Free Essay with a Professional Psychosocial Report

Published: 2019-07-19
Free Essay with a Professional Psychosocial Report
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Psychology Sociology Social psychology
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1215 words
11 min read

Mary is a high school student who seeks help from her school counselor for social issues. She feels like she has no friends and has been doing a lot of crying lately

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This report seeks to provide a report on the condition of the patient for further treatment. The patient has been affected by her attitude in her relations with other people within her cycle. The patient is deemed not social due to her shy nature within the society. She has made several efforts to come out of her comfort zone and interact with other people but her efforts are not bearing fruit. It is thus concerning that I refer the student to you for further treatment regarding her case.


Mary has been a patient with us for two years now. She is has had a condition that has become difficult for her to handle. She comes from a little family that does not like much fame and thus they are reserved. The members of the family have thus not been helpful ion her situation since they feel there is no problem with Mary. Mary is fond of crying in case she has problems instead of sharing her problems. She has few friends, and thus, she rarely has the people to share her problems with. Nature has been in existence since she was a young girl and she needs to find a solution to the situation. On the various occasions that she has come to us, we have tried to offer psychological help, and it has not borne any fruits. She has however made progress from her previous state although the progress is not as fast as required. Currently, she has reduced the rate at which she cries when having problems but has failed to improve on the social aspects. She still is very slow at making new friends and thus feels lonely within the society.

Five axial diagnosis

The axial diagnosis will determine the relevant mental state that affects Mary. From the axial diagnosis, we can determine the severity of her condition.

Axis 1

This refers to acute symptoms within a patient that need serious attention from the doctors (Karkouti, 2014). The state includes events such as depression and heart attack that need immediate solutions from the medical practitioners (Wiener et al., 2012). It is fortunate Mary is not at this stage since her state is not acute. The state has ensured Mary does not need the immediate attention of the medical practitioners.

Axis 2

This is the examination of personal disorder and injuries that may affect the state of an individual. The various people react variedly depending on their personal disorder (Wiener et al., 2012). Mari has no disorder and thus she is not affected by the Axis 2 condition.

Axis 3

The level includes the analysis of neurological conditions that may cause harm to an individual (Karkouti, 2014). Various people react variously due to the given neurological deficiencies that affect them. The people tend to exhibit various emotional habits (Wiener et al., 2012). Mary has been recorded to having a run of various diseases on her childhood, and these may have affected her reaction to various issues in life. The motivation to make friends and stop crying when having problems may have been lost now. We have determined that the state may be the cause of the problems that the lady is going through. We believe the problem is something to do with her internal body mechanism and not just an emotional affair. We ask you to investigate further on the issue and determine the various neurological situations that may have led to the torture that she is currently experiencing.

Axis 4

This factor determines that the habit of an individual may be greatly influenced by the recent activities of the life of an individual (Wiener et al., 2012). Activities such as conflict with someone or the loss of a loved one may cause great emotional problems to a given individuals. Such people thus tend to be withdrawn from the society and only interested in their personal activities. There is no clear determination if the state could have caused problems in the life of Mary. Sher has been in good moods of late and thus it is presumed she is making progress in her therapy. Her problem has been with her since she was a child and thus it cannot be classified as an issue caused due to current eventualities.

Axis 5

The axis five tries to classify the customers ability to reason on a scale of 1-100 (Lourenco et al., 2015). 100 is the best scale, and thus, the customer at that level is functioning sufficiently well within the market. The customer thus has no determined medical condition (Paul, Sanson & Carey, 2013). The patient is in deep stress and thus needs keen attention from the medical practitioners. Mary is found to be at 73, and thus, her state is not adverse. She needs help to improve her state and ensure she feels confident within the society. Continuous engagement with the counselor will ensure the state is gradually improved.

Treatment plan

There are various functions that can be performed to ensure the state of the patient is sufficiently handled. The major problems of the customer are the lack of courage and lack of eloquence. The person is very shy in her relations with other people and thus cannot easily approach people within the society. The move has ensured she cannot easily make new friends within the society. She is incapable of maintaining a conversation with a new person in the society. She always feels intimidated when people engage her topo much in conversations. She is also not eloquent in her speech. She thinks her speech is not very fluent and thus fears being judged by other people within the society. The move has reduced her confidence level since she feels the people will judge her based on what she speaks of them.

The problems are intended to make the patient strong and realize the gift that she has; she is capable of achieving the intended outcome if she puts in more efforts to the activities that affect her. The best strategy is to provide a therapy session that will ensure she learns how to interact with people and thus reduce the shy nature. Through the therapy session, she will be motivated by the reasons why people need to interact and overcome their shy nature. The student can be further trained on how to pronounce her words correctly for her not to feel that she lacks in eloquence. Some basic linguistic sessions will be availed to help in the situation. The condition of the student is not detrimental as she thinks, but she needs to be motivated on the same.


Karkouti, I. M. (2014). Examining Psychosocial Identity Development Theories: A Guideline for Professional Practice. Education, 135(2), 257-263

Lourenco, S., Carnide, F., Benavides, F. G., & Lucas, R. (2015). Psychosocial Work Environment and Musculoskeletal Symptoms among 21-Year-Old Workers: A Population-Based Investigation (2011-2013). PLoS ONE, 10(6), 1-15

Paul, C., Sanson-Fisher, R., & Carey, M. (2013). Measuring psychosocial outcomes: is the consumer or the professional the best judge?. European Journal of Cancer Care, 22(3), 281-288

Wiener, L., Oppenheim, D., Breyer, J., Battles, H., Zadeh, S., & Patenaude, A. F. (2012). A worldview of the professional experiences and training needs of pediatric psycho-oncologists. Psycho-Oncology, 21(9), 944-953

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