Paper Example on Theories of Communication in Business

Published: 2023-01-29
Paper Example on Theories of Communication in Business
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Business communication
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1599 words
14 min read


Communication is integral in various business activities and defines the extent with which various activities are being conducted across its premises. The level of interaction which is exhibited in business operations with organizations determines its credibility and success. The smooth flow of communication and the modes used to disburse information within the business enterprise reiterates meaningful hierarchy which must be embraced to make it concrete.

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Interaction Theory at Surf Spray Cafe

In most business sectors, the use of modern communication technologies has made the entire rationale significant for the realization of the missions and visions of the business enterprise. However, interaction theory of communication captures the various methods in which messages and ideas are exchanged across the premise. It deals with the flow of messages and ideas from the sender to the receiver as well as from the receiver to the sender. The model reiterates that the communication process usually takes place between machines or humans in terms of verbal or non-verbal means. Interaction communication theory is designed in the web-like form to demonstrate how communication takes place within a business premise or organization. According to the interaction theory of contact, the transfer of information in any business organization is based on specific models that work together to ensure that the entire process in concrete (Hargie, 2016). The models involve the sender; the person who transfers the message or the originator of the message, the receiver; the person with whom the message is intended, the channel; the mode or technique with which the messages or communication is being done, and the noise which refers to any forms of distractions that can be realized in the organization. In the Surf Spray Cafe, the transfer of messages originated from the departmental head. Nico and Kate, due to their vast experience in the business, were the originator of the information. The receivers were all the other staff members within the premise who work together to ensure that the entire process is concrete and stable.

The channel of communication in Surf Spray Cafe was majorly through emails, phone calls, and face to face interaction. In most cases, use of phone call and sending emails are faced with challenges of network lag, thereby lowering the credulity of the messages sent (Adams et al., 2017). The channels are easily distracted with the environmental pollutions; thus may need unique places to hear. Similarly, Surf Spray cafe maximizes the use of face to face interaction model to minimize the amount of time used in delivering information. Common distractions from the cafe include noise from television, nearby hooting of vehicles and the baking machines which are used for baking cakes. Interestingly, interaction communication model is essential in business premises because it ensures rapid engagement between the sender and the receiver of the messages as well as maintains fast feedback.

Organization Culture Theory

Organizational culture defines the ordinary activities and operations that being connected within an organization. Culture is the prescribed code of behavior which is exhibited by members of a particular franchise in their daily routine. The theory explains various activities which are done to ensure that the entire process in the stable. However, in the Surf Spray Cafe, various stories have been deduced to explain how work is done. For instance, the cafe portrays connection story, success story, and the influence stories.

Connection Story

Connection story refers to a way of forming bonds with the audience based on the incidences that occurred the life of the narrator to showcase his beliefs, values, and characters. Connection story portrays how a person rose to dominance after trailing in poverty. For instance, in the Surf Spray cafe, the story of Nico and Kate shows how their exhibited character and attributes were essential in building a stable interaction within the premise. Similarly, although, the life of George deteriorated and he approaches his retirement age, the culture of the organization could still be deduced from his focus in the cafe.

Influence Story

An influence story in business is usually aimed at changing opinions with attempts to overcome objections. It allows listeners to correct their preoccupied perceptions and notions about compelling arguments and other hard feelings. In the Surf Spray Cafe, the methods of operations which are exhibited by various personalities show that members of the staff are pushed with that missions and visions of the businesses and the entire focus which they are supposed to exhibit.

Success Story

This refers to the possible ways of overcoming various problems in the case studies which are realized due to claims and oversell and experience of boredom in an organization. Success story introduces specific emotions to characters in their various stages of problem resolution. It mainly focuses on the parts that strengthen the strength of the entire organization.

Notably, the connection story, influence story, and success story reveals how different parts of an organization help in reshaping the other. The case study in Surf Spray Cafe is significantly motivated in terms of services which are being done within its premises with possible expansions. Connection story, for example, reiterates valuable correspondences that are essential for an improved focus in the cafe.

Organizational Culture Theory and the Foreman's Framework

Connection Story

Most people depend on what they hear from some experienced people to build their confidence in specific concepts that are valuable for success in business. However, according to Foreman's framework of discussion, organizational stories are most concerned with authenticity and fluency. The framework focuses on the fundamental aspects of telling stories in an organization (Giles, 2016). It reiterates that organizational storytelling regardless of the adopted type, has vital components and relationships with each other to represent some outstanding practices that might be realized. Foreman's framework is used for identifying these critical elements in storytelling based on the available case. For instance, in the Surf Spray Cafe, the structure can be adopted to strengthen the relationship between the audience minds the active participants of the operation. However, the framework exhibits specific business objectives, its general capabilities, and foundation based on the techniques that are used for building trust, fluency, and authenticity.

Successful business storytelling must be fluent and authentic. For example, the business foundation should be based on credible, tangible, realistic, and the truth to be exempted from available stakeholders. In the connection story, the audience is the active participants who want to explore various business activities. However, the assumptions that were made in the case study about the relationship between experience and success in the business can be regarded as passive. Authenticity in the Foreman's framework portrays that a story must have the ability to engage the intellects and emotions of the audience regarding the technology to be used in the study. This is characterized as an easy way of telling a story to adequately capture the attention of the audience as well as exhibit essential values in them.

Moreover, Foreman's framework helps in determining the identity of the company and reiterates specific issues that the audiences need to know. For instance, according to the interaction among staff in the Surf Spray Cafe, the inclusion of the framework will ensure that all the stories are authentic and fluent based on the issues that surround its identity. Overall, the storytelling technique explored by the frameworks ensures that the participants are rejuvenated and strengthened for steadfast collaboration in their aftermath motives.

Dramaturgical Theory

The sociological perspective asserts that human interaction elements are dependent upon audience, time, and place. The sociological theorist argues that the self is an integral sense of a person and emerges from dramatic effects of the next scene which is being presented. Goffman adopted various theoretical metaphors to explain the methods that can be used to rectify the cultural values that bar the success of businesses. However, concrete interaction in business is essential in determining various aspects such as place and audience.

The 'Frontstage' and 'Backstage'

Goffman regards human's social interaction setting as a stage which he distinguished between front and backstage. According to Goffman, the front stage is the part which is visible to the audience. It defines the visual connotations that the audience can see. The backstage is the hidden part where actors can exercise their activities without being visible for the audience. Backstage is the hidden part of the stage where the audience cannot see what is happening on the stage. The front stage determines the kinds of behavior which is exhibited by the audience in trying to address common issues. Front stage reflects internal expectations and norms in the setting.

Backstage determines the free expectations that are dictated in the front stage. The tension in the social setting reiterates a comfortable and more relaxed action which guard down the behavior and the true self. Backstage shows hidden interactions which prepare the audience for an upcoming performance in the forthcoming front stage (Ferris, Lian, Brown & Morrison, 2015). However, Nico's case study, backstage, and front stages show the expectations, norms, and behaviors which are portrayed by staff members within the entire cafe. The case stage is exhibited by various interactions which are in different places through addresses essential concerns. Just as any other theatrical performance, everyday life, and business occur on both backstage and front stage. Nico's case study shows that the front stage in a cafe involves being attentive and polite to other members as well as showing the quality of services and foods and maintaining high levels of hygiene. Backstage behavior in Nico's case study includes dropping of foods or cake by servers, picking them up and returning them to the plate before they are served in the front stage.

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