Essay Sample with a Brain Teaser

Published: 2019-09-10
Essay Sample with a Brain Teaser
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Problem solving
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 617 words
6 min read

Solving the above brain tease requires basic language to know how words relate to each other, understand basic syntax. Memory is another important ability to have to solve the brain, remembering words and spelling will come in handy. Since the paper is about marketing, attention is also needed to ensure marketing terms are identified easily.

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The solution of the brain tease requires identification of the first word that has a letter number combination.

The first word of the second line is se6vices, the number 6 stands for the letter r. Replacing the number with r results to the word Services.

All the number 6 in the brain tease will be replaced with the letter r.

Use Microsoft find and replace function, to do the replacement.

35 changes of the letter r were made.

The last word of the last line is 9he, this word is the, replace all 9 with t, 28 changes will be made.

The second last word of the first line is m1rketin3, this is a business term referring to Marketing. This means 1 is a, and 3 is g. 45 changes will be made for 1 and 9 changes for 3.

The second word of the first line is also a marketing term, pr527cts, it is products. This means 527 is odu, replacing this phase odu yield 6 changes. Replacing individual letters 5 yields 29 changes, 2 yields 22 changes and 7 yields 7 changes.

The first phase of the brain tease is Whi4e products and services p4a8 a big ro4e in marketing, the first word is while, and the fifth word is p4a8 is play, replace 4 with l and 8 with y. eight changes for y and seventeen changes for l.

While products and services play a big role in marketing, the

services and products include to generalized be can product word

a company is defined as a product-based company or a service-based

offering market core companys the on depending company

a companys brand is more than the companys logo. a companys

ones in picture, a create will brand a related Image also is brand

mind, of quality, taste, trusts and determine whether or not a

in role a play image and branding product the buy will consumer

consumers willingness to try and then possibly adopt a new product or service.

The next step is to highlight the sentences that flow well.

Rearrange the words that read from backwards and highlight them in red

While products and services play a big role in marketing, the word product can be generalized to include products and services.

a company is defined as a product-based company or a service-based

company depending on the companys core market offering

a companys brand is more than the companys logo. a companys

, brand is also Image related a brand will create a picture in ones

mind, of quality, taste, trusts and determine whether or not a

in role a play image and branding consumer will buy the product

consumers willingness to try and then possibly adopt a new product or service.

The next step is to rearrange the phases to ensure that the passage reads well. The final puzzle will read

While products and services play a big role in marketing, the word product can be generalized to include products and services. A company is defined as a product-based company or a service-based company depending on the companys core market offering. A companys brand is more than the companys logo. A companys brand is also Image related, a brand will create a picture in ones mind, of quality, taste, trusts and determine whether or not a consumer will buy the product. Branding and image play a role in consumers willingness to try and then possibly adopt a new product or service.

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Essay Sample with a Brain Teaser. (2019, Sep 10). Retrieved from

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