Le Musee du Louvre, Paris. Free Essay,

Published: 2023-08-06
Le Musee du Louvre, Paris. Free Essay,
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Culture World Art
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 552 words
5 min read

The Louvre Museum is well known for its artwork. It is believed to be the largest art museum as well as a historical monument that is based in Paris, France. On the tour of the museum, many different kinds of art were noted. The Louvre's paintings collections are said to be the wealthiest worldwide that tend to represent all the periods of European artwork. One illustration of a painting that is found here is Leonardo da Vinci, among others. The organization guiding idea is from the picture is believed to be coming up with different kinds of art, especially from different periods of individuals.

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According to the arts that I came across, the museum also tends to have the aim of reminding individuals who visit here the political states of the people who lived there before them. The exhibition besides aims at focusing on the early life hood of the ancient people. Their social way of life, and besides, some arts, shows a different form of people that the older people believed. This is to justify that traditional people thought and also prayed.

In terms of media, the arts display out different ideas. The skills show the way the ancient day's individuals carried themselves in terms of religion. Some other skills are the kind of tools that were being used by the past man. They are historically stored here to remind the newer generations of the previous way of life. They are also used as a tourist attraction. Anyone who wants to learn about ancient people can visit the museum.

The museum can, therefore, be said to be an education center as well. The arts educate people about how the ancient's individuals either carried out their activities. The museum also has the creativity of the early individuals who were said to be superior either in one way or the other. In the museum, some of the arts are stored, and behind each of them, there is a story that is said to be mythical about that particular art. The story is made to prove something.

In the exhibition, most of the things were interesting, especially the arts that had a particular story behind them. As I earlier said, these stories are mythical and are just written to just proof that something existed. The fact that they are there and reminds the visitors to remember something makes the exhibition fascinating. The arts as well makes the sightseer relate the stories they hear regarding some of the arts and what they see on the visit to the exhibit. A good example is the Egyptian Antiquities found at the exhibition.

On the other side, the fact that the museum does not have proof about some of the arts makes the stories they make under some of the arts to be regarded as our myths. The exhibition also does not have some facts behind some other arts that they have. The information that they have is little regarding some arts making the viewers to remain at a dilemma on some arts. Historically, the arts are there to prove some of the past things. Most of the arts that include the study of items made by different cultures everywhere on the world and all over history that express sense, prominence, or obliged usefulness mainly through pictorial means.

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Le Musee du Louvre, Paris. Free Essay,. (2023, Aug 06). Retrieved from https://speedypaper.com/essays/le-musee-du-louvre-paris

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