Is College Overrated? This Free Essay Aims to Answer

Published: 2022-10-27
Is College Overrated? This Free Essay Aims to Answer
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  College Education
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1495 words
13 min read

In recent times a college degree has not been an option as it is considered the root towards survival and eradication of poverty. Society has raised their children to believe that, without formal education at a university or college level one cannot be successful and get the most out of life. But is it true? Hence the statement is not obliviously true since there are people who have made it in life without going to college and are doing better than people with a bachelor's degree who went to college.

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There are many viewpoints in this debate to deem college a complete waste of time. A lot of people tend to question the effectiveness of the education system, and they have every right to do so even without questioning education as many narrow to college as the basis or foundation of a particular person successful life. If not so, they hold all the reason to doubt the importance of college. The society views college as a foundation towards a more positive and prosperous life in the future, but critics hold their opposing views as they deem the system as a complete waste of time. Hence it all comes down to the opinion of the person who went to college. Was it due to their valid reasons to go to college or was it because of the influence of their parents, relatives and the society in general.

After a considerable number of years, it is very tempting to stop attending school. Wouldn't any student want to take a break from the overwhelming stress of studying and completing assignments on time? Carneval suggests that college is still worth the while even though different people may have a different opinion. In the article "College is still worth it" Carneval identifies vital statistics that link college education of many students to the positive economic impact later on in their life. Carneval tables his argument that the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics releases several reports that directly link university and college graduates' positive economic impact to both the country and their personal life. Carneval further suggests that the US Bureau of Labor links fails to put into account non-college jobs that remunerate minimum wage college students (Carneval, 368). In other words, if a graduate gets a job outside the field of study or profession, the Bureau does not consider the earnings you collected while still being employed. Hence the statistics could sometimes pose a problem to people who look at them as they do not necessarily ascertain the complete truth. Even so, Carneval argument made me believe that college is indeed worth the while and not overrated whatsoever.

Supporting Carnevals argument the Washington Post suggests that, significant life time's earnings are usually higher for graduates (Guo, 1). Using the Hamilton Project that produces reliable information on how to create a growing economy benefiting most of the Americans, the Washington Post can identify credible and reliable information that point to college as an essential means towards an ever-increasing American Economy. Hamilton Project in cooperation with the Washington post came to realize that jobs in America are currently paying more money than ever before. The Hamilton Project further suggest that to have any major in America would earn a college graduate a lifetime of one million three hundred thousand US dollars that is a considerable burden to people who don't hold college degrees whatsoever.

Many at times are we able to witness people being intimidated as they go to school. So much responsibility given to a person young while others hold the notion it is a complete waste of time. Even before getting to live and enjoy life, college students are expected to know what they want to do for the rest of their lives. Problems tend to arise when such college students fail to get enough motivation to continue soldiering on amid all pressure, stress, and criticism. Even so, Carnevale suggests that the Bureau of Labor classifies occupations under two categories, college, and non-college. Jobs in the non-college category get to be more competitive than employment in the college category.

Every unique idea that someone may have, there will be someone who always holds a contrary view and perspective. In this case, Vedder tends to oppose research and sentiments of Carnevale and suggest that college is not a necessity for a person to be successful in life. Even though Vedder and Carnevale tend to debate on the importance of going to college, they all agree information is critical in determining the success of a person. Hence Vedder argues his case that a diploma may prove to be more resourceful and less costly. Obtaining a degree gives a graduate an upper hand in getting jobs as through the screening process their resume tends to look more appealing. However, Vedder argues his case that a diploma enables an employer to taper down the applicant at a higher pace and a lesser cost.

Additionally, he suggests that about thirty percent of thirty graduates are working on jobs that do not even match their profession (Vedder 374). He argues that yet though the college graduates have already finished school, it will take time to get a job at that specific field taught in school as they would be on demand. Thus, not every graduate is going to get his or her dream job immediately after graduating. Sometimes it calls for waiting for a very considerable long duration of time. Hence Vedder suggests that over thirty percent of the total graduate populations are forced to wait or settle for another job. Amid all the stress, criticism and not to forget the high fee for college, is it worth it? Students may be spending time, effort and money for four plus years and still come out to settle for jobs that require little or no degree at all. Is it worth the while?

Vedder argues his case that college requires a considerable investment that should not be taken lightly whatsoever. It calls for time, effort and most importantly money. At one occasion one may consider trade school over a four-course in college. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, after trade school, the average pay is $35, 720 annually. Considering that is the average, the compensation may go up depending on the skill level of the worker and the type of industry they are situated in. Trade school further takes two years to complete a course compared to college for four years. In that extra two years, trade school students are guaranteed income as their fellow counterpart students in college continue to study for jobs they are not sure they will get immediately after college. It goes up to another $70000 costs for students in college who take an extra year to graduate. That means that students in trade school are almost $140000 ahead of their fellow students who decided to pursue a degree in college. That sums up to approximately 12 years difference in income (Hamm, 9).

The Hamilton Project provides for needs to attend college as opposed from staying away from it. They suggest that a degree in college for any major is critical in enhancing the success of many students and enhancing good earnings. Earnings of any college graduate are usually right in every phase of employment, the career entry, midlife and at the end compared to people who only attended high school. A cumulative scale of over 1.2 million dollars for graduates double the figure that a high school graduate earns and 335,000 more than other associates (Hershbein, 2). Regardless of the degree, you pursued in college; the chances are you will be better of than a high school graduate. Hence, it is of paramount importance to get a degree so that your salary and earnings do not match those of a person who has not attained a college degree.

As I conclude, many have stated before, the college may or may not be for you. People are different; they may possess different goals and objectives that shape their decision making. I think that college is essential for a person future success and well being. Even though the essay has brought some critical aspect that argues against college as a means to success, I don't think at any point college is overrated.

Works Cited

Carnevale, AP. "College Is Still Worth It." Good Reasons with Contemporary Arguments. Ed. Lester Faigley and Jack Selzer. Boston: Pearson, 2014. 363-373. Print.

Guo, John. "Want Proof College Is Worth It? Look at This List of the Highest-paying Majors." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 29 Sept. 2014.

Hamm, Trent. "Why You Should Consider Trade School Instead of College - The Simple Dollar." The Simple Dollar Why You Should Consider Trade School Instead of College Comments. The Simple Dollar, 18 Mar. 2015.

Hershbein, B. "Major Decisions: What Graduates Earn Over Their Lifetimes." The Hamilton Project. The Hamilton Project, 29 September 2014. Web.

Vedder, R. "For Many, College Isn't Worth it." Good Reasons with Contemporary Arguments. Ed. Lester Faigley and Jack Selzer. Boston: Pearson, 2014. 373-77. Print.

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