Main Character in "The Moon Is Green" - Free Paper Sample

Published: 2023-11-24
Main Character in "The Moon Is Green" - Free Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Character analysis American literature
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 357 words
3 min read


“The Moon is Green” is a science-related fiction short novel by the celebrated Fritz Leiber. The short story was first published in early 1952, Galaxy. Leiber narrates his story around Effie, the main character (Doomsday). The story describes the apocalyptic nature of the Earth alongside the capabilities of the survival shown by its characters Effie and her husband, Hank. Effie is trapped in their house with her husband Hank, an "angry, musty little man," because of the nuclear conflict's remaining radioactivity through cobalt bombs.

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Protected Society

In this short story, Effie and her husband reside in a protected society, sealed away from the radioactive world. As the main character, Effie looks upon the night sky and its green moon, wishing to escape (Doomsday). When Hank leaves, she opens the window for the visitor, a man who tells her that what lies beyond is not the outcome expected of several bombs, that it is a fairyland. And this news compels Effie more to leave her home for the wild world beyond. Hank and Effie, an ill-matched couple who survive an atomic war, keep safe from the radiation by confining themselves in an apartment with other survivors. Hank only cares about his reputation and the Geiger counter, but Effie can't resist lifting the shutters to stare outside to glimpsing some beauty. To her surprise and delight, someone beautiful does come to the window.


Effie and her overbearing husband Hank are two of the few remaining survivors of the worldwide nuclear wasteland. She's dangerously curious about what's outside, and when a transient knock at her lead-shuttered windows, she abandons restraint and lets him in (Doomsday). Does he represent a new possibility of life outside the compound, or is he just a desperate man willing to say or do anything to survive? Hank's a jerk, and Effie's a free-spirited person, so they don't make for too good a match. The transient tells some nice tales, but in the end, it's Hank's version of the world that lingers in everyone's minds.

Works Cited

The Moon is Green & not; The Moon is Green " Doomsdayer, 2013 April 13.

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Main Character in "The Moon Is Green" - Free Paper Sample. (2023, Nov 24). Retrieved from

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