Paper Example on National Strategy for the Physical Protection of Critical Infrastructure and Key Assets

Published: 2023-12-16
Paper Example on National Strategy for the Physical Protection of Critical Infrastructure and Key Assets
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Communication Security
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1022 words
9 min read


It refers to the road ahead for an essential mission part identified in the National Strategy for Homeland Security. It was formed to reduce the United States’ susceptibility to acts of violence by defending its serious infrastructures and main assets from physical attacks. It established a basis for fostering and building a supportive environment where the government, manufacturing industry, and private residents can transfer their protection tasks more efficiently and effectively.

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The National Strategy for the Physical Protection of Critical Infrastructures and Key Assets is the product of months following consultation transversely a broad range of private and public-sector participants. It comprises wide input from the federal agencies and departments, municipal and state government, infrastructure owners and operators from the private sector, the technology and scientific community, professional links, study institutes, and anxious residents across America. The document is thus a truly countrywide strategy (Gheorghe, Vamanu, Katina & Pulfer, 2018). As Americans work to instrument the strategy, it is significant to reminisce that defense of the serious infrastructures and main assets is a collective responsibility. Consequently, the accomplishment of American defensive efforts requires close collaboration between management and the private sectors in all stages. Every individual, therefore, takes an extremely vital role in defending the assets and infrastructures, which are the foundation for our everyday lives and which signify significant mechanisms of the national prestige and power. Therefore, the violent enemies that America faces are highly strongminded, adaptive, and patient. In challenging this kind of threat, defending the key assets and infrastructures poses a greater challenge. It calls for unity to resolve the problem. Also, all people should be tenacious in their approach and harmonious in their actions to overcome the challenge and protect the fundamentals of the nation and people’s way of life.

When was National Strategy for the Physical Protection of Critical Infrastructures and Key Assets created?

It was released as a National Strategy for Homeland Security in July 2002 and after that released as the National Strategy for the Physical Protection of Critical Infrastructures and Key Assets in February 2003. It multiplied the number of infrastructure sectors to 13 by adding the other five main assets.

Who created it?

It was created by the presidential directive decision number 63, where the president by then ordered that the directive be put in the National Strategy for Homeland Security. The president by then was George Bush.

How are communications addressed in the strategy documentation? Explain

We begin by defining is an important piece that bridges situation analysis and implements social behavior change. Actual communication plans must use systematic processes and behavioral concepts to implement and design communication activities that encourage sustainable behavior and social change. In stating how communications are addressed in strategy documentation, they include the elements of summary analysis of the situation, segmentation of audience, program philosophy for strategy growth, objectives of communication, how to achieve the objectives, the budgets, implementation plans, and benefits of the message usage to bring changes. The others are the communiqué networks to spread messages.

Most of these elements of communication have their ways of how collections must be reviewed in the development of communique strategy.

The reason for developing communication strategies is because it guides the whole program or interferences. It sets the direction and tone so that all announcements, goods, and materials work are in accord to attain the anticipated change (Gheorghe, Vamanu, Katina & Pulfer, 2018). Strategic materials and activities are more expected to encourage change. A communication strategy, therefore, enables participants and associates to deliver input and reach agreement on the best way onward so that all actions are incorporated. With an agreed-upon message strategy, partners and staff can refer through various program stages of progress.

Explain the concept of the interrelationship of infrastructure sectors

Infrastructure is the base where the growth of a country is built. Examples of infrastructure include water, roads, airports, among others. It also covers services that aid the development of directly industrious activities like industry and agriculture. These service areas include a wide range comprising of the health service provisions and education amenities to the source of such needs like irrigation, transport, communication, power, etc.

The infrastructure in America is built in an intricate system with interrelated foundations. It means that all infrastructure like oil, gas, amenities, among many others, reach all aspects of society. Some are even more critical that injuring them would destroy a whole region or even a large part of the country. Therefore, continued operations of these systems are very vibrant to the safety and welfare of the nation.

Initially, these systems used to be independent. However, today they are closely linked to each other, and these advances making them function this way have increased their vulnerabilities. It means that remote letdown resulting from human error, such as malicious deeds, or even weather, could cause extensive disruption (Rajeswari, Srinivasulu & Thiyagarajan, 2017).

Among elements of infrastructure like financial networks and telecommunications, the level of interdependency is stronger. And therefore, we no longer repute these multifaceted operating schemes as self-governing entities. Collected, they make a massive, vital, but vulnerable system.

These infrastructure elements are susceptible to electronic and physical disruptions, and disfunction in one may yield severe consequences in others. Some examples to show this is the western states; blackout of 1996. One minor accident of power line cascaded into massive unanticipated consequences. The blackout that lasted for more than six hours caused the entire telecommunication system in the state to come to a halt. Also, the earthquake that occurred in January 1994 affected Los Angeles. Because most people were using cellphones at the time, emergency personnel found it hard to communicate. The explanation is that emergency communications got paralyzed.


Gheorghe, A. V., Vamanu, D. V., Katina, P. F., & Pulfer, R. (2018). Critical infrastructures, key resources, and key assets. In Critical Infrastructures, Key Resources, Key Assets (pp. 3-37). Springer, Cham.

Rajeswari, S., Srinivasulu, Y., & Thiyagarajan, S. (2017). The relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty: Special reference to the wireline telecom sector (DSL Service). Global Business Review, 18(4), 1041-1058.

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