Supply Chain Management - Free Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-02
Supply Chain Management - Free Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Business Analysis Amazon Supply chain management
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 563 words
5 min read


Quality assessment in organization has a crucial role which makes it a vital department. The establishment of various businesses, organizations and companies is based on the mission and vision of the founders. The picture of success is not constant but relative depending on the bearer of the vision. It is essential to stick to the plan of the vision bearer since it clearly depicts the type of industry for the desired market. Quality is one parameter used to gage the success of an organization since it is proportional to the level of customer satisfaction.

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Industries which are based on customer satisfaction have proved to be successful in the market niche of specialization. An example is Amazon which has created a brand that stands out. The founder of the organization, Jeff Bezos, is the richest man on earth, monetary. The business stands by the principle of the customers being a noble asset and thus quality operations is on the mastery level. The consumers should not have all the focus leading to a neglecting of the suppliers. The same people who supply are part of the production process. Taking care of the supplier is an approach which also increases the performance improvement as any instance of lag will have a curb.

The supply chain department has changed the war in the business world. It was between businesses but it is now between the supply chain departments. Assessing the market condition through evaluating the variations in supply and demand makes the dynamic nature of business. Performance improvement is an objective that the organization puts during the development of strategies. Efficient and effective performance creates an atmosphere of success. The willingness and urge to inspire others together with the development of self-drive follows any performance improvement plan and strategy.


An article, “Quality Management and Supply Chain Management Integration: A Conceptual Model” written as a research paper seeks to analyses the effectiveness of integrating quality operations and supply chain management towards ensuring there is an effective performance improvement (Agus 2011). The aftermath of assimilating an effective integration model creates an environment which leads to the improvement of performance.

Quality operations, supply chain management and performance improvement are interconnected to serve an organization with a better precision. Supply chain quality operations is a system approach geared towards performance improvement. The integration of the quality operations team and the supply chain management makes up an effective framework which can work parallel towards a specific purpose.


The article has various theories and conceptual models which aids in understanding the role quality operations supply chain management plays in the induction of improved performance. It is essential to take time and dig deeper in to framework proposed by the authors of the article. Employees and students need to understand the working of such integration as a performance based industry becomes the target. It is recommended that assimilation of such integrated models be imposed into organizations.


Agus, A. (2011). Supply chain management, product quality and business performance. In International Conference on Sociality and Economics Development IPEDR (Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 98-102).

Anitha, P., & Patil, M. M. (2018). A review on data analytics for supply chain management: a case study. International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 11(5), 30.

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