Career Essay Example: Logistic Analyst Career Path

Published: 2019-06-19
Career Essay Example: Logistic Analyst Career Path
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Career Profession
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1549 words
13 min read

I have always aspired to pursue a bachelor's degree in the field of logistic analysis because of both my personal, academic and social skills that suit the requirements of the career path. On the personal aspect, I have a passion for research and data analysis. My daily activities encompass either doing research in my laptop or reading interesting statistical data analysis done by different people or organizations. Academically, I am a natural when it comes to mathematics as since the years in kindergarten up until high school. Numbers just intrigue my mind and challenges me to think better and faster, tracing the motivation from my chess-playing hobby. Socially, I am a friendly person who in nature is curious on the works of other people and courageous enough to ask the authors of different statistical or logistic analysis books questions on their research. Courteously doing so, I learn various methods of logistic analysis and the requirements in the industry. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to give an analysis of the logistic analysts career path. In doing so, I will provide the educational requirements, opportunities for advancement, and duties of a logistic analyst in the field of logistic analysis. Further, I will get a little statistical by giving the current salary range and the factors affecting the salary, personal characteristics that contribute to the success and the advantages and disadvantages of logistic analyst profession.

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Educational Requirements

The educational demands of the position as a logistic analyst chiefly entail having a bachelors degree in logistics. Prior to admission for undergraduate in the field, the student must have performed well in mathematics, English, and sciences. Thus, high school education is crucial. Other degrees programs such as the associate bachelor's and the master and doctoral degree just spice up the knowledge acquired in the bachelors degree. A bachelors degree in logistics provides a platform for the preparation of graduates for supply chain roles. Before student chooses a concentration or area of speciality in the logistic analysis profession, crucial fields such as industrial and consumer sales, logistics technology, distribution channels, material handling and procurement covered in the degree program must be done.

To add value to the degree, one can choose to do an Associates degree in logistics, which includes core logistics and business concepts such as e-business, logistics technology, commerce, inventory management, business or company law, and international logistics. Furthermore, after completion of the Bachelors degree one can do the masters and doctoral one to improve the skills in the field.

Opportunities for Career Advancements

A logistic analyst has diverse opportunities for career advancements commencing at the educational background of the profession. In the Bachelor of logistics, a core educational requirement to be a logistic analyst includes the units or subjects such as computer operation classes, logistic technology, e-business, and company or business law among others. The diversity in the discipline learned under the undergraduate program gives an individual a wide range of sectors to specialize in and not restricted to any data analysis. One, for instance, can choose to specialize in business law in relation to logistic analysis career path, or any other sector when doing the masters degree. Moreover, the skills taught in the course equips the aspiring logistic analyst professional with materials handling and procurement skills that are essential in other solid careers such engineering. In fact, one of the topics under the degree is engineering.

Duties a Logistic Analyst

After completing the education period that qualifies one as a logistic analyst, the functions and tasks that the professional will have are numerous. The rationale for this is that logistic analysts work creating quantitative models to solve real-life problems pertaining to inventory levels, working with statistical software, budget constraints and transport schedule. Therefore, the play a significant role in ensuring the success of the success of a corporation or a business enterprise.

To begin with, a logistic analyst has a duty to write or review operating standards and procedures for logistic processes in the company. For example, if the statistics of the former logistic analyst about the performance of a product in the market were faulty, then when employed as a logistic analyst one should review and correct the data. Secondly, the analyst has a responsibility to monitor the standards practices or trends to improve the logistic execution and planning of the company. For the purpose of records of the performance of the company, the logistic analyst has a duty to enter logistic or research data in databases accurately. A logistic analyst further functions at determining the packaging requirements and maintain the payment systems to ensure accuracy in the payment by vendors associated with the corporation.

Moreover, a logistic analyst plays a task of contacting possible or potential suppliers and somehow works as an agent to convince them the benefits of contracting with the company they are employed. Importantly, they track the product reception and flow from the origin that is the corporation they work at, to the final delivery. With this follow-up, they can recommend improvements in the products produced thus increasing the market. In addition, a logistic analyst has a duty to communicate or monitor the service providers in the company to ensure quality services to the consumers. Finally, they have an obligation to interpret statistically on elements such as maintainability, and availability in the supply chain management, analysis the distribution or transportation strategies and make inventories improve the enterprises profitability and success.

Current Salary Range and the Factors Affecting the Salary

The annual salary for a graduate in Bachelors of Logistic Analysis in the U.S.A., often referred to as Logistic Analyst 1, range from $45,632 to $57,960. The factors affecting the salary of this analyst include the size of the company, industry specialty, location, level of education and experience in the field. In the U.S., the location is crucial as the more modern the town is the higher the salary for the logistic analyst. The salary is directly proportional to the size of the company and the industry specialty in that the bigger or more diversified a company is in terms of its industrial products, the higher the salary for the professional. For education and experience, sometimes experience supersedes educational information. Nevertheless, a logistic analyst of high levels of education like the masters and doctoral degrees are presumed to have the required experiment hence higher salaries that Logistic Analyst 1 ranging from an average of $53,252 to $100,000 annually. However, the ranges can be lower or higher depending on the factors affecting the salary but only 10% of logistic analyst earn below $ 50,000 per year.

Personal Characteristics that Contributes to the Success

Personal traits that contribute to success as a logistic analyst include being a good having a good command of English and oral comprehension traits. For English, it makes one be able to communicate efficiently with ease during data collection in the field. Oral comprehension gives the analyst the ability to listen and understand ideas and information in spoken sentences and words. Other traits such as courageous and brevity are personal skills crucial to being a successful logistic analyst. These two traits eliminate the element of fear in the analyst when approaches some aggressive consumers or vendors when carrying out their duties.

Moreover, a successful logistic analyst should be a critical thinker who uses reasoning and logic to identify the weaknesses and strengths of alternative solutions, approaches, and conclusions. To be successful in the job, it requires one to be an active learner in that he or she understands the effects or implication of a new piece of information to the future and current problem solving and decision making activities. Due to this, decision-making and problems solving activities are also crucial personal traits needed. Furthermore, a mathematical problem-solving strategy always in mind is a success-leading trait. Additionally, system analysis and evaluation skills traits help one achieve credible data, hence successful in the profession. I choose to pursue the career path as I have all this personal traits.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Logistic Analyst Profession


The merits of practicing as a logistic analyst include the opportunities for career developments in the career path as different subjects that can form a specialty are studied. Further, the profession promotes and improves essential life skills such as critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving and decision-making. Moreover, one acquires confidence in their judgment as solving things on mathematical basis is often accurate. In addition, a logistic analyst has the opportunities to travel to different places for collection of data from the consumers hence making the career an interactive profession and not boring.


The sole demerit I can think of is that the job demands an investment of ones time for the analyst to be successful. Thus, most of the logistic analysts have less time for their families and social lives. However, this is a sacrifice we all have to make daily for proper living standards in this harsh economic times.

Works Cited, Site. 'Logistics Analyst I Salaries And How Key Factors Impact Logistics Analyst I Salaries - Salary.Com'. N.p., 2015. Retrieved from Nov. 2015.,. 'Logistics Analyst Job Description, Including Skills Needed - Part 1-5'. N.p., 2015. Retrieved from on 16 Nov. 2015.

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