Nurturing Competence: Dynamic Teaching in Diabetes Medication for Nurses - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-28
Nurturing Competence: Dynamic Teaching in Diabetes Medication for Nurses - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Nursing Healthcare Diabetes
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1502 words
13 min read


In every hospital setting, there is a need to employ competent nurses for quality treatment. However, there is a need to necessitate the dynamic teaching for medication and new medication and information knowledge on the nurse’s medicine. Diabetic is modernly a severe disease that is giving medication a severe issue in the hospital cases medication. It is necessary to have elaborative deeds for making people with diabetes be a well understood evaluative treatment by the nurses due to many cases that have been making records of death in the hospital and healthy consideration of making the treatment necessary. The medication of the diabetic is the challenge issues and has claimed much life despite being one of the oldest diseases that have been elaborative have precise information to necessitate the medical. Treatment to make the report hence the nurses need to have the elaborative inflammation to have the treatment plan clear for medication.

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Aim of The Sections

Considerably the main aim of the presentation is to enable medics to have the necessary skills to treat people with diabetes successfully. The nurse’s courage and bold move to make treatment are made in the considerable needs of being informed deeply about the disease. The efficiency market hypothesis information about the sick on the medical groups about the needs of having the treatment of the people with diabetes is done by well trained and informed medics on the specific diseases like diabetics (Azami et al., 2019). Medication in the hospital should not be a trial and error ideal this necessitates the information on the hospital medics and the records of the challenges.

Relevant Information

I am having graduated with a clear understanding of anatomy with physiology in my undergraduate studies in consideration of the scrutiny of diabetic patients. The relevancy analysis of the fluctuation of the sugar levels in the body (Azami et al., 2018). The considerable difference in the diagnosis of the test by using the blood test, BSL, and the urinalysis with the critical consideration of the different insulin with diabetic medication. Nurses need to have important information in the relation of the medicine of patients with the variation of the sugar level in the body is necessary for the consideration of the considerable general needs of medication.

The learning approach will be a visual presentation on the group’s mode substitution of the various group to necessitate a considerable clear understanding. It is necessary to have an effective medication presentation by expertise support on the medical and resource consideration of the insulin, diabetic effects on the body (Chava et al., 2019). The teachings material sources will necessitate the ideal critical review of the relevant practical examples of diabetes and the perfect consideration of diabetic patient history. It is considered to have medical conference resources from the records of the medication. The nurses in each group will be evaluated to have the results be ranked on the performance of understanding.

The Pathophysiology Diabetes Mellitus

The diabetes is the fluctuation of sugar level in the body that is being controlled by the medication issues of the medics, consider having the anatomy of the pancreases that releasees insulin. The abnormal sugar level in the body has been jeopardizing the patients’ needs of treatment to make informal doctors treat the challenges (Cunningham et al., 2018). The story of understanding of the patients on the risk of diabetic infection is not identified, and the medication should be the ones in charge of giving the elaborative medication to tame the deadly disease in the hospitals and community.

Methods of Teaching and Evaluation

The precise methodology for addressing teaching and evaluating the success of the learning is needed to necessitate productive issues that have been challenging in the considerable medical challenges’ solutions (Essien et al., 2017). Methods of education need to be based on evaluating medication implementation and the number of nurses being educated plan. The area of the presentation should be reliable in teaching and necessitating the considerable need for effective implementation of understanding (Samodumska, 2019). The project needs to be signs of progress in the teaching mode to make every exact medication be understood (Jayne Donaldson, 2019). It is necessary to have a great program the expert support and technicians for robust medication understanding. Crating groups for elaborative accurate prescription and knowledge of the medicines need to make the ideal needs of understanding the diabetes information clearly (Kjellsdotter et al., 2020). It is necessary to have the visual presentation and quick shearing of traditional knowledge in the idle essential medical understanding.

The evaluation of the groups needs to be fair to test the understanding by having the neutral medics for linear consideration of making the ideal medication necessitating a clear account (Mandel et al., 2018). The evaluation of the nurses will be helpful by involving audience participation in medicine. It is necessary to have excellent considerable drug be elaborated in the review (Ji et al., 2018). The practical test of random asking questions about what was presented in a robust, clear understanding. It is necessary to behave the ideal manning of tests by CCTV surveillance in the medication.


The presentation of the teaching plan is relevant to metrical establishments like hospitals. The expertise of particular fields of treatment like insulin is necessary to understand the information about the dangerous human killers' diseases. It is essential to have credible needs of the presentation on the plan, actualization, and evaluation of the personness present in the elaborative teaching. The teaching on medical issues should be reliable consideration effective treatment. The problems of diabetes in scrutiny should be understood by all medics exceptional for effete active management of patients in hospitals under such a situation. When all concerns and done to necessitate credible medical information for diabetes and insulin with urinal medication. The precise information delivery on the deadly killing disease like diabetes is necessary to reduce the challenging medical issues in the hospital. Nurses are the most critical sectors of medication level and managing the patient’s situation. The considerable need to empower the medication of the patients is necessary to give them courage for the bold move of medicines of diabetes. It is essential to have the treatment upheld when the nurses have accurate information on the treatments.


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Chava, R., Karki, N., Ketlogetswe, K., & Ayala, T. (2019). Multidisciplinary rounds in prevention of 30-day readmissions and decreasing length of stay in heart failure patients. Medicine, 98(27), e16233.

Cunningham, A. T., Crittendon, D. R., White, N., Mills, G. D., Diaz, V., & LaNoue, M. D. (2018). The effect of diabetes self-management education on HbA1c and quality of life in African-Americans: A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1).

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Ji, H., Chen, R., Huang, Y., Li, W., Shi, C., & Zhou, J. (2018). Effect of simulation education and case management on glycemic control in type 2 diabetes patients. Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews, e3112.

Kjellsdotter, A., Berglund, M., Jebens, E., Kvick, J., & Andersson, S. (2020). To take charge of one's life - group-based education for patients with type 2 diabetes in primary care - a lifeworld approach. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 15(1), 1726856.

Mandel, S., Mathioudakis, N., Golden, S. H., & Zilbermint, M. (2018). Inpatient diabetes management service, 30-day readmissions and length of stayof patients with diabetes. Endocrine Abstracts.

Samodumska, O. (2019). Systematization of adult education centres as providers of non-formal learning in Ukraine. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, 0(4 (31)), 36-40.

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