Free Essay Sample: Methodology of Employee Turnover Study

Published: 2017-09-29
Free Essay Sample: Methodology of Employee Turnover Study
Type of paper:  Research proposal
Categories:  Management Human resources Business
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1270 words
11 min read

Turnover survey procedure

This study will adapt survey research design. Wyse (2012) acknowledges survey distributions will form a flexible yet convenient mode of data collection on a small scale level. Since the respondents of the research are located in one place. Hence, using survey questionnaires that are physically issued to respondents will serve crucial in contributing to the data collection purposes of the study.

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The target population for the research is ground crew staff working in the restaurant outlets of the food and beverage industry, as well as their recruitment managers. A random sampling technique will be used to arrive at this specific target population (DePersio, 2015). The population under consideration is relatively small making this technique appropriate

Human resource research Instruments and data collection procedure

Questionnaires will be used as the data collection tools


Two different questionnaires will be structured. One for the ground crew staff and another one for the recruitment manager staff. A sample of 20% of the total number of workers in each category will be selected for the exercise. Each of these respondent categories will be expected to tackle questions concerning their area of work. Questionnaires will ensure that respondents who are contacted at their convenience (Wyse, 2012).

Data analysis

Statistical analysis will be conducted on the data collected. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics will be used. A Chi-square analysis will be used to test the significance of relationship in the hypothesis stated earlier. The choice for Chi-square is driven by the fact that it is easy to compute. It can also be used to study the difference among the various variables in consideration (Jain, 2016).

Limitation of the study

It will be a challenge capturing the required number of workers within the restaurant. The workers’ population has reduced due to turnover. Workers available may be so busy to set time for filing in questionnaires. For that reason, it might take longer duration of time to collect completed questionnaires for analysis.

Statement on research ethics

The researcher acknowledges the contribution of participants in the provision of relevant information in the form of research work. The research will abide by the guidelines for accessing archival material, by ensuring that appropriate permission is acquired to access these materials. The research will ensure the authorship of published work cited includes all those who contributed to the writing of the publication. The research will be conducted with integrity and transparency. Participation of the relevant people will be on voluntary basis and ensure they are well informed. Rights and dignity of the groups participating in the research will be upheld. The overall research will strive to maximize the benefits of the individuals and organization with minimized risks and harm.


Appendix 1 - Gantt Chart

Dissertation Timelines




















Draft research proposal

Submit research proposal

Preparation of the research instruments

Draft scoping study

Submit scoping study

Data collection

Analysis of the data collected

Complete literature review

Complete recommendations and conclusions

Draft final report

Submit dissertation

Appendix 2 - Conceptual framework


Key issues

Objectives of the study


Procedure of hiring

To investigate the effectiveness of recruitment and selection processes in organizations


Factors considered during hiring

To explore the literature review of HRM concepts in recruiting and selecting workers and identify importance of the process



To provide practical recommendations for organizations in improving their recruitment and selection and staff turnover


Results of making the right recruitment and selection choices

To assess the current effectiveness of the recruitment and selection process in an organization


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