Free Essay Sample on Prison Rules

Published: 2017-12-28
Free Essay Sample on Prison Rules
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Ethics Punishment
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 280 words
3 min read

Prison is a correctional facility where confining of inmates is carried out for them to serve their punishment for going against the laws. Prisons have strict rules and regulations that the inmates should abide by each time. Some inmates argue that these regulations are an infringement on their right to privacy as follows.

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Rules like impromptu searches for drugs and weapons in cells is a violation of privacy among the inmates. A majority of them deem that searches are not carried out with dignity. In addition to that, interferance with their privacy of making phone calls to their loved ones and families. Every call made by an inmate is monitored from the control rooms to avoid compromise of the security interest of a given prison. Constant surveillance is another rule and regulation that they consider as an infringement on the right to privacy. Due to lack of a private place where a convict can stay and meditate on their personal lives.

A compulsory company by security personnel during medical examination of the inmates is an infringement of the right to privacy. They prefer to be left alone with professionals during check-up since privacy is important especially when it comes to discussing issues that entail someone’s health. Finally, most prisons are designed as a dorm to facilitate monitoring of inmates is viewed as an infringement on the right to privacy because inmates do not have the confidentiality on their individual bodies and activities. An inmate is forced to shower or use the restroom while others watch. It makes it difficult for new prisoners to cope up and in addition to that it lowers one’s self-esteem.

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