Type of paper: | Dissertation chapter |
Categories: | Company Management Human resources Job |
Pages: | 13 |
Wordcount: | 3436 words |
Essay Sample #1 - Labor Law Compliance
Consistency with government and state work and business laws is a clear requirement for any business to survive. The basic way of uniformity is a zone that merits human resource need consideration (Kerolina & Pougajendy, 2015). Human resource is eventually in charge of guaranteeing that the organization knows about its commitments on equivalent business, working environment wellbeing, representative advantages, working hours and wages. Proceeding with training and expert improvement for human resource staff members is one approach to guarantee they have up and coming learning about consistency issues (Kerolina & Pougajendy, 2015). Yahoo should ensure that it updates it legal formalities with the government especially those that relate to health and production techniques that the company uses (Berman et al., 2015).
Hiring system- Compliance, on the other hand improves the hiring system of the company since it offers job security to the employees and the protection of their rights (Berman et al., 2015).
Training program- It can also develop the training program of the company by acquiring all the legal requirements for all the training programs that the company intends to offer to its employees (Berman et al., 2015).
Compensation- To increase the compensation, the compliance can assist the company to follow the legal requirements on the payroll that the law provides for the employers and the employees (Berman et al., 2015).
Employee Satisfaction Survey
Poor engagement ranks and low morale among the employees are usually the first signs of job dissatisfaction. Confidence, willingness, and commitment of the employees are all intangible processes and cannot be easily measured by the management or the human resource department at Yahoo organization (Jose & Mampilly, 2012). However, Yahoo organization can employ a technique referred to as the employee satisfaction surveys that are very helpful and can be used in identifying the working conditions and situations that may be instigating the personnel to be less than passionate or enthusiastic while performing their daily operations at the firm (Kerolina & Pougajendy, 2015). For this method, surveys to be completely effective, the human resource department must or should deliberate on the survey results and thereafter perform a comprehensive analysis together with the organization's management so that they can develop good action plans that can be used by the supervisors, team leaders and managers in the organization to control the operations of the human personnel (Jose & Mampilly, 2012). Action plans can also provide an excellent road map that can be used for resolving employment problems and also formulate a follow-up strategy that will assist the company in designing improvement projects and using the same technique in sustaining improvements (Head & Alford, 2015).
Duty regarding finance falls between the payroll and accounts department and human resource offices, frequently prompting to issues with exact installments to staff. Human resource keeps up records about pay, benefits, rewards and connections of profit, while records are entrusted with really making the installments (Berman et al., 2015). This makes a potential separate that can prompt to the finance being run late or workers getting the wrong holes in their wage parcel.
To keep up the spirit and anticipate future pay issues, Yahoo business ought to examine the capability of utilizing a devoted finance arrangement that interfaces specifically with your human resource programming and record framework (Head & Alford, 2015). By joining both offices electronically, the majority of the manual cerebral pains connected with pay can be settled consequently.
Devoted finance programming guarantees staff gets paid what they are qualified for when they expect it. The human resource division in Yahoo organization will likewise profit by a diminishment in questions, better spread the workload all the human man resource ought whatever is left of the month (Berman et al., 2015).
Employee queries
The human resource division gives the interface between "the organization" and the staff. This implies with regards to business issues, question or inquiries identifying with work, the human resource department is the purpose of the first survey (Jose & Mampilly, 2012). Managing investigations on pay, advantages and execution administration surveys on a sensibly typical premise are standard, additionally to a high degree tedious, particularly when information is not promptly accessible. Each time an individual from the human resource division needs to pursue down an installment detail, or the specifics of an agreement variety, they can't concentrate on any of their different obligations (Head & Alford, 2015).
A devoted human resource framework in the organization keeps business information incorporated prepared for simple recovery and fundamentally decreasing the time taken to answer every question (Berman et al., 2015). More propelled framework permit "self-benefit" style access to a few information, allowing staff to answer their very own large number more fundamental inquiries themselves (Head & Alford, 2015).
Solutions and Gap Linkage
Payroll, employee queries and employee satisfaction are three solutions that can help bridge the three gaps. With good payroll, the company will be able to hire and maintain highly trained personnel because it will be able to increase its compensation plan. Also, the company is able to fund the training programs of all the employees by giving them maximum training allowances (Head & Alford, 2015).
In the same way, employee satisfaction and queries provides a mechanism that ensures that only highly skilled employees are hires to work in the company (Head & Alford, 2015). The two helps the employee understand the terms of employment and compensation plan. If there is need to increase the compensation of an employee, then it becomes very easy for the company to explain the changes to the employee (Berman et al., 2015).
It is possible that all the above mentioned alternative solutions can be vetted regarding costs, risks, benefits, and their impacts on the company. The solutions can be ranked in the order discussed below with the first three being mutually exclusive.
Employee satisfaction- for better and quality production processes in the organization, Yahoo management must ensure that all the staff working within the firms are fully satisfied in all aspects (Jose & Mampilly, 2012). Employee satisfaction is the only sure way of encouraging them to give better results with minimal supervision.
i. Costs- employee satisfaction is an expensive process since it generates no direct income to the company. Rather, it is used to encourage the employees to improve their productivity so that the business can produce quality products that will eventually generate high income and revenue for the firm. Yahoo budgets for this process and ensures that it is part of the annual capital allocation for various departments in the organization (Jose & Mampilly, 2012).
ii. Risks- employee satisfaction is a non-profit procedure that Yahoo uses to benefit indirectly from its employees. Jose & Mampilly, (2012) says the risks associated with this kind of operation are a loss of capital in situations where the employees have failed to reach the targeted production level by the company and wastage of time trying to encourage the employees to give better results when the company can hire more skilled personnel to do the tasks at reduced costs.
iii. Benefits- in the event that there are improvements in the rate and quality of production, then the company will eventually make more sales and improve on the income and revenue margin (Jose & Mampilly, 2012).
iv. Impacts- with good profits and income from the sale of its goods and service, Yahoo can ensure continued survival in the market regardless of the changes that may take place in the market system (Head & Alford, 2015). The company can also expands its operation and create additional employment opportunities to people.
v. Benchmark criteria- the internal benchmarking was used since Yahoo is an already established company with running processes and policies that the employees and the management are well aware of and can be related to the cost and outcome of production (Azis et al., 2013).
Essay Sample #2 - Duties of HR department
Human resource administration is an essential department inside an association in this manner; it ought to be directed viably to make organization's progress inside the association. The human asset administration office is ordered with the representatives' administration straightforwardly and managing the individuals is a testing undertaking in firm since the association achievement is specifically identified with the inspiration and satisfaction of the workers. The Human resource department applies particular speculations and methods of insight to help them in dealing with their representatives. Some of these theories incorporate the utilitarianism standard and the joy rule as clarified below.
Human Resource management is tasked with things such as enrolling, preparing, and coordinating the human capital inside the association. The Human Asset office manages the pay, contracting, correspondence, representative inspiration, benefits, execution, security, organization, and preparing of the workers of the association. The Human Asset administration is a key approach utilized as a part of dealing with the association's human capital and the working environment culture.
Human resource management is a fundamental unit in the association that directly affects the association achievement. Successful administration of the workers results to improved and viable performance of an orgnization. Compelling administration of the workers' wins their dependability along these lines prompting to inspiration of the representatives. The Human Resource administration practices are advancing from the conventional practices, that is on the grounds that by and by, the human asset administration practices are exhaustive and are gone for enhancing the workers and guaranteeing that the workers projects are decidedly influencing the firm and can be qualified or quantified.
Importance of HR management
Modern-day individual’s administration is the arranging, driving, and controlling the association's workers to accomplish the objectives the company. It is concerned with legitimate use of the workers by the HR office to amplify the yield of the workers likewise. In the contemporary world, the significance of job rotation cannot be overlooked. Human resource managers tend to relocate employees from one subsidiary branch to another or from the parent company to subsidiaries. Those employees are not only relocated to commuting distances, but others are relocated to a foreign country or a different state. This involves employees at all levels ranging from entry to top executive.
Employee relocation is one of the functions of human resources, which supports business organizations, which have operations in a number of locations. The organizations relocate their staffs to meet the workforce demands.
Over the previous years, there has been an increase in the number of companies that are expanding to international market. The international expansion of business has brought along several challenges to human resource department. Up to now, it shows that the current rapid transformation in business will continue to pose a number of issues to human resource managers.
Considering that a manager is a top executive who is aged enough and qualifies to have a family, there is a great possibility that he will have a feeling that relocating him/her will disrupt his life as well as his/her family. According to the research conducted by Armstrong and Taylor (2014), it was revealed that these disruptions change with the distance that one is supposed to move. For instance, when a manger is moving from Australia to Canada the disruption is more greater because one will have to transfer his/ her children from one school to another. Further, another cost such as buying and selling houses, settling-in cost and transportation cost will be incurred.
Another reason that makes employees reluctant to move is that they avoid breaking the ties and relations they have established with other members of the community as well as other staffs. The same also applies to the spouse and children of an employee who is being transferred. As explained by Bratton and Gold (2012), the help provided by the employer, or demand placed on employee can make the change difficult or easier.
Employee retention strategies
Over the previous decade, there have been cases of employees who have quitted their job due to transfers. In this case, you find that an individual does not want to incur the cost associated with relocation. Australia and Canada are two countries that are located on different continents. This means that the culture in this nation varies significantly. A manager will need time to adapt to the new culture. The same is true of the employee's children as well as spouse. Summarizing the work of many others claimed that these nations have different climatic conditions thus an employee's who has a weak health will find it difficult to adapt. Canada is associated with snow and cold weather. Similarly, different nations have different political and economic climate, which will also require time for one to adapt.
Whenever a manager quits a job because of attempted transfer, it becomes a big blow to the organizations. Firstly, managers are among the top executives who are highly experienced and have a good understanding of the organization culture. Secondly, most of the employees promoted to managers are the best-performing employees. Finally, the extra cost will have to be incurred when recruiting another individual to replace the outgoing.
There exist a number of cultural differences between the people who live in Canada and Australia. Different believes norms and values will make the environment difficult to adapt for a manager transferred from Australia to go and work in Canada. There are some of norms and values that are acceptable in Australia, and they are not acceptable in Canada.
It will also take time to establish new relationships in a new country. This does not only involve establishing a good relationship with the community but also with other staffs as well as the customers. The managers have to understand the customer's preference; factors influencing their buying behaviors and how they interact to be able to perform their job efficiently.
Human resource management practices
Human resource management practices can be perceived as being most influenced by action within the organization or the firm or at the national level through operation of employment laws, regulations, customs and historical practices (institutions). These two agencies and contexts, firms and institutions, relate to each in contradictory ways.
Firms are constrained by their institutional settings – the national laws forcing firms to behave in certain ways if they operate within the particular national institutional environment (Thelen, 2004). However, firms can also operate in other environments and multinational or transnational organizations have a ‘choice’ of territory, and hence they can seek to change the existing arrangements in their local context with the sanction of ‘exit’ if the change is not forthcoming. Or they can partially exit the national institutional setting and locate part of their operations in other institutional environments (Ferner & Quintanilla, 1998).
The Strength of the relationship between firms and institutions
One way of thinking about the relationship between firms and institutions is to consider the relative strength of the two as they interact. This allows for a number of combinations that can help us consider the relationship between the two.
As a result, the possibilities on how the National frameworks influence the nature of HRM practice include the following:
Strong Institutions (SI) and Weak Firms (WF)
SI and WF would mean that the national institutional environment exerted more influence over firm level policies, and firms were nationally marked and perhaps tired. To explain the HRM practices within the firm it would be sensible to start at the national institutional level because it is here that policies are enacted which then get imposed on the firms (Chaganti & Damanpour, 1991).
In this context, it is recommended that HRM was not possible in China because decision-making on HR issues could not be located at the firm level. However, reform has expanded the power of the firm, which in terms of HRM, can now select and pay workers according to internal not external criteria.
Strong Firms (SF) and Weak Institutions (WI)
SF and WI would refer to environments where the state relative to the MNC(s) is weak, more divided or competitively structured, and therefore the MNC has considerable leverage over institutions. This could be the case in many developing countries that are desperate for foreign direct investment (FDI) and as they are developing, they perceive modernization, technology transfer and con- temporary management practices coming into the country through the MNC. This does not mean that the developing country has no ‘cultural’ or historical practices that have implications for the organization of work and employment relations, or that these will differ between one developing country and an- other (Thelen, 2004).
One only has to think of Mexico, India, Vietnam, and Indonesia, to see that by religion, politics, size, location, etc there is as much to divide as unite them as industrializing societies. But in all four Special Economic Zones have been established to cater for FDI through MNCs, and provide reduced labor regulation that gives MNCs greater autonomy from the national institutional environment. In addition to developing countries having a weaker institution- al fields, there are also differences between developed countries (Black, 2000).
Strong Firms (SF) and Strong Institutions (SI)
SF and SI are societies in which national institutions and national firms are mutually strong, and in order to identify the sources of HRM practices one would have to look at the institutional and firm level practices when exploring the home country, but just the firm when analyzing the MNC from the strong institutional setting (Thelen, 2004).
In the more liberal market or laissez-faire economies, such as the UK and US, as well as strong state economies, such as in Germany, Japan, and Scandinavian countries, strong firms and strong institutions are present. American MNCs and Japanese MNCs possess distinctive ownership characteristics that can be traced back to their home territory. In the topics in the first part of the course, we will examine the differences between these countries and the effects this has on HRM practices at the firm, especially MNC, level.
Utilitarian organization
The utilitarianism principle and the contemporary people management are related since the latter strives to promote the utilitarianism principle in the organization through using and integrating the ethical practices in order to attain the motivation and therefore happiness of the employees. The human resource management ensures that the ethical goals are met in order to attain the utilitarianism that states that a good life is achieved mainly by the pursuit of the happiness and the pleasure by the individual.
Business ethics is a vital element that contributes to the success of the business entities. The utilitarianism principle stresses the application of ethical practices of the organization as it implies that the ethical practices are what results to effective way to apply the utilitarianism principle in the organization. The HR deals with the human capital directly; therefore it faces many ethical threats that could damage the image and reputation of the company or even the financial sustainability of the company in case the threats are not tackled effectively and in time (Peterson, 2005). The following are the importance of ethics in the HR management.
An employer with good reputation would attract the top talent human capital to the company since the employees want the best relationship with the employers to enhance their productivity and working environment (Paliwal, 2006). The company with a good reputation attracts more customers and retains the existing ones therefore, leading to customer loyalty. Moreover, the company with poor reputation would not attract most skilled, creative, and experienced employees which may make the company not perform better as anticipated.
Organizational ethics
A company that holds ethical practices will win the employees loyalty and trust. The company with a long term loyalty and trust has considerable advantages for example; a loyal employee masters the production processes and understanding of the company operations. That leads to maximization of the efficiency and productivity of the employees. The marketing department also benefits from the loyal employees because it gives easy marketing and sales of the product due to high productivity and quality products and services.
The HR management should apply the utilitarianism principle in the management of its employees together with other philosophies in order to achieve the most success for the employees. The integration of the ethical practices in the organization management structure results to motivation of the employees and results to considerable advantages that accrue to the organization. There are many advantages that accrue to the organization that upholds the ethical practices when dealing with their employees for example: increased reputation of the company, increased employee loyalty, improvement of the image of the organization, customer loyalty, and employee motivation which results to employee happiness thus application of the utilitarianism principle.
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