Essay Sample on How Devolution Practice Act As an Anti-Hierarchical Effort

Published: 2023-08-08
Essay Sample on How Devolution Practice Act As an Anti-Hierarchical Effort
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  History Christianity Hitler Social change
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 643 words
6 min read

It involves a reciprocal exchange between a person and God, thereby, outdoing the authority of priests who help in the performing of rituals. People no longer seek help from the priests while performing rituals, maybe those who want to maintain a hierarchy that enhances and entitles themselves (Obeyesekere 463). Therefore, devolution affects the usual hierarchical way of administration.

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Similarities between Holiness Church and Kataragama Devolution Worship

According to Gananath Obeyesekere (17), one of the similarities between the devolution worship of Kataragama and the holiness church is that in both religions, the people show their love to God by expressing that love unconditionally. In both religions, they perform rituals to their gods, which both rituals deal with fire and water elements. Both religions have a representative to their God which is the priest.

German's Expression of Their Adulation Time for Hitler

Nazi leadership made all the ways possible to come up with social and emotional bonds with the masses and promote the ideal of the folk community (Connor 273). The situation shows that German soldiers held an intense devolution to Hitler, which was throughout the year. The scenario enabled the German army to fight so well. Germans prayed and lit candles for Hitler during the war. Moreover, 90 percent of the Germans were either believers or supporters in Hitler. Nazis also wished to advance the rest of the world as well.

The Nature of Capitalism and Social Change According to Obeyesekere

Obeyesekere takes a lengthy historical opinion and places the expanding popularity of Kartaragama according to Sri Lankan history. The native empire collapsed with different European powers that came to dominate the island (Obeyesekere 369). The European powers are; the Dutch, The Portuguese, and the British. Sri Lanka became an independent country and joined the global Capital economy.

Requirements for a Capitalist Kind of Personhood

The upsurge of the Kataragama cult in Modern Sri Lanka's capitalist economy required personhood who is perceived as a socio-centric individual to an accredited hierarchy to which personhood was viewed egocentrically. The change happened so quickly and changed how people thought of themselves and their relationship with one another. Therefore, a capitalist economy requires personhood that is willing to embrace change to acquire economic freedom, a profit motive, and competition (Obeyesekere 390). It also requires one to have an individualistic mindset and focus on reserving as many resources as possible

Undermining Of Communities Capitalism Based On Reciprocity and Health Relationships

As capitalism requires an individual, who is focused on self-gain and a mindset that is focused on reserving as many resources as possible for private use, it undermines the community at large because it’s all about them (Obeyesekere 392). The community at large does not count, thus ruining the healthy relationship based on reciprocity.

Revitalization of katararagama Movement

Nativist movements are identified by the emphasis and removal of alien people, customs, values, and revitalization of different aspects of the traditional culture (Linton 236). Linton had doubts if they were ever wholly rational of the movement and serves its purpose.

Consideration of Kataragama on Pragmatic Religion or Revitalization Movement

According to the video, I would consider Kataragama a revitalization movement because the Western tradition is so into the idea of progress that they cannot adopt what is happening scientifically advance. They are not ready to embrace the new technological advance. This creates a significant problem because some still are practicing slavery among the Indian allies of the colonists.

Works Cited

Connor, John W. From Ghost Dance to Death Camps: Nazi Germany as a Crisis Cult. Ethos, vol. 17, no. 3, 1989, pp. 259-288.

Obeyesekere, Gananath. “The Fire-Walkers of Kataragama: The Rise of Bhakti Relogiosity in Buddhist Sri Lanka.” Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 37, no. 3, 1978; May, pp. 457-476.

Salsi, Ivan. Disappearing world-Kataragama, a God for all Season “Sri Lanka” (English). 2018, March 21. Accessed from

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Essay Sample on How Devolution Practice Act As an Anti-Hierarchical Effort. (2023, Aug 08). Retrieved from

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