Movie Analysis Essay on Robin Hood Prince of Thieves

Published: 2023-10-15
Movie Analysis Essay on Robin Hood Prince of Thieves
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Movie Art
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 631 words
6 min read

Robin Hood Prince of Thieves is a movie that was produced in 1991 that starred Kevin Costner. Robin Hood, one of the movie's major characters, is known for his heroic act of stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. He is seen to attack Prince John and his agents, for he believes that they have underprivileged the civilians by imposing high taxes (Bartlett et al. 14). Together with Little John, Robin Hood steals the tax caravans and then gives the poor peasants money. Not only do they give money to the oppressed, but they also freed the prisoners as they believed that they were being held by the rich and powerful for unjust reasons. There was so much chaos as the rich were against the poor. The poor were being oppressed being made to live in harsh conditions and were forced to pay taxes on the little money they got.

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The life of William Marshall is that of a person who was poor but later on became rich. He went to be a regent of England from a landless and penniless son of a nobleman who had a middle-ranking. H began training as a knight at the age of twelve after he was sent away from his family to be brought up by the household of William de Tancarville. He then served as a knight and then went to sere king Henry later on.

Richard the Lionheart is mainly remembered for being a gallant medieval king. He battled Saladin in the crusades and also known for rebelling against his father. During his time, there was a notable social divide in the country. The rich and the poor did not get along as there were clashes. At that time, almost half of England was owned by a network of Anglo-Norman families and the rest by churches and the crown (Hosler 34). The poor people supplied the rich's food and wealth, and very few poor people made it out of poverty since they were very oppressed. For instance, during his time, poor people were not allowed to hunt for food. At the age of nine, he was betrothed to a girl the same age. However, he was against the harsh treatment of the poor and the existing social divide that was present, and so he rebelled against his father.

The different types of medieval people are reflected in the three cases since, in the film, the life of William Marshal and King Richard the Lionheart, there was a social divide where there was a clear distinction between the poor and the rich. The rich mainly gained their wealth from the poor's sweat, and some measures were put in place to ensure that the poor could not be able to come out of their situations. However, some people with the abilities felt that this was not right and therefore went ahead and took measures to ensure that the social divide ceased.

Women were not recognized as important people in society as their role was mainly that of being married. For instance, in the movie Robin Hood the maid Marian is portrayed as just an object without free will since she does not have a say in who she would like to marry. During these times, life in feudal England was characterized by wars since, for instance, King Richard spent most of his time in the war. It can also be characterized by loss of order since there were many rebellions, and the rich were against the poor.

Works Cited

Bartlett, Kenneth R., et al. "A cinematic analysis of the leadership behaviors of Robin Hood." Human Resource Development International (2020): 1-22.

Hosler, John D. Siege of Acre, 1189-1191: Saladin, Richard the Lionheart, and the Battle That Decided the Third Crusade. Yale University Press, 2018.

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