, students, and the administration through the system. The system also connects teachers and students to others in different schools, thus creating an in-classroom partnership. This allows gifted students to interact with other gifted students from different schools. They also connect with other teachers who help them improve their learning experience. Through this system, the gifted students acquire a curriculum outside the actual classroom while enhancing students, teachers, and parents' understanding of the importance of this curriculum to the students’ academic achievement. Innovative Learning Environment (ILE) is introduced through technology that allows the introduction of new content for the students. This helps teachers and students embrace challenges in the students' latest supporting system through technology (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2015). In the twenty-first century, technology has been used in numerous education areas that open up countless opportunities for all students, including gifted students, in academic achievement.

UNETE is an example of an initiative that involves technology to improve academic excellence in students. The gifted students can connect with other gifted students and teachers who have experience with similar students. UNETE provides a platform where students and teachers can share from different locations (Charteris et al., 2017). This opens up the gifted students' minds by also providing large content and information that enables them to improve their academic excellence. Students have significantly improved with the out-of-school curriculum that allows them to learn away from school through this system. This curriculum opens new ideas and interactions with other gifted students while creating an intensive partnership. This system involves the provision of e-books over the system.

Technology has increased the ability of students to access numerous academic resources through the online system. The system introduces a new system different from the traditional teacher-centered learning by introducing a curriculum away from school. E-books are provided to the students through the new system to access numerous learning resources for their research. This allows the gifted students to expand their knowledge away from the school curriculum through the new home-based curriculum. Through this system, technology will also enable students to have private and public conversations with other students and teachers from different locations. This helps open up the minds of the students and acquire experience in academics and real-life applications (Peña-López, 2015). The system allows students to focus on the areas they are good at, where they can learn more about the academic area through resources and interaction with different individuals. Mentorship is also accessible for the gifted students where they can connect with other students good at the same academic area and the teachers who have experience. These teachers offer advice and educational help to these students through the system. This is because they can interact and have discussions within the system through the formation of groups.


Science is the main area that is fully improved through this system. This is due to the high amount of resources and uncertainty about the future. Gifted students acquire a large amount of information through the system and acquire different abilities such as critical thinking and creative thinking (Salas-Rueda, 2018). Through these abilities, students can develop in the area, thus maintaining their gift in the area. Teachers provide support for the students by giving clarifications and discussions in the groups formed in the system. Teachers also offer challenges for the students to improve their ability to be creative and critical thinkers.


In conclusion, technology has numerous contributions to improving education and initiatives that promote gifted students in high school. Science has been the main focus of the initiative, with the students gifted in the field being allowed to have a different curriculum away from school. These students are given a chance to communicate and connect with other gifted students in the same area. Teachers also provide support to ensure that gifted students are developed to improve their field abilities. This initiative has been introduced in numerous locations, thus allowing students from different locations to interact. This enhances the education sector while enhancing the skills of gifted students. Technology, in this case, is a tool and a driving force to enhance learning and teaching in high school. The initiative's ultimate results include modification of the gifted students' abilities while promoting science to higher levels. This makes it effective in securing the invention and creativity in science in the future since the students are prepared to integrate in the future inventions. Students' progress is acquired by the system and used to analyze their progress and their probability of improving the prospective field.


Charteris, J., Smardon, D., & Nelson, E. (2017). Innovative learning environments and new materialism: A conjunctural analysis of pedagogic spaces. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 49(8), 808-821.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2015). Schooling Redesigned: Towards Innovative Learning Systems. OECD Publishing.

Page, A., & Davis, A. (2016). The alignment of innovative learning environments and inclusive education: How effective is the new learning environment in meeting the needs of special education learners?. Teachers' Work, 13(2), 81-98.

Peña-López, I. (2015). Schooling Redesigned. Towards Innovative Learning Systems.

Salas-Rueda, R. A. (2018). Analysis on the Use of Continuous Improvement, Technology and Flipped Classroom in the Teaching-Learning Process by means of Data Science. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 8(4), 325-343.

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