Free Essay - Key Academic Writing Styles

Published: 2023-08-13
Free Essay - Key Academic Writing Styles
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Learning Knowledge Languages
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 981 words
9 min read

Academic writing is a form of communication that allows a student to express their thoughts to their instructor or in other cases, markers. I have understood the importance of academic writing over time. With practical writing skills, learners can easily convince a tutor that they comprehend the written content. Academic writing styles can be categorized into four types. They include descriptive, analytical, persuasive, and critical. Each of these styles has a specific language and feature designed for a particular purpose.

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Importantly, the descriptive writing style provides facts and information. It could include a summary of a report. In other cases, it could consist of a description of the results garnered from a study. I believe that this is one of the easiest forms of academic writing. The style is direct and entails identification, reporting, recording, summarizing, and defining (Forgasz 2019). In a research paper, the methodology section is usually descriptive since it encapsulates the methods used for data collection and analysis. The result section is often descriptive since it gives the findings of the study as they occurred from an experiment.

The analytical writing style is a form of descriptive writing but differs in that it entails the re-organization of facts and information into parts. The technique incorporates analysis, relation, comparison, and contrasts (Pagliawan 2017). Analytical writing style becomes the most appropriate technique for use when one needs to compare two theories or concepts. In a study paper, the discussion section is usually analytical since a researcher tends to relate the findings to the study questions and the existing literature.

The third essential writing style is the persuasive technique. The method has all forms of analytical style but has an actuating element. In research papers, a compelling manner becomes paramount when researchers propose their interpretations of the findings. Lastly, the critical method is frequently used in the literature review, where one needs to show the existing literature gap. The style involves analysis of an article, for instance, and relating the content to personal opinion and interpretation.

Introduction of Topic of Interest

The selected topic for research is, “The Consequences of Violence against Women on their Social and Mental Health Development.” Violence is a complicated ordeal that involves individuals and relationships. According to Dillon et al. (2013), violence is a public health challenge that has caused mortality and morbidity worldwide. Similarly, Dillon et al. (2013) argued that violence leads to acute and chronic health effects. Violence against women stretches beyond the usual kind of fights to intimate partner violence, where women are abused by their spouses (Friborg et al. 2015). Although intimate partner violence can occur to any person regardless of gender, it is prevalent among women. Dokkedahl et al. (2019) argued that psychological abuse is the most common form of intimate partner violence. It frequently causes the development of adverse mental conditions if it persists.

Importantly, violence against women has been shown to cause suicidal ideations and anxiety, among other mental issues (Alvarado et al. 2018). According to Sharma et al. (2019), violence against women refers to gender violence that leads to physical, sexual, and psychological suffering. It includes threats of violence, coercion, or deprivation of liberty in one’s public and private life. Islahi and Ahmad (2015) stipulated that violence against women is one of the most persistent acts that violates human rights. Understanding the impact of violence against women on their social and mental condition is the first step towards creating awareness on the issue (Morris 2007). In addition to that, for sociologists to provide the required assistance to victims of violence, they need to understand the existing relationship between physical and psychological abuse (Antai et al. 2014). Therefore, this research will be essential in showing the consequences of violence on a woman’s overall health hence creating awareness and informing decision-making practices concerned with the field.


Alvarado, G, Fenny, AP, Dakey, S, Mueller, JL, O’Brien-Milne, L, Crentsil, AO, Duvvury, N, Scriver, S & Schwenke, C 2018, ‘The health-related impacts and costs of violence against women and girls on survivors, households and communities in Ghana’, Journal of Public Health in Africa, [Accessed 24 May 2020]

Antai, D, Oke, A, Braithwaite, P & Lopez, GB 2014, ‘The effect of economic, physical, and psychological abuse on mental health: A population-based study of women in the Philippines’, International Journal of Family Medicine, vol. 2014, pp. 1–11, [Accessed 24 May 2020]

Dillon, G, Hussain, R, Loxton, D & Rahman, S 2013, ‘Mental and physical health and intimate partner violence against women: A review of the literature’, International Journal of Family Medicine, vol. 2013, pp. 1–15, [Accessed 24 May 2020]

Dokkedahl, S, Kok, RN, Murphy, S, Kristensen, TR, Bech-Hansen, D & Elklit, A 2019, ‘The psychological subtype of intimate partner violence and its effect on mental health: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis’, Systematic Reviews, vol. 8, no. 1, [Accessed 24 May 2020]

Forgasz, HJ 2019, ‘Scholarly Writing’, ICME-13 Monographs, pp. 359–374, 10.1007/978-3-030-15636-7_17 [Accessed 24 May 2020]

Friborg, O, Emaus, N, Rosenvinge, JH, Bilden, U, Olsen, JA & Pettersen, G 2015, ‘Violence affects physical and mental health differently’, PLOS ONE, vol. 10, no. 8, p. e0136588, [Accessed 24 May 2020]

Islahi, F, & Ahmad, N 2015, ‘Consequences of violence against women on their health and well-being: An overview’, Research Gate, [Accessed 24 May 2020]

Morris, CS 2007, ‘The causes of violence and the effects of violence on community and individual health’, Global Health Education Consortium, [Accessed 24 May 2020]

Pagliawan, DL 2017, ‘Feature style for academic and scholarly writing’, Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 35–41, [Accessed 24 May 2020]

Sharma, K, Vatsa, M, Kalaivani, M & Bhardwaj, D 2019, ‘Mental health effects of domestic violence against women in Delhi: A community-based study’, Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, vol. 8, no. 7, p. 2522, [Accessed 24 May 2020]

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