Research Proposal Paper Sample: Siblings' Relationships

Published: 2022-09-06
Research Proposal Paper Sample: Siblings' Relationships
Type of paper:  Research proposal
Categories:  Parenting Childhood
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1172 words
10 min read

Part I. Providing Context

The vulnerability of children to the relationship and interpersonal conflicts among parents has prompted to the analysis of the value of sibling relationships. Research has found out that children who are born single experience more emotional trauma since they have no third party to comfort them whenever their parents engage in emotional and relationship conflicts. My inquiry is set to prove whether the extent of sibling relationships can be viable for promoting positive mental health and psychological well-being of younger siblings.

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According to Davies et al. (1), the level of self-blame and anxiety scores are mostly lower among paired siblings in families that face emotional violence among parents. It has also been found out that paired siblings get a chance to share emotional support when family hiccups set in. Positive psychological and mental development can be enhanced by promoting siblings' relationships especially when siblings have a significant age difference (Iturralde, Margolin and Shapiro 719). For siblings who are in the late adolescent stage, they are the viable groups who can protect younger siblings who are at the age of lower grade school to be spared from the unprecedented emotional trauma due to parents' relationship problems. Violent relationships should have siblings who can save the younger siblings from the effects of violent relations.

Research Questions

What is the justification that siblings' relationships are capable of enhancing child development and limiting the adverse effects of intimate violence?

To what extent can the childhood experiences brought about by intimate violence in families be altered with the degree of relationships that siblings have?

How can psychology and child development programs from the research findings concerning the scope of sibling relationships develop sibling relationships?Part II. Describing Particulars

Academic Audience

Since the validity of the statement that 'positive sibling relationships can promote the proper psychological health of younger siblings and the family at large,' the audience of this study are mental health psychologists, child education curriculum developers, child development educators and family nurse practitioners are the immediate target audience (Iturralde et al. 716). Additionally, the knowledge that should be obtained in this inquiry should be incorporated in the curriculum as a platform for staging a long-term strategy towards better child mental and psychological development.

General Audience

Almost every individual in the world experiences family problems today. People intending to start intimate relationships that can lead to marriage are the primary audience for this inquiry. Family challenges are most experienced in families that fail to come up with strategies for enhancing the emotional growth of their children. Additionally, children in schools should be taught on the relevance of helping their siblings to achieve proper mental health by preventing trauma-based incidents and always encourage the younger siblings to develop a positive attitude.

Methodology and Research Designs

Since previous literature proved to have various gaps, the best research method for answering the research questions is through carrying out qualitative surveys. I will employ precede-procede model as a platform for enhancing the connection between literature reviews and research-based results by studies (Whiteman et al. 124). Secondly, I will incorporate surveys and mixed methods to acquire justifiable results that can enable the field of psychology and Child development to integrate current study results that will assure child development the best mental and psychological health.

i. Surveys and Mixed Method

I will employ survey questions in the study which will provide grounds for inquiring great responses from the participants for both non-violent and violent families. Questionnaires will be extensively structured to enable the study to come up with data necessary for filling the gaps that the previous literature have portrayed (Tailor et al. 29). There will be a single question concerning the type of partner violence and how the siblings balance the emotional challenges that the younger siblings get into. An issue of the extent of traumatic child effects due to weak sibling violence should also be specified.

ii. Action Research Design

An action research model is viable for the research questions. The action research design will be set to enable curriculum developers, the field of psychology and child development strategies to improve child well-being through the results to be obtained from the survey study. Data gathering will be directed towards finding possible solutions to the previous gaps in the literature concerning child development (Tailor et al. 2).

Potential Significance of the Study

Families have been accounted for the contribution of children's' mental injury. Youngsters subjection to relational violence results into psychological trauma (Davies et al., 12). Better sibling bond keeps the psychological difficulties that may exist in a family that encounters relational clashes away from the younger siblings. A diminished reaction to the pain that emerges because of the contradictions that happen between guardians can be very much overseen if kin connections are justifiable.

Through the contribution of Whiteman et al. (29), this research will be viable for making viable contributions to the deliverables that the field of psychology offers to child development approaches. Therefore, this exploration will improve the legitimacy positive sibling bond concerning enhancing younger siblings' mental wellbeing. Additionally, the results of the research will offer ground for positive enhancement of kin connections. The research will also set a stage for clinicians to advocate for families to focus on having more than one child as a support for the younger stars' emotional wellbeing. Furthermore, this exploration will emphatically upgrade youth advancement and start enhancements in the nursing and psychology field.

Expected Results Implications to Audience

My audience will discover that the strength of sibling relationship affects the way that older siblings control their younger ones concerning the negative aspects of parents or guardians misunderstanding. Parents, clinical nurses, and psychologists will discover that proper sibling relationships can promote the appropriate mental health of younger siblings. Siblings' traumatic challenges reduce concerning better sibling relationships (Whiteman et al., 2011). The psychologist will discover that there is an excellent relevance for parents to consider having more than one child at different age brackets for better emotional support during a time of emotional crisis and parents' relationship violence (Davies et al. 1).

Additionally, the audience will realize the worth of the research that was previously done by Davies et al. (2018). Davies et al. (13) outlined that better sibling relationship is capable of neutralizing interpersonal disputes, which are connected to adolescent insecurity. Additionally, the research will shine a light on the fact that older adolescent portrays to have less effect on the possible ways of reducing the impact of family interpersonal conflicts in families.

Works Cited

Davies, Patrick T., et al. "Children's Vulnerability to Interparental Conflict: The Protective Role of Sibling Relationship Quality." Child development (2018). 1-14

Iturralde, Esti, Gayla Margolin, and Lauren A. Spies Shapiro. "Positive and negative interactions observed between siblings: Moderating effects for children exposed to parents' conflict." Journal of Research on Adolescence 23.4 (2013): 716-729.

Tailor, Ketan, Ashley Stewart-Tufescu, and Caroline Piotrowski. "Children exposed to intimate partner violence: Influences of parenting, family distress, and siblings." Journal of family psychology 29.1 (2015): 29.

Whiteman, Shawn D., Susan M. McHale, and Anna Soli. "Theoretical perspectives on sibling relationships." Journal of family theory & review 3.2 (2011): 124-139.

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Research Proposal Paper Sample: Siblings' Relationships. (2022, Sep 06). Retrieved from

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