Free Essay: Impacts That Nursing Leaders Have in an Organization Growth in a Skilled Nursing Care

Published: 2022-04-29
Free Essay: Impacts That Nursing Leaders Have in an Organization Growth in a Skilled Nursing Care
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Nursing leadership
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 729 words
7 min read

The importance of the nursing leadership and the impact of a skilled nursing care greatly impacts and enhances the role of leadership in the highly nursing care demand. According Germain & Cummings (2010 )the nursing health care is described as business or a service enterprise in which the patients are always the clients and expects the goods and services that are being offered to them within the nursing health care to be of the required standard and at the same time reach the reach the required quality.

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The research was done through the use of both qualitative and quantitative data collection and due to this, it involves a lot of discussions with the various leaders within the nursing community both in the hospitals and in the various nursing health care. The research also engaged and properly uses the evidence-based research to enable gather quality and more sincere information from the various leaderships. And to enable the research to be standard and to have the desired result it really engaged in making several inquiries from the nursing management system and at the time tries to figure out the difference between the managers and the leaders within this organization and the roles they play in running those organizations. Germain & Cummings (2010 ) continues to argue that the most critical part of this research is the literature review as in clearly defies the role of the leadership in the nursing health care and the impact the leadership has in promoting the growth of the healthcare.

Wong (2015) argues that the nursing health care in various countries and in hospitals has undergone various changes within the last few years. This change has to lead to the formation of larger cooperation of the nursing health care and this has been achieved through good leadership which has lead to cooperation within the various nursing health care. Wong (2015) again said that in most cases when the leadership is good quality services will be offered and at the same time it will lead to the unity of the leadership management and the workforce.

The research examined the leadership theories that clearly shows that the leadership should highly focus in uniting the members and to ensure that each and every person work hard to achieve a common goal within any organization. It also brings out that there is a connection that exists majorly between the nursing leadership and the patient outcome which is always positive when there is a good leadership.

According to Salmond& Echevarria (2017), the recent requirement and attributes within the nursing community that require the nurses to build a friendly environment for the clients who are mainly the patients do call for a proper and well-established system within the nursing leadership. Even though it is highly evident that there is a clear connection between the leadership mainly the nursing leadership and management to the outcome of the patient, it is really essential for creating a good leadership system that will lead to the creation of the working environment that will be good for both the nursing practices and the patient services delivery.

Salmond & Echevarria (2017) again added that the nursing leadership should be so much confidence in the relation of their working and the ability of them to provide a proper nursing leadership on the various nursing affairs within the organization. The leadership main purpose should be to work in ensuring that they achieve the goals and the objective of the nursing health care.


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