Essay Sample on 'Never Let Me Go' Quote Analysis

Published: 2023-03-17
 Essay Sample on 'Never Let Me Go' Quote Analysis
Type of paper:  Literature review
Categories:  Analysis Movie Character analysis
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1214 words
11 min read

Kathy is the principal character in Never Let Me Go. At the point when the novel starts, Kathy is 31 years of age and has been a carer for very nearly 12 years. Kathy is additionally the storyteller of the novel and subjects the reader to witness the occasions from her viewpoint. Kathy portrays her recollections from when she was a scholar at Hailsham School in incredible detail; thus, it is conceivable to tell exactly how significant her time at Hailsham was.

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Ruth is perhaps the dearest companion, even though there are times when Ruth can be horrible and manipulative, particularly towards Kathy. Ruth is even brutal to Tommy, with whom she later starts a relationship. Ruth has a solid character and exercises extensive authority over her companions at Hailsham. As she becomes more mature and established, it is conceivable to perceive how she needs confidence and is essentially urgent to 'fit in' and be acknowledged. She thinks that it's hard to confront what the future has for her. After numerous long periods of doing everything she can to avert Kathy and Tommy from having a relationship, she eventually attempts to assist them with discovering some joy together.

Tommy is additionally a scholar from Hailsham School. He endures because he needs artists' skills, and different students bother him about this. He thinks that it's hard to remain calm and has fits of rage, which regularly prompts further prodding. Kathy attempts to help Tommy control his feelings. At the point when one of the Hailsham watchmen, Miss Lucy, discloses to Tommy that he shouldn't think about his absence of artistic skills, he starts to feel much improved. She later reveals to him that she ought not to have said this, and he becomes discouraged once again.


Kathy's significant not because she stands upfront on a phase including three all-out heroes. Kathy's additionally the character we stay with all through the whole story. We never under any circumstance walk out on her, and we get familiar with about different heroes through her eyes. The novel brings out various morals through Kathy. This paper will, therefore, use direct quotes from the book to show how the character is used to bring out the theme of caring, determination, and acceptance in the novel


Kathy shows extraordinary compassion towards the benefactors she thinks about. She shows restraint toward them and not at all like a portion of the different carers, and after their organ donations, she is seen to cope with them. Looking at some carers, similar to Kathy's old school companion Laura, it was a painful reminder while looking after a donor and remind her of her future as a carer, but instead, she keeps that aside to focus on the donor's needs


"I don't claim I've been immune to all of this, but I've learned to live with it. Some carers, though, their whole attitude lets them down. A lot of them, you can tell, are just going through the motions, waiting for the day they're told they can stop and become donors. It gets to me too, the way so many of them 'shrink' the moment they step inside a hospital. They don't know what to say to the white coats; they can't make themselves speak up on behalf of their donor," (Ishiguro, 189).


Here Kathy is seen to despise some carers due to the way they are seen to put their emotions ahead of the donors the have been given to. Kathy is seen to be concerned with the needs of the patients hence portraying her caring side. Although here carer role reminds her of her very own consistent token future, she doesn't stop for a second to liaise with the specialists to discuss organ donations from her latest patient or even side effects expected


Kathy shows how much she is single-minded in making her decisions and very determined in matters concerning important issues. Nothing can make her change her mind from accomplishing her action to the later once she is set to do something.


"It wasn't long after I made my decision, and once I'd made it, I never wavered. I just got up one morning and told Keffers I wanted to start my training to become a carer," (Ishiguro, 185).


Kathy's choice to leave The Cottages and start her preparation as a carer comes halfway because of her aggravation with how Ruth has been acting. Ruth reveals to Kathy that Tommy could never need to be involved with her as she has had such a large number of one night represents his taste. Kathy is additionally enraged by how Ruth professes to have overlooked episodes that happened in Hailsham when they were students. Kathy's utilization of the word 'wavered' shows exactly how decided she is and that she has no aim of altering her perspective.


All through the novel, the reader can see indications of Kathy's assurance and quality and the way that she incredibly minds towards her patients even though this is her very own steady reminder inauspicious future. Nonetheless, we see a part of Kathy, which is additionally accepting her destiny. Toward the finish of the novel, neither she nor Tommy opposes the framework that implies they will finish at a generally young age. She acknowledges the way that the deferral framework doesn't exist, and the novel closes with her driving in her vehicle, realizing that in a little while, she also will start the donation procedure.


"We hardly discussed our meeting with Miss Emily and Madame on the journey back. Or if we did, we talked only about the less important things, like how much we thought they'd aged, or the stuff in their house," (Ishiguro, 249).


Indeed, even after getting a notification from Miss Emily and Madame that the deferral framework doesn't exist, Kathy appears to be brimming with acknowledgment at the news. She understands that her destiny is fixed. She will start the donation procedure, and Tommy will finish his. No plans are made to defy a framework that guarantees persons are saved to the detriment of the clones, and both she and Tommy even examine the furniture in the home of Miss Emily and Madame, as though they don't have progressively significant things to discuss. Kathy's acknowledgment is maybe an affirmation that she is vulnerable and that there is no hope to change her future.


In conclusion, the quotes reveal Kathy's memories and show us how important the memories are to her. Kathy accepts her memories, unlike Ruth, particularly her past in her school Hailsham. Rather, she loves the memories of the individuals she has thought about and they bring her solace, particularly when she is without anyone else and driving from one point of recover to the next

Works Cited

Ishiguro, Kazuo. Never Let Me Go: With GCSE and A Level study guide. Vol. 1. Faber & Faber, 2017.1 -273

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