Paper Example: Successful Implementation of the Latest Technology Into the K-12 Classrooms

Published: 2023-03-03
Paper Example: Successful Implementation of the Latest Technology Into the K-12 Classrooms
Type of paper:  Course work
Categories:  Learning School Software Classroom management
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 412 words
4 min read

For the administration to embrace technology in K-12 classrooms, it means the integration of instructional mechanisms has to be put in place. The thoughts of the owner of Ohio School of the Air, Sir Benjamin Darrow were that the radio will one day be the 'school of the air' when the radio was the latest innovation (Anglin, 1995). Currently, we have the internet which has enhanced efficiency in the education sector. It can be synchronized in the learning process to achieve fast learning, easy communication, productivity in time management, and accessibility of learning materials.

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Sticking to a $ 200,000 budget, the three elementary schools should be allocated $ 60, 000, two middle schools should get $ 60,000, and the remaining $ 80,000 for the high school. The upper levels need more funds due to the advance of machines needed for their tutorials and learning instruments. According to educational technology, studies flex and face-to-face driver models are the most preferred technological systems to adopt for teachers and students (Kazu & Demirkol, 2014). Flex technology entails instating the content of each course in an online platform where the students can access information. The instructor then directs the learners to form small groups for discussions. Flex is easy to blend with since those not present during the lesson will still catch up because the previous lesson will always be saved on the class laptops. In the face-to-face driver model, the instructor gives topic after topic instructions and exercises as learners type on their computers. Each learner will have their work saved on a file that the teacher will review from their computer.

The models will be implemented by allocating computers, projectors, and electronic hardware installed with recommended software to enhance learning and teaching. Learners and teachers will, therefore, be trained to work with the installed technology. In the implementation of these models, one drawback is the need for all-round internet connectivity which is at times hard to achieve due to maintenance and technical issues.

The inception of the aforementioned models will enhance collaborative learning while equipping the students with the necessary skills essential in executing duties in their future careers especially due to the evolving world intensively adopting the technology.


Anglin, G. J. (1995). Instructional Technology: Past, Present, and Future. Libraries Unlimited, Inc., Englewood, CO. Retrieved from

Kazu, I. Y., & Demirkol, M. (2014). Effect of Blended Learning Environment Model on High School Students' Academic Achievement. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 13(1), 78-87. Retrieved from

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Paper Example: Successful Implementation of the Latest Technology Into the K-12 Classrooms. (2023, Mar 03). Retrieved from

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