SIOP: Enhancing ELL Instruction & Student Engagement - Paper Example

Published: 2023-08-31
SIOP: Enhancing ELL Instruction & Student Engagement - Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1440 words
12 min read


Sheltered Instruction Observational Protocol (SIOP) is a technique of instruction that bases its concepts on research that addresses English language learners' needs. The model combines the teaching strategies with instructional components to ensure and enrich ELL students' language and content needs. This essay is a response that highlights all three methods of ELL instruction, effectiveness, and student-engagement presented in elementary, secondary, co-teaching, and language experience SIOP models.

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From the videos, students are engaged 90-100 percent throughout the lesson, which enhances their activeness and paying attention to the teacher. Students are given a chance to participate; they ask and answer questions throughout the lesson, thus facilitating their understanding. Students complement each through active engagement in a group discussion with fellow students. The teacher's use of appropriate pacing: not too fast nor too slow, ensures that there is no destruction of the students' attention.

In terms of effectiveness, this method makes a positive impact on students. The content is well delivered through the active involvement of the students with the teacher, ensuring understanding. The effect of involving students' participation ensures the lesson does not become tedious or boring. The teacher-student involvement in the asking and answering questions strengthens the bond of friendliness and functional relation between these two, teachers, and students. This model enhances the students' thinking when answering questions. The teacher uses supplementary materials to a high degree, ensuring the content being delivered is well understood. The use of extra materials makes students able to articulate what they have guessed by the end of the lesson.

The SIOP model ensures that the teacher prepares for the lesson well in terms of content and delivery. The teacher builds a background of the students' education, providing the content is appropriate for the students' age and experience before preparing a lesson's content. Lesson delivery becomes easy this way and easily understood by the students, thus ensuring that the teacher can review what the students have learned and understood and give assessment tests that ensure consistency.

Co-Teaching Model

In this model, student engagement and participation in terms of asking and answering questions is minimal as the teachers do most of the talking and do most of the explanation. The students are asked a few questions which enhance there thinking. The students are kept active throughout the lesson as one of the teachers is busy teaching and delivering while one is keenly observing the students. This model engages students more at the elementary level than at the seniors' level.

This model is beneficial in terms of content delivery and mastery. The students' needs are catered for very well. It gains the students' attention as one teacher delivers content as the other is observing, which ensures that the teachers understand where the content delivery was not well understood. The supplementary materials used in this model ensure mastery of the content and have yielded better performance from the students. This model also enhances student to student relationship by having them work in partnerships.

This model ensures the co-learning instructions are thoroughly practiced. First, the one teaches, one assist instruction is well manifested. One teacher teaches as the other explains to the students more about the content being delivered. Second, the one observes fully practiced as one teaching is teaching, and the other teacher is keenly watching the students note who is not active and determine which part of what content has not been understood by the students. Parallel teaching is also another aspect that ensures this model is more effective. The two teachers in collaboration teach and deliver the same content to the students ensuring mastery. Alternative teaching is also practiced by the use of supplementary materials to provide content.

Language Experience Level

This model ensures that the students are fully engaged throughout the lesson by asking and answering questions and engaging them in group discussions. The students are given a chance to interact with each other through the co-created text. The students play the most significant role in this model as they are the ones who do most of the talking and explaining their experience. The teachers only give a single or two examples, and then the students do the rest. The students are active throughout the lesson as they are given a chance to independently practice new words and vocabulary.

This model is beneficial; it has enhanced the student's understanding and mastery of content. It has built students in terms of paying attention to details through their involvement in answering questions and construction of the co-created texts. It has ensured oral fluency as the teacher repeats statements to allow the students to familiarize themselves with the new vocabulary. The effect of this model is that it has improved the students' grammar as they are fully involved in the construction of texts and reading f books and grammar. In terms of performance, the students have improved a great deal. Their performance is pleasing.

This model ensures the learning experience model instructions are all put into practice. The teachers prepare their content in such a way that they capitalize on the students' interests. The teachers also ask questions to elicit details about the experience through more explicit language. The model ensures that the teachers' spoken word helps the student to rehearse the ideas they will be writing about. It enhances students' oral fluency and grammar. The teachers also prompt students to reflect on their experiences from the past and from what they have recently learned.

Analysis and Synthesis

The central thesis of these videos is to outline the various teaching aspects that enhance students' understanding, thinking, and performance. The skills emulated define what the student knows at the end of content delivery. The imperative of the videos is to ensure adequacy in; lesson preparations, review, and assessment of the students build content based on the students' background, understand the instructions on one teaches, and one assist and understand the concept of one explains, one observes. Also, it enhances the parallel teaching and alternative teaching policy, uses students' interest, asks questions to elicit details through explicit language, and prompt students to reflect on their experiences.

In that regard, SIOP models make students understand the teaching aspects used by their teachers. In particular, the active engagement of students in the answering of questions and their involvement in group discussions is of great importance in ELL.

Internal and External Criteria

Given the premise of the videos, it is fair to say that they demonstrate all the aspects and intentions of the SIOP model. In the first video showing the SIOP teaching model, I think the teacher is doing a great job involving the students actively through asking of questions, and they answer in return. It is a good practice. The students' level of paying attention and keenness is quite high, giving the teacher a good impression that the students are understanding.

In the video regarding the co-learning model, the two teachers are doing an excellent job in content delivery. As one is teaching, the other is busy giving illustrations and using images to emphasize the content. The students are also paying close attention and keenness, showing they understand the content being delivered. The aspect of the teachers making the students work in partnership is pleasing; it gives them a chance to share ideas and complement each other. This model has ensured the students' needs are catered for in terms of content.

My perspective regarding the last video about the learning experience model is that the teacher is doing a great job, ensuring the non-ELLs understand what is being taught. The fact that the students are given a chance to co-create texts builds their confidence and understanding. The model provides the level of interaction between the teacher, and the students are quite good; this enhances excellent and positive relationships.


Overall, all these teaching models are quite useful and ensure students' mastery and that the content is well delivered by the teachers. But I think the SIOP model is the best and most effective. I will say this because the level of interaction between the teacher and students is quite high. Students are active throughout the lesson, making them understand the content quite well. The activities such as group work and the asking of many questions and students responding to them make me choose it. Unlike the other models, the level of content delivery through the use of supplementary materials is on a high degree.


The SIOP Model-writing Effective Content and Language Objectives [Video file]. (2017). Retrieved June 18, 2020, from

The SIOP Model for Teaching English Learners- Lesson Delivery [Video file]. (2012). Retrieved June 18, 2020, from

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SIOP: Enhancing ELL Instruction & Student Engagement - Paper Example. (2023, Aug 31). Retrieved from

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