Robots Take Over: Automation and Business-Orientation Disrupts Jobs - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-15
Robots Take Over: Automation and Business-Orientation Disrupts Jobs - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Business Technology
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 568 words
5 min read


The emerging technologies with automation, robots, and a business-oriented society, will change the way people work. As a result, I agree with the notion that this will eliminate most jobs in the future. Automation and use of robots will eliminate most jobs and services in society, thus creating substantial societal problems. Change in technology will change the way tasks are performed; therefore, jobs will remain multifaceted and changeable.

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Automation, Robots, and a Business-Oriented Society Will Eliminate Most Jobs in the Future

With the future of the internet as well as technological advancement, the workforce is likely to shift. Freelance based work is more likely to increase. As a result, employers will have to think in terms of specialisms. The future of work is focused around complex decisions that entail using creativity as well as leadership and a high degree of self-management. All of these will require the latest technological advancement. As a result, technology will eliminate a number of jobs. Through technological advancement with automation and the use of robots, most organizations will not hire employees. Therefore, there will be a lot of unemployment. Only a few jobs will need human resources, as most of them will be automated. The less specialized jobs and high level and leadership roles in the organizations will be automated. This is going to eliminate most jobs leading to unemployment. The social contract will of work will be removed, leaving people with no jobs, including businesses.

Most organizations found automating the workforce the cheapest and most productive thing. Since most shareholders focus on productivity, they prefer automating the workforce with the use of technology. Besides, automation has been found to reduce accidents while saving a lot of time. It, therefore, creates an essential societal value as it maximizes the profits in society. The idea of productivity in the industrial revolution has seen employing human resources as an old way of making a profit. As a result, this has led to a shortage of work in society and is likely to eliminate most jobs in the future.

Creating a working artificial intelligence with robots will make it easy to perform highly specific tasks. The robots can be programmed to do specific tasks based on the duties designed and created for them. However, the change will depend on what is required to happen. Since people make things happen, the advancement in technology will depend on how the organization wants to perform its tasks—creating things superior to the workers has the potential of damaging most future job opportunities. With the continued development of technology, computers will eventually replicate creative tasks. It will devalue human accomplishments. The robots and automation of various tasks will make individuals devalue their struggles for achieving several things in life.


Automation, the use of robots, and the business-oriented society will see the future community eliminating most jobs. The advancement will change the nature of work. In the future, workers will be required to adapt to emerging technology. For the workers to be retained in the job market, they need to keep up with the latest technologies since most jobs have become automated. Various areas of work people will have to be retained only if they update their skills for jobs of the moment and have an optimistic view. Therefore, there is a need to foster a digital environment that will enable individuals to adapt to future freelance jobs.

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Robots Take Over: Automation and Business-Orientation Disrupts Jobs - Essay Sample. (2023, Nov 15). Retrieved from

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