Research Paper on Visual Merchandising

Published: 2023-05-14
Research Paper on Visual Merchandising
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Branding
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1395 words
12 min read


Businesses working in the contemporary retail industry are increasingly using a plethora of strategies to not only lure customers but also enhance their sales volume, revenues, and profitability (Stulec, et al., 2016). Visual merchandising, which refers to the practice of developing different floor plans alongside three-dimensional displays to maximize sales, provides the best example of such approaches. This technique allows retailers to display their goods and services while highlighting their outstanding features and benefits (Swarnalatha & Soundhariya, 2018). This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the concept of visual merchandising with a detailed discussion of the various displays of goods and services used in the modern retail industry.

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Retail Display

According to Niazi et al. (2015), the primary goals of a sound retail strategy remain the same despite the entire industry experiencing rapid transformation as a result of technological developments that shape the whole consumer landscape. Most of the retailers in contemporary society continue to operate with the goals of delivering value in the supply chain and creating a unique customer experience. The rebirth of retail stores after years of digital disruption and economic challenges is possible if retailers can adequately cater to the evolving needs of their customers (Niazi et al., 2015). One way to do this is by designing a digital and physical retail environment that captures the overtaxed attention of consumers today.

Selling Power

According to Soomro et al. (2017), the selling power of typical retailers resonates with the way their approach to display products proves useful to various customers and makes them stop not only to purchase. The best way to achieve this power is by displaying goods and services that appeal to customers. Also, retailers need to collaborate with various influencers on different platforms, including social media, to advertise, promote, and increase the purchase and consumption of their goods and services, respectively (Goworek et al., 2016). Lastly, retailers must present their products in ways that give their customers a sentimental taste and attraction for retention.

Identification of the Attention Getting Devices

The success and sustainability of retailers lie in their ability to create attention and attract customers to purchase their products and utilize services. The structure of the store is the leading attention-getting device in the contemporary retail industry (Niazi et al., 2015). Merchandize in a given store should give the impression of being in a straight line to provide customers with a clear view of goods sold.

Identification of the Subject and Colors Used in the Display Provided

Contemporary retailers use various themes and colours to display their products to attract buyers (Stulec, et al., 2016). The predetermined store chose the red colour and theme to indicate their love for customers. The brightness associated with the red colour adds a taste to customers who can adequately evaluate and choose their preferred merchandise before making their purchases (Goworek et al., 2016). The presentation of products according to their use and physical appearance is a critical factor in attracting and retaining more customers.

How the Identified Store Used the Principle of Balance

The principle of balance is in the store to provide proper guidelines of how the goods are presented to meet customer tastes. For example, the store Used surprising colours and displaysto attract customers' attention. These billboards also have visual cues that show customers why they need the item or how it will make their lives easier (Goworek et al., 2016). The emphasis was used in the display where each item shows an outlook that fits its customer need

How the Identified Store Used Attention

The identified store used focus to Keep in mind the bright and lovely colours to provide instead a story, surprising visual clues and possibly a valuable decision of the business. By delivering an appealing display, the store is helping the customer to understand the goods betterand make a purchase decision (Karaosman et al., 2017). Therefore, this shall provide prospective customers with a proper conclusion to be made in purchasing the product from the store.

How the Selected Store Used Emphasis

The focus I consider in the display is the showcase may consist of the goods on board. For example, lifestyle drawings are well known to tell the story (Soomro et al., 2017). No words, but the picture says it all. The store display structured is a meaningful overall presentation that opens up the possibility for the customer to get as many products while keeping a strategic distance from disorderly chaos (Swarnalatha & Soundhariya, 2018). The more items customers see, the more they buy.

Analysis of the Merchandize's Arrangement

The merchandised is arranged such that it consider a roundabout store format, which many retailers prefer to another approaches the rounder about approach remains theinnovative concept because it opens up more products to customers than the usual passages (Goworek et al., 2016). The Store uses walkways, place a window on the right-hand side of the target so that customers are forced to stop and take a look at the items.

Evaluation of the Overall Neatness of the Display

Theneatness of the merchandised displayis to make a visual effect. Showing our goods on racks was kitschy and striking. Stores display catches the customer's attention (Karaosman et al., 2017). Also, it can receive a lot of praise for the display tables because they were exciting and were a story in themselves rather than the conventional display pieces used by stores. There is one space in all the outlets that is the most under-utilized (Swarnalatha & Soundhariya, 2018). The display provides a unique feature that gives it an advantage over other shows.

Identification of the Elements Lacking in the Identified Display

Visual promotion is multifaceted, and retailers can look at several points when structuring their display. Therefore for this display, there was a lack of proper background colour.

Strategies to Improve the Identified Store Display

The display can be enhanced by painting and making beautiful pictures in the background to help boost customers' experience with the surrounding (Niazi et al., 2015). The improvement of the environment could seea change in lifestyle and experience-based customer encounters.

How the Identified Approach was a Timely Display Appropriate To Season and Weather

The timely display is appropriate in that it provides Visual marketing together with the general condition of the point (Soomro et al., 2017). It is a vital element in retail: managers recognize an opposing retailer. The type of product offered is a critical reflection on how the retailer uses visual promotional items to target customers (Stulec, et al., 2016). The improvement of the display will improve customer life in terms of interaction with the merchandised.

Types of Customers that Shop in the Identified Store

The customer shop is showroom. The customers try to check out the product on their own (Swarnalatha & Soundhariya, 2018). Therefore the display is appropriate in that retailers who conclude on how to prepare for visual marketing. The elements that work for their idea consider their customer flow in such a way that they direct the customer.


Contemporary retailers use different store display approaches to attract and retain their desired customers. The use of unique display techniques is crucial in ensuring that retailers gain a competitive advantage over their rivals. However, planners should take into account that each of these basic standards does have an impact on their screen. The focus on how different architects implemented these plans to structure their ideas is also a fantastically important tool for understanding how to create the best structures. It is impossible to make a meaningful plan without an overall understanding of these structural components and standards. However, this is usually done by "fashion instinct," and you can do a lot of experimenting to do something that looks fantastic and provides a perfect experience for the customers. Planners can save a lot of time and energy by rehearsing the standards we were talking about until they become natural.


Goworek, H., Perry, P., & Kent, A. (2016). The relationship between design and marketing in the fashion industry. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 20(3), 1-12. Retrieved from:

Karaosman, H., Morales-Alonso, G., & Brun, A. (2017). From a systematic literature review to a classification framework: Sustainability integration in fashion operations. Sustainability, 9(1), 30.

Niazi, U., Haider, T., Hayat, F., Awais, M., & Hassan, W. U. (2015). Visual Merchandising: Does it Matter for Your Brands? American International Journal of Contemporary, Research, 5(6), 85-91.

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Research Paper on Visual Merchandising. (2023, May 14). Retrieved from

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