Literary Analysis Essay on "A Framework for Teaching"

Published: 2023-08-31
Literary Analysis Essay on "A Framework for Teaching"
Type of paper:  Literature review
Categories:  Education Literature
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1492 words
13 min read


Charlotte is the main cast in the videos explaining her book that enhances lessons. In Charlotte’s book titled, "A Framework for Teaching,'' she writes about the Danielson rubric. She describes the rubric as an official definition of good teaching. The Danielson rubric lays and describes the intricate work of education. She argues that it is essential to understand the impacts rather than following the purpose of doing only. She further describes the rubric as a generic instrument for teachers. It is a context for discussing and describing excellence. The primary goal is to provide educators with a roadmap to improve their teaching and the level of performance of their students. Many schools in different districts have adopted the framework because it is written based on research about teachers and Charlotte's own experience.

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The framework contains four main categories which Charlotte describes as the domain. The first domain is planning and preparation. This domain focuses on enhancing and enabling teachers to prepare adequately before lessons in terms of content delivery and its relevancy. This category ensures adequate planning and preparation. The second domain is the classroom environment. The class environment is a student's second teacher.e This is the social, physical and emotional aspects surrounding a student (Allodi, 2010). The framework ensures that teachers have created a conducive environment for the learning of students. They should be of emotional support to students.

The third domain is on instruction, which focuses on how the teacher constructs and delivers guidance to students. This category mainly focuses on educating teachers on how to form and build easy guidelines that can be easily understood by the students. It should be brief and direct to the point. The last category is career responsibilities, and it focuses on making educators understand career defined roles and responsibilities. It makes educators know what this required of them, their duties when it comes to teaching, discipline and content delivery. Charlotte says that there are 22 components within these domains. Each domain describes an essential aspect of teaching, capturing everything about the four main areas. She says the fields are guidelines for teachers and they help a lot in ensuring better performance in students.

Danielson's framework covers several themes. First, it aims at developing expertise through conscious reflection. It makes a teacher evaluate whether the content is delivered to students is relevant, is it understandable, and the teacher is providing it in the right way. Secondly, it focuses on enhancing teacher preparation. The teacher should prepare before attending a lesson. The content should be developed in advance and should be understood by the teacher before delivering it to students. Another purpose of this framework is mentoring and coaching. The framework has equipped teachers with skills on how to coach students. It has ensured teachers know what they should do when it comes to positively mentoring their students.

Charlotte says that the framework purpose is professional development. She comments that teachers who have used this framework to a high degree in their teaching, the performance of their students is very high compared to those who have used it to a low degree. The framework also enhances teacher evaluation. It makes teachers question themselves. Am I teaching the right thing? Is my interaction with students improving their performance? It will ensure high performance in teaching. Charlotte says that teachers now can understand their motives towards students through this. In the video, one teacher says that through this, she has been able to evaluate herself and known how her level of interaction with students affects their performance.

Danielson's framework for teaching is advantageous to teachers. First, the framework has helped in structuring self-assessment of practice in teachers. Second, it has made teachers understand that every minute they spent with a student makes either a positive or negative impact. Hence, ensuring that teachers provide a conducive social, physical and emotional environment for students. This framework has provided a common language for professional conversation between teacher and teacher and between teacher and student. The framework has also enhanced the quality of teaching. As stated earlier, the performance level of students whose teacher uses this framework to a high degree has significantly improved.

Analysis and Synthesis

Charlotte's book in these videos outlines the premise of a better quality of teaching, applies the premise in enhancing the higher quality of education and improved performance of the students.

The book intends to help teachers in several ways which include planning and preparation of lessons, understand profession responsibilities, preparing a conducive environment for students, and developing expertise through conscious reflection. Also, the book enables high-quality teaching through self-assessment as well as mentoring and coaching approach of education.

In part, Charlotte writes this book to enhance high performance in students and preparing a conducive environment for them. The guidelines she gives are essential and helpful in teaching. The book has highlighted various things a teacher should do to improve the quality of education and in developing their expertise. It is a reflection of the multiple strategies in ensuring that students get the best of their teachers and worth of the time they spend in classrooms.

Internal and External Criteria

Since we have already identified the thesis of this book, it is fair to say that the author discusses her ideas, with relevant explanations. I believe she makes certain from the beginning what her intentions are for writing this book are. The guidelines given in her writing are steps in enhancing students' performance. I think this framework has a lot of impact on English Language Learners. This framework has helped in the process of making the ELEL tool (Bailey, 2007). The guidelines given by Charlotte in her book have been used in New York by the education council to create a tool and programs that are used to determine English Learning Learners.

My point of view is that this framework has also seen America's commitment to bring equity in the schools. Some programs have been made especially for ELLs to help in ensuring they also perform high in school (Darling-Hammond, 2010). The plans also have the mandated instructional minutes per week to ensure that ELL students understand the content being taught to them and familiarize with the content. Thus it has a positive impact on ELLs.

I think Danielson framework has dramatically made an impact on the teaching quality of Ells. In the CRCR part 154, this framework has ensured that the staff and teachers of English Language Learners are certified with ESOL. It has provided that ELLs taught by qualified teachers. It also ensures that the teaching quality and content is relevant and appropriate for their age. The CRCR part 154 outlines the steps taken to determine ELL students, the programs available for them and the various stages they should undergo. It also highlights the additional help available for ELLs that have passed successfully through the laid plans. It has dramatically catered for the needs of these students.

Lastly, I think the framework has helped in the teacher-student relationship. A teacher's words and interaction with a student determine the achievement of students (Ballantyne et. Al., 2008). If a teacher says abusive words and is mean to the students, the level of students' concentration is significantly affected negatively. The students will always have a wrong and harmful impression on their teacher. This framework has ensured that teachers are excellent mentors to their students through the structuring self-assessment of practice. It has made teachers understand that every minute with a student makes an impact on the and it should be a positive impact. In that regard, it has enhanced an emotional and social conducive environment in the classroom that triggers high and encouraging performance from the students.


Overall, the videos have a significant impact on the teaching ways of educators. The book has meticulously detailed all the areas regarding English language teaching to enhance the teaching quality. The author has emphasized the main points to make them clear and more noticeable. The author has ensured that teachers have a better understanding of their professional responsibilities. She has also outlined the various purposes of this framework and how it is useful to teachers. My point of view is that this is an excellent book for teachers and I highly recommend it for them.


Allodi, M.W. (2010). The meaning of social climate of learning environments: Some reasons why we do not care enough about it. Learning Environments Research. 13(2), 89-104.

Ballantyne, K. G., Sanderman, A. R. & Levy, J. (2008). Educating Language Learners: Building Teacher Capacity.

Bailey, K. M. (2007). Language teacher supervision: A case-based approach (2nd edition). New York.: Teachers College Press.

Charlotte Danielson: A common understanding of Good Teaching [Video file]. (2014). Retrieved on June 21, 2020, from

Charlotte Danielson's framework for teaching [Video file]. (2010). Retrieved on June 21, 2020, from

Darling-Hammond, L. (2010). The flat world and education: How America's commitment to equity will determine our future. New York: Teachers College Press.

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