Essay Sample on Management of Full Walmart Store

Published: 2023-09-28
Essay Sample on Management of Full Walmart Store
Essay type:  Analytical essays
Categories:  Leadership analysis Walmart Leadership management
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1726 words
15 min read

Walmart management is the one thing that is so crucial to the establishment. The gig comes to mind when it comes to the payroll of the establishment. The government's report and the social environment with the territories of the United States need to have a higher average salary among the country employees. The main goal of Walmart is to get to the extent of managing the experience and the associate number of employees at the establishment. Walmart is an American multinational corporation retail operates grocery stores, discount department stores, chain of hypermarkets cooperation, and the full purchase power Walmart is on the rise. Like any other business in the market, Walmart needs to have the dynamic scanning of the environment to necessitate the identification of threats and address them. Furthermore, the identification of opportunities and grabbing them is so much necessary.

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History of The Establishment

The initiative of the early businessman J.C Penney and the employee Sam Walton by acquisition bought the Bn franklin and Butler Brothers. The main focus was to ensure the selling of the products at a low price to get higher volumes of sales at a lower cost to the senior population target increase in power. The lower-cost suppliers being of the advantage of the establishment. In the rise in the revenue-raising and the failure of agreement renewal on terms and conditions (Johnson et al., 2016). Walton in 1962 opens up the city and discount stores hence leading to the dynamic increase and the growth of the business establishment 1962-1964.

The Incorporation and Growth As Regional Power

Incorporation Walmart in 1969 changed its name to Walmart Inc. with the start of 39 stores and employees increasing from 1500. the sales increased to $44.2 million. The dynamic goal increase leads to the establishment being listed in New York stock exchange. Majorly on the operation within Oklahoma, Missouri, Louisiana, Kansas, and Arkansas (Li & Liu, 2018). Later growth of Walmart was on the rise in the increase of sourcing products from china and being on-demand in the market and hence increasing sales.

Retail Rise to Multinational Status

In 1990-2005, Walmart grew steadily to become the most profitable establishment in the united states on the revenue increase in retail sales. The diversification to the geographical areas and the establishment of branches growing the sales of the commodities reach to market sector area. Walmart employee social responsibilities in case of disaster to growth and the association to the establishment of the community (Nie et al., 2019). The infrastructural development and employing the employees around the areas. Hence leading to a drastic increase of the establishment and purchase power.


The environmental initiative of the establishment leads to an increase in the announcement of several measures to the environment. The efficiency of energy and improvement of the record previously lacking the company. The primary company goal is that spending on the effectiveness of the transport sector to deliver more (Redler, 2018). Furthermore, Walmart started getting diverse to the energy sector and sourced out its electricity. The electric industry was supplied to the business premises and further went to increasing the social responsibility of the establishment.

Branding and Store Design Changes

It is one of the critical needs to have the business establishment bee on the increase of the uniqueness of the products of the organization. The remodeling of the stores in the appeal to a broader demographics’ variety with inclusivity of shooters of affluent. As part of the initiation, the company launched new stores in Texas and Plano (Thomson, 2010). The sales on the premises were sushi bar, expensive wines, jewelers, and electronics high end to the improving s of the sales. The unique logo of establishment leads to an increase in the identification of products of establishment and the universal identification of commodities being sourced out from Walmart.

Acquisition and The Employee’s Benefits

The Walmart had unique identification on how it established the setting of employees’ payments working in its premises. Every full and part-time worker was paid hourly. The employees being thought about the benefits of receiving a pension after working in Walmart's report at the attachment of pension to employees. The rise lumpsum financial projection at the fiscal year ending with $401.2 billion net sales gain on the percentage. The shareholder's cash rose to 6% of the net worth.

Continues Developments

The algorithm for maximization of the delivery to the buyer in the mart is necessitating the long-distance miles and geographical diversification to make the retail business sales increase. The incorporation with the dynamic technology where they acquired an online platform for the sale of their goodies, expanding the consideration.

Operational Division

The management level of the understanding of the need to have a critical position in the management of the diversification operation increase in the number and sallies; hence futurizing exponential growth of the establishment will be on the rise. The company is taking consideration of offering the and digital retail being the increasing managerial decision in need to have the consents of the acquisition increase.

Walmart In the United States Of America

It is the hypermarkets' size market overview size of numerical 260,00 square meter feat averaging about 178,000 square meters. The general market supermarket in the fiscal 2019 accounting increase under the management of the supermarket needs to have an increase in branded Walmart. The managerial decision of taking keen consideration in the local primary rise consideration.

Discount Stores Walmart Strategical Strategy

An increase in the necessary need to have managerial consideration to have the establishment discount management sector. The square meters of 206,000 general mechanizations of the limited groceries of the merchandise of the limited groceries subject to the establishment sales increase. Walmart double stores need to have sometimes the geographical stores of the three of Walmart major on the sales and the consideration of the neighborhood market operation.

Former Stores and The Concepts

The consideration in Walmart expresses in the chain smaller in the stores with a range of services groceries to check to cash for gasoline service and conceptual the United States of the 39,00 square-meter. It necessitated the need to have the new managerial need to have branches to drive on the Walmart express chain smaller of having the warehouses operating in the market ranging in the stores the express mass club in the retail increase sales in the market the chain lower range of focus on small growing towns in need to have the projection of the need to have the Walmart express of discounting managerial decision. The range of services on the groceries on the services increases to the ultimate need to have it in the managerial diversification in need to have it. Needed.


The September in 2006, Walmart announcing of a pilot program to sell generic drugs on the prescription of in tamp, expanded to all stores provision of Walmart maintains on the selling at a loss. The hedging of the need for the oral Walmart in the maintaining staring of the solid instead they are using the mechanism of mass distribution it uses to bring the lower price to other company launches the pickup service allowing selection of the online choice pickup time customers to select production. The dynamic number of the increase in the diversification of sales retail department need to have the unit up and to run.

Walmart International Considerations.

Walmart’s international operation is comprising of 26 countries outside the united states. The wholly-owned enterprises in an increase of 2.2 million employees in the market. The retail establishment in the UK, Canada, Brazil, and Argentina are making this need for commercial units ranging feet while commercial units and range square feet.

Favorable Consideration of The Managerial Of Walmart

There are several merits considering the managerial impacts of the Walmart universal enterprise, making much money. Like any other establishment, there is a need to have the consistency scanning of establishment and to be able to identify the identification of opportunities and the threat of business.


Walmart's consideration is needing to have the consistency of diversification. It is at the core of the establishment that is showing the core speculation and improving the business establishment. The business needs to make the essential need for location, generally ranging in the size diversification. The chain was named after founder Sam Walton as of April 30, 2020. The opening up of subcategories is of importance.

The employee’s protection. Waymarked t is making the employees protection to be the need to have the employees receive a loan and the increase of the security to job. The business must have launched a lack of several policies and stages for the consideration of the employee’s safety.

The global ecommerce the universal need to have the requirement of the universal need of having the internet and technological emphasis on the necessity of making needs of certifying. Entertainment of the need to have company exam with Procter and gamble to produce secrets of commerce acquisition and the plans to have thee e-commerce compact found e-commerce company founder. The online commerce acquisition and policies are making it necessary. Furthermore, it has corporate affairs. The speculative project of having many subsidiaries.

Demerits of The Enterprise.

No giving ultimum consideration needs to have the base selling a wide variety of general merchandise at a low price. The exploitation of the consumer wishes because of the exploitation of the indispensable guide of the regulation to have the business respect the consumer's need for enjoying them.

The curbing of growing and small business enterprises that increasing need to have the economy grow through enterprises of the establishment of lack of Walmart is pushing for the grounding of this business. The growth of such enter price and not given chances by the large stores’ retails.


Johnson, D., Lybecker, K., Gurley, N., Stiller-Shulman, A., & Fischer, S. (2016). The NWIMBY effect (No Wal~Mart in my backyard): Big box stores and residential property values. Journal of Business and Policy Research, 11(2), 65-79.

Li, C., & Liu, M. (2018). Overcoming collective action problems facing Chinese workers: Lessons from four protests against Walmart. ILR Review, 71(5), 1078-1105.

Nie, Y., Xu, K., Chen, H., & Peng, L. (2019). Crowd-parking: A new idea of parking guidance based on Crowdsourcing of parking location information from automobiles. IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.

Redler, J. (2018). Store brand und store brand management. Die Store Brand, 23-78., G. S. (2010). High-performance organizations: The Wal-Mart stores Inc. Case study. SSRN Electronic Journal.

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