Free Essay: Relationship Between Creative Industries to Space and Place

Published: 2022-05-30
Free Essay: Relationship Between Creative Industries to Space and Place
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Culture Community
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 660 words
6 min read

As a result of skills and talent, an individual or a group of people can decide to come up with a company or a firm that produce either goods or services and distributes them to the target market. In most countries, unemployment has become a real burning issue as the governments are not able to provide employment opportunities to every person as per a high population growth rate in the current century (Oakley and O'Connor, 2015). Creativity, artistic ability, skills and talent are therefore the main factors that lead to the generation of creative industries in various countries. Creative industries are impacted greatly by space, location and place where it is situated. The main aim of this study thus is to vividly analyze the relationship between the creative industries in relation to space and place considering issues like culture and community diversification, social justice and digital infrastructure.

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Also referred to cultural industries, creative industries have a great relationship with space and place since the target audience is a very great determinant of the industry's success. Space and location in general refers to the kind of people who are served by the industry, the market, and the ease of distribution and the social responsibility of the industry to the society. It is therefore appropriate that when coming up with a cultural industry, one puts main focus on space and place. The following are some of the means with which space and place determine the success of cultural or creative industries.

Community diversity determines the kind of people who are in the market that the cultural industry will be serving. Considering that the place where the industry is located will determine the consumer, when selecting a place to serve or to deliver products, a cultural industry should consider how diverse the people are and what kinds of market mix can be identified in the place. It is therefore very clear that there is a relationship between the location and space and cultural industries in terms of community diversity. This is because the industry must clearly select a place where its products product fits the market mix with which the goods and services they produce fits. This ensures the ease of marketing and making sales (Pancholi, Yigitcanlar & Guaralda, 2015).

Equality in the distribution of opportunities, wealth and privileges in a society which in this case, is the place and space, majorly determines the ability of the members of the society to be able to purchase and use the products and services that the cultural industry produces and distributes to the market(Oakley and O'Connor, 2015). Social justice therefore is an element of place which determines the customers' ability to purchase and acquire produced goods and services by the companies. A clear relationship between place and space and cultural industries is therefore revealed through social justice as discussed above.

Digital infrastructures today, define the success of various business organizations regardless of the kinds of products or services produced. The most current trends that industries and companies must embrace are the current technology which will ensure that the company remains relevant to the place and space (Pancholi, Yigitcanlar & Guaralda, 2015). A creative industry therefore is determined by its ability to embrace the digital infrastructures or in terms of place and space, it is located in a place where there is good access to digital infrastructure.

From the above discussion, it is therefore just to conclude that there is a relationship between cultural industries and place.


Oakley, K. and O'Connor, J. eds., 2015. The Routledge companion to the cultural industries. Routledge.

Pancholi, S., Yigitcanlar, T., & Guaralda, M. (2015). Public space design of knowledge and innovation spaces: learnings from Kelvin Grove Urban Village, Brisbane. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 1(1), 13.

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