Free Essay Example: Personal Connectivity Milestones

Published: 2022-09-08
Free Essay Example: Personal Connectivity Milestones
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Planning Personal experience
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 677 words
6 min read

It feels crazy to picture how my life would end, I have lived through a life of challenges struggling with learning and financial problems and therefore I would like to live to become among the powerful men before my life comes to an end.

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By the time I reach about seventy-five years I will have lived my life to the fullest, I will have gone through my career, probably an engineer, work my way up to top positions and contribute to making design works that will help people live better lives. I would also mentor and groom someone who will take after me, I never have had a mentor and I would be open to being one (Heller et al., 2000). I would also help many young youths to get employment opportunities.

I would live a life full of love, I would meet a girl who I will fall in love with, propose to and say my wedding vows before a priest on the altar and fly to the beaches of Morocco probably Casablanca, for my honeymoon. I would like to do this as memorable things I would like to remember as I still live. I would bring children to this world, be a good father to them and watch them grow up from being little, into their maturity and move out of my house as they start living their rich lives. I would see my grandchildren being born and beginning their lives.

I would like to make my life projects and make contributions whether significant or non-significant (Heller et al., 2000). I would venture into the business of carrying out contractual works of providing best services to customers, I would like to make money and be rich before I die. I would like to sign treaties with large companies and trade with them, buy shares and become a major shareholder of large corporate societies and ensure that the people from middle and low class are taken advantage of by corporate societies.

I would have travelled all across the world, visit the world wondrous places, climb mountains preferably mount Kilimanjaro with my wife and children. I would also like to ski Whistler, Canada, surf in Costa Rica, Skydive in Rio de Janeiro, visit adventurous places around the world and explore new places. I would also have participated in undersea exploration and if possible book a visit to the space hotel space while I am still strong. These activities would cater to the good things I never had to enjoy in my life when I was young.

In my life, I have done so little in giving back to society and therefore, I would like to participate in charitable activities perhaps just a few before I die (Wiener et al., 2008). I would use resources within my reach to help orphans, volunteer my time to charity organization and helping people in need. I would participate in donating blood, money, blankets clothes and help in raising money for crisis-stricken places or for hospital bills and raising awareness and teach kids about being charitable.

As I age, I would settle down to sing in the church choir write some songs and teach the singers my songs, lead people in the and maybe preach to congregations. I would write articles about experiences in my life.

As my life would come to an end, I would have written a will to give some my wealth to my children and some to charity. I would prepare for my memorial service, I would not want mourning and wailing, instead, I would love to have people in warm gathering full of joy celebrating a life well lived. I hope that I would die peacefully if God allows.


Heller, T., Miller, A. B., Hsieh, K., & Sterns, H. (2000). Later-life planning: Promoting knowledge of options and choice-making. Mental retardation, 38(5), 395-406.

Wiener, L., Ballard, E., Brennan, T., Battles, H., Martinez, P., & Pao, M. (2008). How I wish to be remembered: the use of an advance care planning document in adolescent and young adult populations. Journal of palliative medicine, 11(10), 1309-1313.

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