Essay Sample on Open-Ended Interviews

Published: 2023-04-05
Essay Sample on Open-Ended Interviews
Type of paper:  Research proposal
Categories:  Healthcare Interpersonal communication
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1160 words
10 min read

Open-ended interviews are essential in such a case because they elicit unprompted responses. With this type of qualitative methodology, minimal questions and researcher intervention are limited. Questions with this method come at the start of a response as a means to enable the recipients to lead the way throughout the discussion (Green, & Thorogood, 2018). Open-ended interviews are typically face-to-face, and they generate a free flow and personalized responses for topics that are self-directed. With a research topic as caring for children with medical complexity, open-ended interviews would be the most appropriate choice because, in the process of interviewing their parents and guardians, this method would prove to be adequate in such a scenario.

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Telephone Interviews

Telephone interviews are most appropriate when trying to access information from a subject who is in hard to find. It is an appropriate methodology because it successfully reduces the risks that are linked with one on one interaction with a researcher. For instance, in the case of caring for children with medical complexity, in the case that a subject is out of reach physically or does not wish to be interviewed on a personal level, telephone interviews would thus be the most appropriate methodology of data collection in such a case. With telephone interviews as a qualitative methodology, it is very easy for information to be recorded for future reference at any given time.

Group Interviews

Group interviews are mostly associated with children because they represent a vulnerable population. Group interviews in the case of children are most appropriate for their empowerment and support during the study process. Children with medical complexity are a vulnerable population in a research process, and thus, support and empowerment would be a great deal for them. Group interviews thus come as the best solution in this regard as they are best suited for children. Here, questions are presented to every interviewee, while the comfort of the respondents is paramount. These interviews, once recorded, are then frequently analyzed through schematic frameworks that support various respondents of recipients.

Focus Groups

With a focus group as a qualitative methodology, the focus group involves interaction with a dynamic situation to respond to questions. In this case of a focus group, the lead researcher facilitates the operations of the groups, which is an appropriate style for kids who have medical complications. It is a qualitative methodology that involves an observer who takes important notes regarding the topic of the group and the line of questioning. The information provided in this methodology are usually recorded and the transcripts duly summarized through schema analysis which adequately allows for a cross-comparison of the data in the group. Children with complications need such close attention when caring for them. They can be involved as participants in the focus group discussions, or their guardians can take part instead as a way to help in the collection of information and data in the entire process.


Visualization involved the use of images and paintings for the purpose of illustration. The use of visualization as a methodology in qualitative research requires the orientation of the researcher to the practices of everyday healthcare and also through clarification of facts and details that are involved in the research. Visualization provides a human approach to factors such as socialization and presents details of personal gestures and behaviors. Visual methodologies can be applied as combined or be applied in a separate form, and once information is gathered, the imagery is analyzed through visual techniques and also through sources in sociology that purposefully adapts for use in healthcare. Children being a delicate population in a research process, constantly require guidelines and step-by-step process that allows them to understand the research process fully. Children with medical complexity are a vulnerable population with visualization as a methodology in research would best work for them as images and art are the best way to present information to children.


Observation involves a methodology where the researcher takes note of his subject by simply monitoring their behavior to gather information on a research topic. Observation depends relates to the research question, the researchers, and the observed. Information under this methodology is discreetly collected, depending on the discreetness of the research activity (Hennink, Hutter, & Bailey, 2020). Observations can be made at any time of the day, and note-taking or recording is made in a research diary. Children with medical complexity are, therefore, a group that can be challenging to interview or access for a closed-door meeting, and therefore, the process of observation can be adequately used to bring about the information that is needed. Caring for such children would need total commitment, and close follow-up is the appropriate means by which quality information relating to them can be recorded.

Strengths of the Methodology

Qualitative methodologies are known to delve deep into the attitudes and behaviors of people. They help reveal detailed data and aspects of understanding in the nature of complexities of human nature; this is because they examine perceptions of people, actions, and their interactions in a textual manner. In-depth data collection through qualitative methodology helps reveal various unique perceptions of individuals, for instance, in healthcare delivery and on the views on well-being and healthcare.

The qualitative methodology helps in the clarification of human understanding beyond the surface impression. Qualitative data are an intuitive process that gets to involve users in an in-depth process where the researchers adequately get to monitor the well-being and health status of their subjects in the research process.

The weakness of Qualitative Methodology

Qualitative methodologies take time in the data collection process. The processes involved in this regard relate to the assessment of data, analysis, and the creation of a framework to incorporate the information collection. The aspect of qualitative methodologies being a lengthy process is a shortcoming on its side. Again, the revisions and reorganization of the frameworks can be a complex process because the researchers are required to understand and come to an agreement on what aspect of the information can be used for the entire group.

Qualitative methodologies are a complex process that requires the assessment of a group in order to make meaning of the entire process. It is a process that can be tiresome, and at some point, the ideal representation of the entire group under study can be altered in the process. Studying children with complexities is a critical research process that requires absolute surety and commitment, especially in the interpretation of data and information. Understanding of human behavior and tapping correctly into their intuition is a critical process that requires total cooperation and commitment at any time. Qualitative research methods, however, are the true statistical methods that are required and can be used in the analysis and study of subjects in healthcare as they tap into human understanding and behavior.


Green, J., & Thorogood, N. (2018). Qualitative methods for health research. sage.

Hennink, M., Hutter, I., & Bailey, A. (2020). Qualitative research methods. SAGE Publications Limited.

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