Free Essay: Strengths and Weaknesses

Published: 2023-08-22
Free Essay: Strengths and Weaknesses
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Categories:  Teaching Learning Knowledge Students Essays by wordcount
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 721 words
7 min read

Asking the students of pupils in a classroom to demonstrate their understanding of a particular subject matter is essential to the learning process. Primarily, it is critical to evaluate if the educational standards and goals of the lesson are being achieved. This process is referred to as an assessment (Jimaa, 2011). The main reasons why teachers assess their students include monitoring the student’s progress, determining the student’s current status, determining the teacher’s instructional effectiveness, and assigning grades (Siddiq et al., 2017). Consequently, teachers need to know about instruction because it helps evaluate teachers, influence the public perceptions of educational effectiveness, and clarify teachers’ instructional intentions.

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Every teacher has his or her strengths and weaknesses when it comes to assessment in a classroom (Sharma et al., 2016). My strengths include l have excellent listening skills, and I also believe in understanding the problems and emotions children face nowadays. Through this strength, I can connect with the students on a personal level, which is essential and will help me gain their trust. Secondly, I know how to connects with students, and they are rarely bored in my classroom as I always make my lessons exciting and engaging for them (Siddiq et al., 2017). Thirdly, I am creative and have an enthusiasm for teaching. I always enjoy my teaching as I have some creative ways of making sure that the students are attentive in class. Other strengths that I pose are the ability to explain difficult things in simple ways, emotional intelligence, ability to solve the conflict, patience tolerance, and responsibility.

My main weakness includes computer skills. I am not good with computers although I ma attending extra classes to improve my skills and understand how to use standard computer software such as Microsoft office. The second weakness is I have a tendency to become over-friendly with students. I am aware of this weakness, and I am working on it to make sure that I keep some distance. Consequently, I am not good at mathematics, and I know I can be better when teaching Math. Moreover, I want to work on my Math teaching skills and improve and grow my teaching career. Over time I will get better and improve my Math skills.

The impact of these strengths and weaknesses is positive. Understanding my weaknesses and strengths has enabled me to improve my teaching skills and strategies to ensure that the students understand the concept and critical issues in the classroom. Understanding my strengths keeps me ahead of many aspects (Gok, T., & Gok, O. 2016). For instance, I am able to narrow down on the things that I am good at. Consequently, it helps me grow more. Knowing what I can excel at enables me to achieve much more and aim higher. On the other hand, knowing my weakness gives a clear understanding of the things that I need to improve on and the ones which are holding me back (Jimaa, 2011). Moreover, I am able to find a way not to let my weakness hold or pull me behind.

To sum up, assessment is crucial as it enables the teacher to understand areas that he or she needs to improve on. Primarily, understanding my weaknesses and strengths has enabled me to become a better teacher as I am able to focus on the things that I am good at and improve on my weaknesses. Some of my strengths are listening skills, understanding the problems and emotions of children, and creativity. Some of the weaknesses are poor in computer skills and Math. However, I am working on improving on these skill and progress in my professional career.


Gok, T., & Gok, O. (2016, June). Peer instruction in chemistry education: Assessment of students' learning strategies, conceptual learning and problem-solving. In Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching (Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 1-21).

The Education University of Hong Kong, Department of Science and Environmental Studies.

Jimaa, S. (2011). The impact of assessment on students learning. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 28, 718-721.

Sharma, R., Jain, A., Gupta, N., Garg, S., Batta, M., & Dhir, S. K. (2016). Impact of self-assessment by students on their learning. International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research, 6(3), 226.

Siddiq, F., Gochyyev, P., & Wilson, M. (2017). Learning in Digital Networks–ICT literacy: A novel assessment of students' 21st century skills. Computers & Education, 109, 11-37.

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