Technology Essay Example for Free Use

Published: 2022-04-12
Technology Essay Example for Free Use
Type of paper:  Report
Categories:  Technology
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 561 words
5 min read

Technology is an intervention that is rendering to many changes and various occurrences, especially with the new dynamics. Within its setting, it is impacting the human operations, structure, among other things that are involved with it. According to Adam Alter in his Ted Talk concerning the issue as to why our screens make us less happy, there are different points and messages that he tries to deliver to the population. The information by Adam Alter is significant since, through his delivery, he states his message through the use of shreds of evidence to render proper significance and help the audience understand the implications and idea behind the involvement of the screens in making us less happy. However, as professor Adam Alter provides his significance concerning the issue by technology, there are a couple of problems that not only render concerns but also raise on the understanding relating to how people are becoming unhappy since they cannot interact with others successfully without the intervention of technology in one way or the others. With the provision of a comparison chat to the time people are spending their time on the screen from 2007 to 2015, to 2017). Different changes are evident to the time people spend their time on the phones.

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Nonetheless, most of the information acquired basis on the ideology of having a stopping ques. For instance, following the idea from the Dutch company, it provides much information concerning setting where a Dutch company has set up a workplace where tables rise to the ceiling at six o'clock. The idea is fascinating, and I think it needs an implementation to other nations especially the American corporates since they are always working. The intervention may be difficult in implementing to people with multiple jobs; however, they need to a reminder of the stopping cues. Also, there is the idea concerning a Germany company deleting emails whenever an individual is on vacation. There may be several benefits to the intervention, but hard for people to understand, even though at some point it is for the best. He provides a solution to set time away from our screens which I think would be significant since it is a step I am willing to make. Personal time is essential, also, avoid negative energy comes in handy, following a report that people spend more than twenty-one hours in applications that make them less happy.

Similarly, the New York Times report "The flight from conversation by Sherry Turkle" provides more information about the involvement of technology in cutting actual conversations. The article provides an in-depth definition concerning what is impacting the people and how it is happening. For example, there is a message from a businessman claiming that he no longer has colleagues in the workplace saying that they are busy in their emails; however, he later says, "I'm not telling the truth. I'm the one who doesn't want to be interrupted. I think I should. But I'd rather just do things on my BlackBerry." The information runs in deep since it shows various examples as to how technology has been impacting the entire society alongside the human behaviors. As incorporation of the thoughts of my classmate, I concur with the claims that people are spending much time on screens which might not be a bad thing; however, people need to understand the benefits and the consequences in the long run.

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