Neurological Disorder from Social Science Analyze Your Disability from a Social Science Perspective

Published: 2023-12-16
Neurological Disorder from Social Science Analyze Your Disability from a Social Science Perspective
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Science Healthcare Disorder
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1045 words
9 min read


Part 1 (Attention-grabbing sentence): Neurological disorders have been known to affect how human behaviors interact daily fully over the past decades. Neurological disorders like the Agenesis of Corpus Callosum (AgCC) is a mental disorder that affects the brain's cerebral part in that it results when the fibers in the brain hemisphere fail to develop between the two brain hemispheres (O'Connor et al., 2018). Individuals suffering from these mental disorders usually have difficulty in associating with other humans from a social perspective. This is because they face difficulties such as language impairments, linguistics in that they cannot understand humor or idioms.

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Part 2 (Thesis Statement): Neurological disorders are well known to affect the social functioning of humans, like in this case, the AgCC (Brown et al., 2020). The AgCC affects both children, adults, and even adolescents, individuals with this type of disorder may face difficulties in socially intermingling with other humans. Their condition may present itself with social deficits such as difficulty in language comprehension, social reasoning, understanding humor, and difficulty in recognizing human emotions.

First Issue: AgCC Analyzation

Supporting Evidence: The AgCC disorders occur mostly in a massive number of births, and that it can manifest itself with the absence of the corpus callosum in the human brain, which therefore affects an individual's development and intellect (Brown et al., 2020). Instead of the axons of individuals suffering from this disorder crossing the midline to create the corpus callosum, these axons form an abnormal type of bundles that later on form a white matter.

Second Issue: AgCC and its Effect on Social Functioning of Individuals

Supporting Evidence: Individuals suffering from AgCC mental disorders face difficulties in viewing the world on social functioning and the real world. They also face the inability to mentalize (Lábadi & Beke, 2017). Social cognition and interaction usually require constant and rapid communication between both hemispheres of the brain, like the left hemisphere, which coordinates the brain and manages processes such as language processing and the right hemisphere associated with managing emotional processes (O'Connor et al., 2018). However, during the interaction, which requires the brain to function faster with a considerable number of myelinated connections, individuals with the AgCC type of mental disorder lack, making it hard for them to interact with other human beings more easily.

Third Issue: Impact of AgCC on Children Social Life and their Developmental Stages

Supporting Evidence: Since the AgCC affects the hemispheres of the brain, it affects the developmental stages in children, in that it affects their walking and also talking (O'Connor et al., 2018). The neurological disorder also affects their motor skills, which require the coordination of both the right and left; thus, they face difficulties in performing activities such as swimming or even tying shoes (Riley, 2017). The AgCC affects how the children diagnosed with this type of mental disorder perceive the world; this is because it affects their social skills, the skills, problem-solving skills, and others (Riley, 2017). They are also sensitive to some touch cues such as the texture of food or anything else; this makes them have a high tolerance to pain.

Children diagnosed with this type of illness tend to face difficulties when it comes to building social relationships with other individuals, this is because they face difficulty when it comes to picking up social cues with other children in that they become older, it will be hard for them to comprehend jokes or any figures of speech that an individual use. Also, studies conducted reveal that they cannot comprehend or recognize emotions used by other humans.


Part I: The AgCC, a neurological disorder, is well known to affect individuals socially. This type of disorder affects the corpus callosum part of the brain, a massive part of the brain that is white. The corpus callosum in the brain connects both the brain hemispheres; in this mental disorder, either the corpus callosum may be a part of it may be partially missing, or a structure that belongs to the corpus callosum may be missing. When the corpus callosum is missing, it affects the brain's normal functioning, which later on may have an impact on how an individual socially intermingles with others.

Part II: The AgCC affects an individual's brain's normal functioning and thus may have a considerable impact on one's social relationship with others. The AgCC affects an individual's normal functioning of the brain, in that they face difficulty in comprehending emotions, figures of speech, and communicating with others.

Part III: The AgCC also may influence a child's social being and developmental milestones. It is because this neurological disorder affects how they relate with others based on emotions or even conversations.


Brown, W. S., Panos, A., & Paul, L. K. (2020). Attention, impulsivity, and vigilance in Agenesis of the corpus callosum. Neuropsychology.

Lábadi, B., & Beke, A. M. (2017). Mental state understanding in children with Agenesis of the corpus callosum. Frontiers in Psychology, 8.

Lábadi, B., & Beke, A. M. (2017). Mental state understanding in children with Agenesis of the corpus callosum. Frontiers in Psychology, 8.

O'Connor, C., Kadianaki, I., Maunder, K., & McNicholas, F. (2018). How does psychiatric diagnosis affect young people's self-concept and social identity? A systematic review and synthesis of qualitative literature. Social Science & Medicine, 212, 94-119.

Riley, W. T. (2017). Behavioral and social sciences at the national institutes of health: Adopting research findings in health research and practice as a scientific priority. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 7(2), 380-384.

Siffredi, V., Anderson, V., McIlroy, A., Wood, A. G., Leventer, R. J., & Spencer-Smith, M. M. (2018). A Neuropsychological profile for Agenesis of the corpus callosum? Cognitive, academic, executive, social, and behavioral functioning in school-age children. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 24(5), 445-455.

Siffredi, V., Wood, A. G., Leventer, R. J., Vaessen, M., McIlroy, A., Anderson, V., Vuilleumier, P., & Spencer-Smith, M. M. (2019). Anterior and posterior commissures in Agenesis of the corpus callosum: Alternative pathways for attention processes? Cortex, 121, 454-467.

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Neurological Disorder from Social Science Analyze Your Disability from a Social Science Perspective. (2023, Dec 16). Retrieved from

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