Essay Sample on Mental Disorder -Child (Autism Spectrum Disorder)

Published: 2023-02-10
Essay Sample on Mental Disorder -Child (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Intelligence services Child development Autism Cognitive development
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 950 words
8 min read

To begin with, mental disorders are the issues that affect the brain in its functioning, and in so doing the body is altered in its operation. Many diseases are associated with the brain, and autism spectrum disorder becomes one of them and others, including anxiety, schizophrenia, eating disorders, and many more. This paper will look at autism and majorly on how social cognitive delays have a significant role in delays involved in the learning of children. Education is believed to start from the immediate environment of an individual, and it is almost evident that the immediate context of someone is the social setup that one grows in.

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Autism refers to a condition where one is impaired in how he or she interacts and communicates with others. The impairment may manifest itself through adopting a speech pattern that is not apparent, not been able to coo or bubble when one is a toddler, not answering when one name is called, speech skills developing late, having issues of repeating phrases and not be able to maintain a conversation among many more(Marshall 480). This kind of disorder mostly controls the nervous system of the body hence causing delays in the development of different part of the body and especially to children. The phenomena of social cognition are likely to delay learning in children. Social cognition in comprised of the social environment that one grows in and things like peer relationships, and social mutuality are considered.

Children with autism may mostly delay in learning or acquisition of knowledge to the brain when the mind is affected; it mostly slugs in the way it functions. The social environment may not be favorable for children who have autism because they find it difficult to interact in terms of playing or speaking to their age mates or even expressing themselves through speech(Corbett 213). Within the minimal interaction, there is a possibility that learning will delay. Some of the signs of delay in social interactions and their impacts in education include the following.

When a child lacks the interest in showing their achievements to their peers, teachers or their teachers because of their disorder people may not discover that they are achievers and have talents hence they cannot be helped sufficiently. Some achievements maybe, be able to draw better or recognize things like a particular bird or animal (Joseph 849). Children with autism may also avoid direct eye contact with others or even try to match facial expressions with the wrong information, and this may cause delays in learning because it will be a bit difficult for teachers or parents to have control of their communication or fail to understand them.

Children with autism are rigid and restrictive when it comes to playing. They tend to hide because they feel abnormal when they observed other children. Fear of playing makes it difficult for them to show off their abilities and also not become explorers this may affect the speed at which they get to learn things that their peers are learning while in outdoors playing (White 1865). The playful nature of children makes them become explorers and also get exposed to things that they may have never known or met before. When children with this disorder hide from play, they may learn slowly.

With the fact that children with autism take the meaning literally and miss the sarcasm, humor or irony attached to utterances may lead to them feeling abused and not even been able to think deeper or widely on a particular statement. When children believe abused may not have the confidence to approach someone and defend themselves. With the act of perceiving abused the children may shy away from conversations, with people either their parents or peers, which are mainly the sources of learning and understanding.

With the fact that children with autism have issues when it comes to initiating a conversation or keeping on with an interview, it may become difficult for them to learn because they can't give out information from their minds or even be able to give answers or solutions to questions been asked to them(Myers 1172). Been unable to express ones self-feelings, opinions, or even problems may make one feel that people are misunderstanding him or her and so shy away from the public and the issues to themselves. When one is unable to talk to others, it may be challenging to learn from others too and hence not get exposed to a variety of ideas and opinions.

To conclude, children with autism have a problem with social interaction with other people, and so learning is most likely to become difficult for them. The people who live with or near children with autism should have the knowledge to handle the children because in most cases, autistic children are gifted differently. The affected children have a problem with expressing themselves, so the people who are concerned should take note of the issue and get away to understand them and acquire information from them.

Works cited

Corbett, Blythe A., et al. "Examining executive functioning in children with an autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and typical development." Psychiatry Research 166.2-3 (2009): 210-222.

Joseph, Robert M., Helen TagerFlusberg, and Catherine Lord. "Cognitive profiles and social-communicative functioning in children with an autism spectrum disorder." Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 43.6 (2002): 807-821.

Marshall, Christian R., et al. "Structural variation of chromosomes in autism spectrum disorder." The American Journal of Human Genetics 82.2 (2008): 477-488.

Myers, Scott M., and Chris Plauche Johnson. "Management of children with autism spectrum disorders." Pediatrics 120.5 (2007): 1162-1182.

White, Susan Williams, Kathleen Keonig, and Lawrence Scahill. "Social skills development in children with autism spectrum disorders: A review of the intervention research." Journal of autism and developmental disorders 37.10 (2007): 1858-1868.

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Essay Sample on Mental Disorder -Child (Autism Spectrum Disorder). (2023, Feb 10). Retrieved from

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