Essay Sample on Post-Hip Fracture Rehabilitation for Patients at Home

Published: 2022-11-30
Essay Sample on Post-Hip Fracture Rehabilitation for Patients at Home
Type of paper:  Presentation
Categories:  Health and Social Care
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 954 words
8 min read

Hip fractures are a significant health concern in the elderly population mainly due to high mortality, morbidity and health expenses. The trend in hip fractures among the elderly population has experienced a significant progressive decline from 1995 to date. However, from 2013 to 2015. A plateau level outcome was registered which was characterized by 11000 supplementary estimates. According to Whiteman (2014), the Center for Diseases Control and Prevention identified 258000 reported cases of hip fracture hospitalization cases in Americans aged 65 years and above in 2010. On the other hand, according to CDC over 300000 hip fracture cases are recorded among Americans over 65 years of age yearly. As pointed out by the CDC. (2016), home-based rehabilitation program improves the recovery process of the patient.

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The prevalence in hip fracture in the elderly population is standard across the health care setting. Therefore, there is a need to address the possible measures to improve the recovery process. Home-based rehabilitation of hip fracture is deemed beneficial to patients who prefer undergoing post-fracture rehabilitation from home. The home-based intervention presents a better recovery process for elderly patients who can't move from house to other recovery centers. The elderly population in society. Better outcomes are expected from the home-based rehabilitation process with a comparison to the hospital setting. The rehabilitation exercise takes into account the services of family nurses and physiotherapists who aid the patients with the exercises and balance, mobility and stability (Monticone, Ambrosini, Brunati, Capone, Pagliari, Secci & Ferrante, 2018). Hip fractures in elderly patients are attributed to reduced life span as victims succumb to death over a shorter period, in most cases within three years. In that light, the post-fracture rehabilitation to hip fracture victims is crucial as a recovery impacts on improved living outcomes. Home-based fracture rehabilitation reduces the medical cost, improve the patient participation in medication and promote self-dependence in the patients which have implications on good outcome in the patient treatment process.

Research in home-based rehabilitation from various sources indicate the biasness in the information reported with regards to the home-based patient rehabilitation from hip fractures. The strategies in patient therapy and improvement on home-based rehabilitation process outcome is prioritized in reducing the hospitalization rates for patients recovering from hip fracture.

The need to conduct home-based post fracture rehabilitation assessment of risks to come up with the intervention strategies favourable patients. Evaluation of possible risk factors that may affect the elderly patient under the home rehabilitation allows the nurse and the physiotherapist to adopt suitable procedures that eliminate the risks and foster the patient's health. According to Dyer, Diong, Crotty & Sherrington, (2017), assessment should arrive at improved physical functionality and balance in elderly post fracture rehabilitation and the intervention strategies to aid in the recovery process. Patients have different needs, and therefore, the family nurse needs to come up with different ways to identify as well as address the individual needs of their patients. On the other hand, public health nurses should identify and address the needs for home-based care in post-fracture patients; this can aid in health promotion on the safety and intervention procedures for the caregivers and patients.

Additionally, socio-economic and demographic factors are highlighted as the factors which impact on the post-fracture rehabilitation efficacy (Monticone et al., 2018). At a personal level, the patient should be able to learn and deploy assistive devices in walking. However, physical therapists are tasked with the responsibility of ensuring the patient's mastery of the use of assistive devices. Assistive devices impact on balance, mobility and stability in a patient on a home rehabilitation program.

The information on home-based rehabilitation of hip fracture elderly patients is vital to the health care system, patient, nurse and physical therapists. Family nurses, physiotherapists and occupational nurses can apply the information in devising education program on the efficiency of home-based post fracture in elderly patients in the society (Bachmann Oesch & Bachmann, 2018). The campaign can highlight the associated risk factors and the effective intervention strategies which improve the outcome in the patients over time (Whiteman, 2014). Hip fracture is associated with long term effects on the patient such as reduced life span. It is essential to understand the severity of the condition and advocate for appropriate home-based rehabilitation procedures. The patient quality of life should be at the center of the intervention session.

Screening program can be initiated to determine the recovery progress in different home-based hip fracture patients. This can improve the outcome of the patient by adopting better intervention strategies that promote patient recovery. Additionally, a community network can be launched to bring together post-fracture patients and sensitize and address their collective needs (Chu, Paquin, Puts, McGilton, Babineau & van Wyk, 2016). Public health nurses enhance this by identifying affected individuals and advocate for improved home-based intervention programs.


CDC. (2016). Hip Fractures Among Older Adults | Home and Recreational Safety | CDC Injury Center. Retrieved from

Dyer, S., Diong, J., Crotty, M., & Sherrington, C. (2017). Rehabilitation following hip fracture. In Orthogeriatrics (pp. 145-163). Springer, Cham.

Whiteman, H. (2014). Home-based exercise programs may improve hip fracture recovery. Retrieved from

Bachmann, C., Oesch, P., & Bachmann, S. (2018). Recommendations for improving adherence to home-based exercise: a systematic review. Physikalische Medizin, Rehabilitationsmedizin, Kurortmedizin, 28(01), 20-31. DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-120527

Chu, C. H., Paquin, K., Puts, M., McGilton, K. S., Babineau, J., & van Wyk, P. M. (2016). Community-based hip fracture rehabilitation interventions for older adults with cognitive impairment: A systematic review. JMIR rehabilitation and assistive technologies, 3(1). doi: 10.2196/rehab.5102

Monticone, M., Ambrosini, E., Brunati, R., Capone, A., Pagliari, G., Secci, C., ... & Ferrante, S. (2018). How balance task-specific training contributes to improving physical function in older subjects undergoing rehabilitation following hip fracture: a randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation, 32(3), 340-351.

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Essay Sample on Post-Hip Fracture Rehabilitation for Patients at Home. (2022, Nov 30). Retrieved from

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