Small-Scale Qualitative Research Project, Free Paper Sample on Leadership Styles

Published: 2022-04-08
Small-Scale Qualitative Research Project, Free Paper Sample on Leadership Styles
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Research Leadership style
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1862 words
16 min read

Interview Guide Template

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What one or two major concepts, ideas, phenomena (potentially related to the effective practice of management, leadership, or other organizational phenomena/problem) would you like to learn about from this interview? That is, what is the primary research phenomenon/problem that you are studying?

Reminder: This Assignment is built on the assumption that you will conduct a 15- to 20-minute interview with each interviewee you identified, so you need to focus, focus, and focus, as 20 minutes will pass extremely quickly!


Leaders can have a profound influence on individuals and their respective organizations. The influence is either positive or negative. Organizations and individuals are changed because of the kind of leadership in place. Leaders relate to their employees and employees relate to their work. This connection can be summarized as the kind of leadership style embraced in an organization influences employees outcomes such as performance, satisfaction, and their perception of the leader's effectiveness in his capacity as a leader. The primary research phenomena is the relationship between the leadership style and the employee engagement.

The purpose of the study is to investigate the effect of the different leadership styles (democratic, participative, and autocratic leadership) on employees' performance

Leaders can have a profound influence on individuals and their respective organizations. The influence is either positive or negative. Organizations and individuals are changed because of the kind of leadership in place. Leaders relate to their employees and employees relate to their work. This connection can be summarized as the kind of leadership style embraced in an organization influences employees outcomes such as performance, satisfaction, and their perception of the leader's effectiveness in his capacity as a leader. The primary research phenomena is the relationship between the leadership style and the employee engagement.

The purpose of the study is to investigate the effect of the different leadership styles (democratic, participative, and autocratic leadership) on employees' performance


To explore the different leadership styles and their impact on employee performance in an organization

To explain how effective leadership style relate to employee performance in terms of employee competency, effectiveness and efficiency when performing tasks, and meeting deadlines

To know the impact of leadership style on the overall performance of the organization in relation to employee input and output

To develop a model displaying the relationship between the different leadership styles and employee performance

Employee performance is evaluated based on the duties, successfully meeting deadline, competency, problem solving capacity, and how efficient the employee is in executing their respective duties. An organization performance is evaluated based on innovation, productivity, and the ability to meet their performance targets. The lack of strategic interventions of specific leadership styles in problem solving precedes poor performance. Leadership and employee performance share a direct relationship, hence the need to investigate the best leadership style stimulating employee performance

To explore the different leadership styles and their impact on employee performance in an organization

To explain how effective leadership style relate to employee performance in terms of employee competency, effectiveness and efficiency when performing tasks, and meeting deadlines

To know the impact of leadership style on the overall performance of the organization in relation to employee input and output

To develop a model displaying the relationship between the different leadership styles and employee performance

Employee performance is evaluated based on the duties, successfully meeting deadline, competency, problem solving capacity, and how efficient the employee is in executing their respective duties. An organization performance is evaluated based on innovation, productivity, and the ability to meet their performance targets. The lack of strategic interventions of specific leadership styles in problem solving precedes poor performance. Leadership and employee performance share a direct relationship, hence the need to investigate the best leadership style stimulating employee performance

Begin your interview by establishing a context and by exploring credentials and backgrounds of your interviewee as they relate to the topic under study. This should take less than 5 minutes.

INITIAL PROBE QUESTIONS: (Context, credentials/background, interest and knowledge of topics)


Statement 1 2 3 4 5

I am able to keep busy all the time I am given an opportunity to work alone on a job I am given an opportunity to do things differently I have enough time to have life outside the office The manager handles the team professionally The manager is competent when making decisions My job provides for steady growth I can engage in activities that makes use of my strengths My salary complements the amount of work I do I have freedom to execute decisions based on my own judgment Employees

Statement 1 2 3 4 5

I am able to keep busy all the time I am given an opportunity to work alone on a job I am given an opportunity to do things differently I have enough time to have life outside the office The manager handles the team professionally The manager is competent when making decisions My job provides for steady growth I can engage in activities that makes use of my strengths My salary complements the amount of work I do I have freedom to execute decisions based on my own judgment

A second set of questions should focus more specifically on the topic at hand and should relate back to your primary learning objectives and research questions/phenomenon. These questions can and should relate to "what, who, and how." This should take up to 10 minutes.

TARGETED INTERVIEW QUESTIONS - (link these to what you intend to learn about the topic)

Based on your understanding of leadership, please explain what it means to be a leader

Briefly explain any or some of the leadership styles you employ at the organization

How do you evaluate employee performance and what do you look for when conducting an employee appraisal

How do you motivate your employees

Based on the leadership styles you employ in the organization do you believe that there exist a relationship between the leadership style and employee performance

Previous research reveal that the culture embraced by the employees is directly related to the employer, how do you influence the culture in your organization

For an organization in the 21st century, do you believe that employees should be involved in decision-making? If the answer is yes, to what extent should they be consulted when making decisions

Change is inevitable in an organization and often when change is introduced, there is some form of resistance especially from the employees. How do you manage change and how do counter the resistance

If you reported to work and you found your employees on a go slow, how would you manage the situation

How do you think leadership can support or limit successful employees


how does it feel when you wake up on a normal working day vis-a-vis on a weekend or holiday

based on your understanding what does it mean or what does it take for one to be a leader

based on your understanding what leadership styles does your current employer employ

on a normal working day, you are faced with various challenges, as an employee do you feel empowered enough to make decisions or you must wait for your employer/supervisor to make the necessary decision

based on your understanding of leadership, what impact does the leader and the leadership style they adopt relate to your performance as an employee

to what extent do you believe the leader has on how much you feel comfortable working on the organization

what impact do you think as an employee being involved in decision making would have on your performance

for a project that your manager is really passionate about and delegates you the duty to see its fruition based on a timeline, would you willingly put in extra hours without pay if your boss does the same. What impact do you think the employers participation in the project has on your dedication towards the successful completion of your task

How do you think leadership can limit successful employee

How do evaluate the performance of others at their job compared with yourself when doing the same kind of job

Based on your understanding of leadership, please explain what it means to be a leader

Briefly explain any or some of the leadership styles you employ at the organization

How do you evaluate employee performance and what do you look for when conducting an employee appraisal

How do you motivate your employees

Based on the leadership styles you employ in the organization do you believe that there exist a relationship between the leadership style and employee performance

Previous research reveal that the culture embraced by the employees is directly related to the employer, how do you influence the culture in your organization

For an organization in the 21st century, do you believe that employees should be involved in decision-making? If the answer is yes, to what extent should they be consulted when making decisions

Change is inevitable in an organization and often when change is introduced, there is some form of resistance especially from the employees. How do you manage change and how do counter the resistance

If you reported to work and you found your employees on a go slow, how would you manage the situation

How do you think leadership can support or limit successful employees


how does it feel when you wake up on a normal working day vis-a-vis on a weekend or holiday

based on your understanding what does it mean or what does it take for one to be a leader

based on your understanding what leadership styles does your current employer employ

on a normal working day, you are faced with various challenges, as an employee do you feel empowered enough to make decisions or you must wait for your employer/supervisor to make the necessary decision

based on your understanding of leadership, what impact does the leader and the leadership style they adopt relate to your performance as an employee

to what extent do you believe the leader has on how much you feel comfortable working on the organization

what impact do you think as an employee being involved in decision making would have on your performance

for a project that your manager is really passionate about and delegates you the duty to see its fruition based on a timeline, would you willingly put in extra hours without pay if your boss does the same. What impact do you think the employers participation in the project has on your dedication towards the successful completion of your task

How do you think leadership can limit successful employee

How do evaluate the performance of others at their job compared with yourself when doing the same kind of job

As you interview, you may find that opportunities arise for follow-up questions. At this point, it is very useful to explore "why" types of questions as well. Try to prepare and anticipate such follow-up questions, but use this template during the interview to take notes as you think of interesting follow-up questions.


If there is any connection between the employee performance and leadership, what is the...

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Small-Scale Qualitative Research Project, Free Paper Sample on Leadership Styles. (2022, Apr 08). Retrieved from

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