Essay Sample on Human Resources Strategy Project

Published: 2023-12-28
Essay Sample on Human Resources Strategy Project
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources Employment
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 659 words
6 min read


Southwest Airlines is one of the companies that highly concentrates on the need of employees. As such, its employee-focused strategy motivates workers, which is a crucial way of improving company performance (Marketline, 2020). Normally, motivating workers helps the management to keep them happy, thus, creating a good ground for teamwork (Kelly, 2020). Additionally, the company is driven by the application of a training strategy, which helps in improving the skills and performance of employees. Through training, the human resources department is able to produce experts who help in pushing the objectives of the organization.

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Current Strategies

Currently, the company is driven to invest in the front-liner staffs, and this strategy helps in creating a good working culture. Additionally, the company hire and train staffs to ensure all individuals have a particular knowledge level (Kelly, 2020). As a way of enhancing workers' participation, the management embraces flexibility in job allocation. This strategy gives workers an opportunity to engage in diverse roles that best fit their abilities. Furthermore, the organization is focused on building a good relationship with all stakeholders. The technique assists in creating a noble environment where all parties can effectively participate in solving the issue (Marketline, 2020). Through the relationship, the company has managed to establish teams that push the attainment of the objectives.

Type of Strategy the Southwest Airlines is FollowingEmployee strategy is an integral aspect that drives the performance of the company. In particular, the management believes that offering the best services to employees is an essential way of improving business performance (Kelly, 2020). Therefore, the strategies engage numerous aspects that motivate workers to continuously engage in their duties.

Human Resource Management Implication

For many years, the company has been striving to improve the quality of workers by offering training programs. The establishment of these programs have assisted the company in shaping staff, thus, making the firm to be the best in service provision, and this is a crucial aspect it uses as a competitive advantage (Marketline, 2020). Additionally, the HRM gives staff an opportunity to transfer jobs, and this is a vital factor the department uses to improve the skills set for the workers (Harrison & Bazzy, 2017). Furthermore, conflict management is another critical aspect that HRM maintains (Chishty-Mujahid, 2017). The approach helps in eliminating shame among workers.

Business Strategies

Through training programs, the company tries to invest in the front liners, which is an integral aspect of maintaining a competitive advantage. As a way of enhancing the process, HRM is so keen, especially in hiring. The conceptual approach of shifting workers allows the company to shift and share skills among staff (Marketline, 2020). The technique creates a positive condition that assists in pushing the objectives of the company (Chishty-Mujahid, 2017). The establishment of seminars and discussions have assisted HRM to handle critical issues among workers (Harrison & Bazzy, 2017). As such, the department has assisted in countering issues that hinder workers from providing the best services.

HR Strategy

As a way of building the quality of the workers, the company should rely on HR strategies, and this will assist the firm in maintaining its competitive advantage (Harrison & Bazzy, 2017). Additionally, the approach will assist the company in raising the credibility of the firm in front of the clients (Marketline, 2020). The approach will trigger positive growth, thus, enhancing its marketing performance.


Chishty-Mujahid, N. (2017). Southwest airlines’ successful economistic, cost-leadership strategy examined in light of Paul Lawrence’s renewed Darwinian theory: an analysis. Journal of Global Business Insights, 2(2), 115-123.

Harrison, T., & Bazzy, J. D. (2017). Aligning organizational culture and strategic human resource management. Journal of Management Development.

Kelly, G. C. (2020). Southwest Airline Co. 2019 annual report to shareholders. Southwest, 1-152.

Marketline (2020). Company profile Southwest Airlines Co. A Progressive Digital Media Business, 1-8.

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