Psychological Effects of Cancer and Diabetes - Paper Example

Published: 2022-12-26
Psychological Effects of Cancer and Diabetes - Paper Example
Type of paper:  Research proposal
Categories:  Psychology Cancer Diabetes
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1106 words
10 min read

Research Methods

The study was carried out by a systemic literature review. That is, the researcher focused on the works of other authors to identify the theories and concepts related to the psychological effects of people with cancer and diabetes. In particular, the study explored the psychological effects of the two conditions, to provide the ground for evaluating the similarities and differences. Therefore, this section explains how the researcher found and used the secondary materials to understand the psychological impacts of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes in addition to exploring the impacts of gestational diabetes. Furthermore, the study helped in understanding the different types of cancers that affect persons with diabetes.

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A methodological literature search was carried out from January to February 2019, alongside the research restructured in March 2019 to date; and it included the following data bases, the Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, and CINAHL, Google Scholar, Directory of Open Access Journals, EBSCO, ProQuest and the University of South Wales library data bases were also explored. The subject titles and text terms for diabetes were lined respective to the search terms for cancer and diabetes. Search terms utilized included "cancer"; "psychological disorders"; "diabetes"; "psychological disorders" AND "diabetes" AND "cancer"; "psychological disorders" AND "diabetes" OR "cancer". After the literature review, the references were searched with effective tools "" and "" to verify its title, authors and year of publication of publication on a correct format. Besides, PubMed allied articles were applied to identify studies that were not part of the initial literature work.

Criteria of selection

The study is focused on the following aspects: 1) cancer and diabetes persons; 2) the person-reported conclusion of the report; 3) the article was published in a peer-reviewed journal article; 4) The published article was in the English language from 2002 to 2019. Furthermore, the studies that only focused on the impact of the chronic illnesses such as diabetes among the cancer persons alone, were not incorporated in the stud. The studies needed to touch both on cancer as well as diabetes. 2.3. Quality assessmentEvery chosen study was self-sufficiently on the methodological quality to the set of the fourteen quality criteria (see Appendix 1). These quality scales were grounded on the essential criteria lists used in the previous researches. The variances between the critics on the quality criteria were also resolved in the consensus convention. The entire reviews attained one point each out of the fourteen quality scales that were provided. The zero points were awarded in the circumstances where the condition was not suitable or labeled inadequately. In this respect, every study can be generated to a maximum score of fourteen points, review that got seventy-five percent or more of the maximum attainable scores were considered as "high-quality studies." Then again, studies that got between 15%-75% were viewed to be of good quality, whereas those that had scored less than 15%were perceived to be of low quality. The measure random that was applied here was in regard to the previous studies (see Appendix 1).

Justification of the chosen methodology

While there are different methods of data collection and analysis, this study relied on a systemic literature review that considered mainly recent articles to identify and explore the main theories and concepts. Due to the limitation of time and resources, it was intricate to conduct primary research. As such, the researcher focused on the secondary materials to provide a detailed and in-depth description and analysis of the psychological impacts of both cancer and diabetes. As a matter of fact, there is a wide range of information that exists on the two conditions; however, this study went a notch higher to elaborate on the similarities and differences of the impacts of both cancer and diabetes.

Several types of research have been conducted separately on the relationship between cancer and diabetes, where one condition leads to the other, and the psychological effects on both. The following research will rely on secondary source to determine existing information about the subject, psychological effects of diabetes and cancer. The sources to be used in the research will need to fulfill the objective of the research to understand the existence of the psychological effects among individuals suffering from both diabetes and cancer.


The materials used in the research were secondary sources, and this included, books, government database, health care database, internet sources, Articles from magazines, journal, and scientific journal articles.


The process of selecting research materials for the study was intense, and it had to meet some particular criteria. Some of the basic factors that was considered when selecting the material include:

  • The journals had to be peer-reviewed and from reputable publishers.
  • Experimental researches were added as an advantage.
  • Blogs, social media comments, Wikipedia, and incredible sources were not considered.
  • The population-based research were highly considered
  • The research had to be independently conducted without any other personal interests or causing rumors and fears.

The information to be used in this study will be read and critically analyzed into group to establish themes and the themes group into distinct categories to ensure that they rhyme with the subject of the paper. The sources will be respectively referenced based on the information given; this will include the author's name, and date of publication.


The study relied on several concepts and theories that provided essential information about the general risk factors of both diabetes and cancer. The idea was to understand the psychological effects of the two conditions and evaluate the differences and similarities. The theories used mainly provided a demographic evaluation of the effects of the two conditions with the main focus on age and gender and the variables for analysis.

Ethical Consideration

Since this was a literature-based study, the ethical considerations related to human participants were not included. Nonetheless, if any issue or process had a sentimental or sensitive effect on the life of the people, the researcher ensured that no harm was caused. That is, information that could provoke the life and emotions of patients with cancer or diabetes were avoided, and the researcher ensured that the words used were not provocative. In addition, since it was imperative to adhere to professional requisition, the researcher ensured that all the borrowed ideas, words, and phrases were cited to avoid the academic offense known as plagiarism.

Peer-reviewed journals rely on expert and objective review by knowledgeable researchers to ensure the quality of the papers they publish. The review of manuscripts for peer-reviewed journals raises many ethical issues and problems. The reviewer had to be aware of these when deciding whether to review a specific paper, throughout the process of handling the manuscript and writing the review, and even after the review is completed and submitted.

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Psychological Effects of Cancer and Diabetes - Paper Example. (2022, Dec 26). Retrieved from

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