Masters Admissions Paper for the Masters of Art Education Program

Published: 2023-05-14
Masters Admissions Paper for the Masters of Art Education Program
Essay type:  Admission essays
Categories:  University Admission help
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 647 words
6 min read

Being actively involved in creativity has been my passion since childhood. I identify with the freedom that comes with being a creator of art and design, as well as the fulfillment of capturing the imaginations of everyone who interacts with such art. This understanding culminated in my decision to register for and pursue a bachelor's degree in fine arts drawing and painting at the State University of New York at Fredonia. I firmly believe that art and design not only pervade human conscience but also help in bringing out the best experience of everything around. This striking cognizance of the great sublimity of art has been the source of my passion for acquiring more knowledge and skills. Eventually, I always endeavor to pass the so acquired knowledge either actively or passively to societies in the form of educating the young as well as making informative and entertaining artistic impressions.

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As a Bachelor of Fine Arts drawing and painting at the State University of New York at Fredonia, I was able to hone various competencies in the theory of art, liberal arts education, conceptual thinking. The program aligned me to be not only curious but also attentive to visual details, artistic sensibility. Apart from just having an imaginative mindset, I also developed the skills to integrate vast opportunities provided by computer technology in making cutting edge Visual Arts and New Media impressions. The studies made me aware of traditional methods as well as materials, new techniques, and basic ideas in art-making and art awareness. The multidisciplinary approach used and Small studio classes greatly impacted my connection with art. I gained a new conception about the potential of art in demystifying various aspects of life and emerging trends in societies without necessarily being controversial. Through the subtleness, I have managed to figure out how possible it is to confront even some of the most serious issues in societies in humorous ways that provoke attention.

I have been able to make different drawings about nature, human social life, personalities, and places. While some of such illustrations are real life, most of them were creations of my imaginations which mimic reality. Through my design skills and focus on visual expression, I am always able to create with the utmost artistic sensibility. I have a first-hand understanding that some critical elements of art only come out when analyzing a creation, but the creator does not have to be overly conscious about them during the process. This has been my objective in art; liberal art in which the creator fully expresses their imaginations. Taking the program at the State University of NY Oswego will significantly sharpen my skills and improve my experiences. Furthermore, interacting with other people at the institution will help me get diverse perspectives on life and positively impact my creativity.

For a long time, the emphasis is on improving the critical and creating thinking skills of young people. While conventional learning has helped to achieve this, I am convinced that art and design have a fundamental ability to nurture creativity. The tattoo culture, which is dominant today among the youth and children, is an adequate expression of the dying need of this generation to express themselves in unconstrained ways. It is on this background that I have a deliberate motivation to work with the young people who openly or intuitively have an inclination towards art. My conviction is that art helps young people to transcend mean thinking and explore their imaginations to the fullest, thus achieving personal fulfillment. In this regard, I focus on creating talent development facilities and art incubation centers through which to connect with the young people. I envision that this initiative will help bolster unrecognized talents and help young people develop a sense of liberal thinking. I am thoroughly engaged in skill and skill acquisition and dissemination through educating more young people in art and design.

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Masters Admissions Paper for the Masters of Art Education Program. (2023, May 14). Retrieved from

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