John Locke's and Edmund Burke's Ideologies

Published: 2023-01-06
John Locke's and Edmund Burke's Ideologies
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Marketing Analysis Career Behavior
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1433 words
12 min read

John Locke is a famous advocate for individual rights and liberalization. He was devoted to the development of natural laws and natural rights, which stated that human beings are free, equal, and they have rights. Edmund Burke was a conservatism who opposed the French revolution. The two scholars have varied approaches to various thoughts and arrive at different conclusions. However, Burke's ideas failed to inspire the leaders and because his primary concern dwelt on the status quo. Locke, on the other hand, was able to motivate and mobilize the entire landowners to spark the empire government. In this paper, it is essential to compare and contrast Locke's Idea of liberalization and Burke's Idea of conservatism. Additionally, it is crucial to analyze John Locke's vision of individual rights, rights of rebellion, and the right to appropriate nature with our labor square. Moreover, it is essential to discuss Edmund Burke's reaction to the revolutionary upheavals in 18th century France, his opinions on the American Revolution, his attitude towards tradition, common sense, and his wariness of philosophical systems

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Ideology of Liberalization by John Locke and the Idea of Conservationism by Edmund Burke

Burke highly discouraged the idea of introducing a completely new form of societal structure and the French revolution during the Age of Enlightenment. His reaction emanated from his value for morality, religion and family structure which unified the society, and reduced insecurity and anarchical state. He recommended conservationism in the French state.

Liberalism is an ideology that encourages equality in the political, religious, and social activities of the community. John Locke is the Founder of liberalization. Burke argues that a society must have a central authority that controls the behaviors of people. Those guilty of ill practices must face dire consequences. For this reason, he supported the idea of a liberal form of government. Conservation and liberalism ideologists differ in various aspects, including political, cultural, economic marriage, economy, religion, ecology, capital punishment, and abortion.

Argument Individual Rights

Locke developed the Natural Law theory and Natural Rights theory, which stated that people are free equal and have rights. He believes that each is bound to live in a stature of nature where we are ruled by human nature. He argues people are bound by three essential principles, which include: self-preservation, equality, and property. Locke explains that it is the natural phenomena that men are created to be equal (54). However, Burke discredits the fact that human beings have exclusive rights. He argues that human belongs born in and form civil society, and the traits explained lock is created by the institutions that guide the societal norms, but they are innate. Burke is feared that the rights proposed by Locke could lead to individualization as opposed to communal living. He discredits individualism since it limits human affection that is preserved when through a society in unity. It is through the personal friendship that people can share love, respect, share admiration o with people around us and embrace the traditions and institutions among us. People are only able to exercise their liberty at the institutional level. And once the institutions are abolished, and then they lose their right to enjoy their freedoms. Instead, Burke outlines right to do the following "Men have a proper justice...they have a right to the fruits of their industry, and to the means of making their industry fruitful (51)

Idea of the Government

Burke and Locke agree that government is essential in any society. Locke argues that currency creates a statute of nature since the people have the freedom to acquire accumulate as such cash as they want. During this period, people are in chaotic anarchy. During the golden age, people are characterized by greed to own more property, disputes, and insecurities arise, and as a result, and the society in a state of nature realizes the challenges behind the rule. The country is not able to settle its disputes. People develop an urge to form a government that will fulfill their desires and creates sanity in a chaotic society (62). However, Burke, on the other hand, uses the example of a French revolution to illustrate the importance of a government. He argues that a government is in organic form since it can be adjusted to fit the desires of the citizens, and it also can be damaged. When the government is damaged, chaos is likely to erupt. The French government had attempted to create a new government; both the National Assembly and the National Convention but failed because of the political instability. The country resulted in into state of anarchy, economic downfall, and the national institutions closed down. During the Napoleons Coup de tat, the French people became desperate since their anted a formal government that could support the economy of the country and establish security and ensures that all individuals enjoy their freedom (Burke 13). Burke suggests that when people are being ruled by one government. They have become subjects to the government. However, Locke argues that it is impossible for children to become subjects of the government since during their tender age they are subjects to their parent until the age of maturity when he achieves liberty that will be put under him by the government (63).

The Idea on Political Rebellion

Political rebellion occurs when the people f a nation are dissatisfied with the way their government is run and the advocate for a change. Political resistance occurs when the government fails to undertake its responsibilities as expected by the people. Both and Locke support the idea of political rebellion, but they have varied specifications about it. Both believe that political resistance is good for the growth of a state. Additionally, both agree that a government should protect its citizens. However, they differ in the circumstances that the revolution should occur. Locke believes support political rebellion in case the leaders abuse the powers. People should resist against a government that they do not trust anymore. Additionally, he believes that and people should turn to the state of nature in case the government has become unpopular so that they can build a new civil society that will meet their desired and see their natural rights are protected (45).

However, Burke idea of revolution is based on the rights and moral of people. Burke believes that people should not to civil liberty when they those trusting their government. His ideas dwell on the fact that he does not believe in the existence of the State of Nature, and he does not believe that people have a right to form a government for themselves. He believes in inheriting the liberties and institutions of the governments that existed before since people have more knowledge to borrow from them. He believes in reformation and not abolition. He believes that his form of evolution is better than violent revolution. However, he argues that violence can be used in necessary circumstances. Burke illustrates his point of view with an Example of England, where the king had to become irresponsible. The people gathered enough evidence to ouster their king, and they replaced him with another one. The people did not want violence to bring change to the government, and they never made any further changes to other institutions. The revolution resulted in significant improvements. The people did not have to dissolve the government, but they eliminated the whole problem. The revolution created more stability in the country. Their rights were reinstated in the Declaration of rights and the government became responsible by meeting the demands to the people.

To sum it up, Locke's ideas express liberty. He believes in change, and he advocates for individual rights such as the right to life right to own property and the right of liberty. On the other hand, Burke is a conservative. He holds on the tradition of a society and he believed that social norms should be incorporated in the government system. Both raise different theories to support their ideas. Burke believes that revolution is vital that it should not result in chaos since the country can result in a state of anarchy. Locke is reformist who believes in dismissing the unpopular government. When people become dissatisfied with the government, they have to consider Burke's and Locke's point of view. The society must define the problems within their government and demand reforms. In case they find that revolution is necessary, they must identify the relevant government institutions that can enact their grievances. Both Burke and Locke agree that an ineffectual government should be dismissed.

Work Cited

Locke, John. Second Treatise of Government. Kindle Edition.

Burke, Edmund. The Portable Edmund Burke (Portable Library). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition

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