Student's Exhaustive Analysis of Depression: Case Study

Published: 2023-11-29
Student's Exhaustive Analysis of Depression: Case Study
Type of paper:  Case study
Categories:  Students Depression
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 720 words
6 min read

The student has exhaustedly analyzed the presented problem of depression by conducting a thorough assessment, highlighting the risk factors, and its diagnosis as well as providing recommendations on the presented case study. The student started by stating the main complaint of the patient and also the previous history of the patient that provided enough proof to support the diagnosis of depression. The diagnosis of the patient was indeed made on depression, which was previously controlled by citalopram. There are a variety of positions taken about depression constitutes within the clinical psychology and psychiatric literature (Beck et al., 2018). The failure of the student to provide an apparent cause of depression indicates that its concept has undeniable rationality. The experience of depression is characterized by a negative view of oneself, the future, and the world (Zrebiec, 2016). It can be identified in the assessment as analyzed by the student, where the patient feels excluded by the people around him. The student concluded by recommending the solution to the patient’s situation, which included non-pharmacological therapy and pharmacological therapy.

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From the evaluation of the case study, the student is concerned with the medical history of the patient. The highlighted symptoms presented by the student support the rise of depression as a single term for harmful emotional disturbance experienced by the patient. In his view, Russel (2015) stated that even the pan-cultural meaning of facial expressions should not be taken for granted since poor agreement may be found about the internal emotional states. It, therefore, implies that there is no collective word to describe the term emotion. The student firmly puts into consideration the emotions of the patient, thus concluding that the patient may encounter a high risk of conducting suicide. The student further states the need for the patient to undergo rehabilitation from substance abuse and also to screen with a high probability of inpatient psychiatry.

The student requested that laboratory evaluation need to be done to the patient. According to the American Psychiatric Association (2013), there seems to be an aspect where the core symptoms of a significant depression episode may differ even though they might be the same for both adolescents and adults. The history of the patient reveals that he lacks anti-depressant medications as well as a lack of therapy. Being unable to determine what was completed and what was not has made it difficult to control the situation of the patient due to exact lab tests. The student states that the patient has been undergoing home medication. Likewise, the primary issue is the delay in getting professional treatment, with several individuals accessing help after the start of psychological health conditions and substantially in its severe stage (Weitkamp, 2015). The findings of the student may be due to several reasons faced by the patient, and they incorporate the fear of stigmatization.

Lastly, the student recommends in the case study that both pharmacological therapy and non-pharmacological therapy can be applied in solving the patient’s situation. However, the student does not determine the best practice for the patient, who is referred to be having a major depressive disorder that may lead to a commitment to suicide. Cognitive impairment, such as confusion and increased distractibility, may present a difficult problem for the diagnosis of depression for clinicians since it may be symptomatic for numerous underlying and unnoticed medical circumstances (Bentall, 2015). The analysis of the student provided a clear understanding of depression diagnosis. Excessive consumption of drugs and a feeling of the patient being rejected is a clear indication of depression. The detailed justification of the student’s recommendations of the student is very impressive since it can be helpful to the patient.


Bentall, D. P. R. (2015). The medicalization of misery: A critical realist analysis of the concept of depression. Journal of Mental Health, 8(3), 261–274.

Weitkamp, E. K. (2016). The Experience of Depression: A Qualitative Study of Adolescents with Depression Entering Psychotherapy - Katharina Weitkamp, Eva Klein, Nick Midgley, 2016. SAGE Journals.

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). What Is Depression? Psychiatry.

Zrebiec, J. (2016, October 1). Case Study: Cognitive Impairment, Depression, and Severe Hypoglycemia. Diabetes Spectrum.

Beck, Purcel, & Purssel. (2020, July 29). A Senior Executive in Information Technology with Depression and Anxiety. Potomac Psychiatry.

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Student's Exhaustive Analysis of Depression: Case Study. (2023, Nov 29). Retrieved from

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