Project Attributes - Free Paper Example

Published: 2023-11-26
Project Attributes - Free Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Project management
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 634 words
6 min read


A project may be defined as a temporary endeavor in which it is carried out to achieve a unique product, results, or services. Projects may be a set of activities arranged and bound with time, resources, and the final target result. Attributes of a scheme include time frame, ownership, purpose, and resources. Project constraints, on the other hand, are the factors that serve to limit overall project success or quality and delivery. The significant project constraints include time, quality, cost, scope, benefits, and risks; internet Technology projects require a different set of individuals, each containing other skills (Meredith et al., 2017). These individuals include the project manager, sponsor, subject matter experts, and technical expert. Project constraints may be effectively managed through planning and monitoring to ensure project success.

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A clearly defined objective is essential in a project as well as the utilization of various resources. Project objectives are demonstrated using aspects such as time, cost, and schedule. Time is a factor in terms of completion date and date of the beginning; time can be rigid for some projects. The objectives of a project enable projects to focus on solving specific needs; this objective is identified before the beginning of a project. Different people, materials, and equipment are used to make a project successful or functional. A proper project also has ownership; an individual or group must obtain positive benefits from the project about its request upon completion.

Time and cost are referred to as the significant constraints to projects. Among the significant aspects of considerations for the project, sponsors are the time of project delivery and the overall project cost. Project time is given in ranges correctly estimated from research and experience. Time and price are also the aspects used to gauge project status in terms of gradual excellence or failure; costs are calculated using change orders concerning past similar projects failure, the budgets for similar projects, and based on the vendor bids and ranges (Opong et al., 2017). Significant time and cost management may be achieved through proper planning, scheduling, control, and monitoring of the project. Planning involves the project goals identification and resources required; realistic timeframes contribute to appropriate scheduling, and each stage observation and analysis achieve project monitoring.

Project Scope

Project scope refers to the deliverables by a specific project. The content is a constricting project factor and is presented in ranges. Scope tolerance enables the project manager to develop flexibility on deliverables within the agreed limits (Thomas & Schnitker, 2017). Scope tolerance may compromise project success through compromise on project deliverables. Besides scope, quality is a project constricting factor functioning quite similarly to scope. However, quality acts based on the features of a deliverable. Rate narrows a project through the influence of time or cost.


Conclusively, a project is carried out to achieve a unique product or results. The attributes of a scheme include correctly set objectives, the utilization of various resources, a time frame, and a series of interdependent tasks. The constraints of a project are time, scope, benefits, cost, and quality. Time and price are the primary essential project constrictors as they determine the attraction of sponsors to a project. Time and cost are both defined as ranges, where time indicates both the date of beginning to completion. Effective management through monitoring and scheduling is required to achieve project success.


Meredith, J. R., Shafer, S. M., & Mantel Jr, S. J. (2017). Project Management: A Strategic Managerial Approach. John Wiley & Sons.

Oppong, G. D., Chan, A. P., & Dansoh, A. (2017). A review of stakeholder management performance attributes in construction projects. International journal of project management, 35(6), 1037-1051.

Thomas, R. M., & Schnitker, S. A. (2017). Modeling the effects of within-person characteristic and goal-level attributes on personal project pursuit over time. Journal of Research in Personality, 69, 206-217.

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