Paper Example on the Condition of HPV

Published: 2023-01-04
Paper Example on the Condition of HPV
Type of paper:  Research proposal
Categories:  Women Research Medicine Public health
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1330 words
12 min read

Topic: Uncertainty-inducing and reassuring facts about HPV: an exploratory study of French Canadian women.

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Thesis: The investigation progressed to show data which cause women to become uncertain and provided facts on the condition of HPV and future wellbeing resolutions of a HPV outcome. The paper also analyzed data looking for continuity to accepting their outcomes.

1. Facts about the Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

HPV is a sexually transmitted disease (McKain, 2015). The disease has no symptoms and in most cases goes away on its own; it is more prone to sexually active people. It can also be spread through oral or anal sex. Distinctive kinds of human papillomavirus (HPV) may prompt genital moles, while others can cause cancer of the cervix.


HPV testing is a progressively delicate screening test to recognize cervical precancerous injuries contrasted and pap cytology which is less touchy. The more prominent affectability of HPV takes into account more for longer intervals among screenings and might be financially saving. HPV testing can help identify women's risk of cervical cancer.

Women and HPV Knowledge

Ladies who are found to have the HPV condition obtain greater information about HPV compared to women receiving negative results. Most women who test HPV positive seek information about the virus (Bringle, 2012). The ladies who do not contract the disease ammas less information about the disease and the risk it poses putting them at a greater probability. In order to prevent misinformation and minimize confusion educational messages that target HPV negative women is important. This equips them when making decisions when getting tested and analyzed the results.

Women Psychological Response to Positive HPV DNA Test Result

On having a positive HPV result most women felt at risk of contracting cancer and they sought more information just to reassure themselves (Grody, 2010). Among the undetected women uncertainty about their status drove them to acquire more information about the condition. Seeking more information is one of the favorable decisions after having tested negative to HPV. Information is a powerful tool in making decisions about screening as it helps those tested to cope with the results whichever way it comes.

2. Method of screening HPV


About thirty women were recruited in a number of participants. A trial was randomly done in order to compare the efficiency of Pap versus HPV test in screening for cervical cancer. The participants were women at the ages of 30-39 years.


Ethical approvals were obtained from hospital review boards. The sample size of 30 participants was reached from a selection of 9370 illegible participants who had been invited to participate by undergoing a one on one interview. The review indicated that Information saturation had been achieved in carrying out the interviews. There were collaborations between different bodies on health such as the Cervical Pathology, the American cancer society which came up with a patient education pamphlet. The pamphlet was to channel information about HPV to women. The pamphlet was up to date and valid. It also had more information regarding most asked questions and contained facts about HPV. when the participants were asked questions about the clarity of information they read about HPV facts that induced their uncertainty and reassurance about information seeking.


The study examined why women feel uncertain about whether or not they have HPV and the reassurance about chances of getting cervical cancer when tested HPV positive. The respondents were instructed to highlight any information that made them feel uncertain or reassured about their HPV status. All participants were asked the same questions and the results were calculated in percentages.


Most of the facts on HPV consoled participants about their condition regarding HPV. Some of the facts made them unsure about the condition of their HPV condition. Some of the women did not give respond to why they felt unsure of their condition or the risk due to results. Out of the 10 participants who provided information only five gave a single fact. Majority of the participants gave facts about HPV as consoling regarding their HPV status that tested negative and the possible chances of contracting cervical cancer.

Seeking information about HPV

No woman reported having searched for knowledge at the first HPV result. The most basic answer was that due to testing negative of the HPV condition. Some other reasons included that they felt secure with no imminent risk of the disease and others felt there was no need for more information. The explanation as to why they sought knowledge on HPV was due to preparation in the future when the condition can hit them or a relative tested positive (Tubbs, & Stoler, 2008). The women were motivated to search for information if they saw posters advocating on HPV or if their doctors encouraged them.

3. Discussion

For most of the women who were HPV negative, the truth on HPV was gotten as giving hope compared to surety. Most basic truths about HPV was that the cancer of the cervix can be mitigated and HPV condition occurs and can be overcome by the immune system. Considering that most of the truths were seen as making an unsure situation. Women feel consoled realizing they do not suffer alone in contracting HPV. Due to the fact that a lot of women felt uncertain about their HPV status due to knowing they will not suffer alone should be followed by other additional reassuring information (Rosen et al., 2009). Most of the women who were older and had few sexual partners did not mention the fact that condoms do not reliably protect against HPV. Most women who received negative test on HPV did not seek any further information after their first test. This is due to the feeling that they do not require the information having tested negative. A popular future motivator for searching for knowledge about HPV is due to having tested positive or being close to a victim.

4. Conclusion

Many of the facts about HPV that women who test negative see it consoling considering they do not have the condition and do not have the risk of contracting cervical cancer. A great number of the women did not identify facts which made them feel unsure about their condition. The women gave a reason that consoled them. The results show the doctors and educators should give the test in a way that precisely shows the traits of the HPV infection. This call in stressing on the need for knowledge to women to conform to them of low term cancer risk. When women continue to feel unsure about the condition of HPV certain truths can be seen to console. Healthcare providers and educators can stress on the truths to remove fear and confirm to women to feel safe and consoled about their reduced chances of contracting cancer after testing negative on HPV. Most of the researches that have been done on HPV fail to give patients complete information. Those who plan for cancer programs are worried that women might not have the knowledge they require to feel secure about their HPV condition. Most women should be given counseling especially those who test negative and be warned on changing circumstances of the disease. It should be incumbent upon all women to find factual truths about HPV so as to mitigate the risk of contracting cervical cancer. Regular screening can be of importance to make sure they stay safe without the risk.


Bringle, J. (2012). Young women and the HPV vaccine. New York: Rosen Pub.

Grody, W. W. (2010). Molecular Diagnostics: Techniques and applications for the clinical laboratory. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Academic Press.

McKain, L. F. (2015). HPV: A guidebook to infection with Human Papillomavirus and how to fight back!.

Rosen, N. O., Knauper, B., Page, G., Dio, P. D., Morrison, E., Mayrand, M. H., ... & Rosberger, Z. (2009). Brief research report: uncertainty-inducing and reassuring facts about HPV: a descriptive study of French Canadian women. Health care for women international, 30(10), 892-902.

Tubbs, R. R., & Stoler, M. H. (2008). Cell and Tissue Based Molecular Pathology: A Volume in the Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology Series.

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