Essay Sample on How Are Electronic Health Records Implemented

Published: 2019-11-08
Essay Sample on How Are Electronic Health Records Implemented
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education United States Research Medicine
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1318 words
11 min read

Amatayakul, Margret. Electronic health records: A practical guide for professionals and organizations. Amer Health Information Management, 2007.

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The objective of the book is to offer guidance to persons interested or engaged in both planning and implementation of the electronic health record systems. The elements of the HER process have been covered in chronological order from creating a migration path to hen it is executed. The history of the electronic healthy records, trends and its limitations have been covered. The first chapter begins with a definition of the HER and develops through to the thirteenth chapter that offers a summary of the entire book.


The book presents a step by step practical guide to the implementation of an electronic health record system beginning from the planning stage to when it is executed. Elements of the electronic health records have been covered in different chapters. The first step outlined in the book involves the development of a migration path followed by implementation of the systems and lastly continuous management. The reader acquires a significant insight on how the electronic health record systems have developed over the years, the trends currently available and the pitfalls that have been noted. This is a very useful reference since it is the most recent edition. Also, it addresses some issues and offers solid recommendations on how the electronic health records can be effectively implemented thus an invaluable tool for learning about electronic health records (EHRs) in classrooms.

Walker, James M, Eric J. Bieber, and Frank Richards. Implementing an Electronic Health Record System. London: Springer-Verlag London Ltd, 2005. Internet resource.


Two highly visible factors have influenced the implementation of electronic health record system. First is the awareness of the public on the surprising increased rates of errors that are avoidable in healthcare (26). Second is the illustration that CPOE can lower the medical errors as well as the costs incurred significantly (79). Despite the powerful forces that push for the adoption of EHRs care delivery organizations alongside other physician practices have consistently faced challenges while implementing highly efficient HER.


This book targets the healthcare professionals who have taken the lead in transforming the health care systems. It has covered a wide range of titles with some focusing on particular professionals, for instance, the nurses and health administration officers among others. It is an invaluable reference material as renowned practitioners, authors and editors in healthcare have shared their plight while pursing innovations in health informatics.

Angst, Corey M., and Ritu Agarwal. "Adoption of electronic health records in the presence of privacy concerns: The elaboration likelihood model and individual persuasion." MIS quarterly 33.2 (2009): 339-370.


The electronic health records form a major technological development in the manner medical information is stored, transferred and processed within various departments that participate in health care delivery. This study ask the question: Can individuals be persuaded to change their attitudes and opt-in behavioral intentions towards EHRs, and allow their medical information to be digitized even in the presence of significant privacy concerns? The findings suggested that personal CFIP network with the argument framing and issue involvement affect attitudes towards the use of EHRS.


Efficiencies and error reduction in health care systems through electronic health records (EHRs) is one of the strategies that President Obama's administration has deployed to curb the rising cost of health care. Nevertheless, it is not automatic that the approach has been welcomed by the American population and also that the people are already convinced about the notion of privacy in regard to this technology. This article covers the outcome of a study that focused on evaluating whether the attitude of a patient can be changed to fully accept the electronic health records while they are aware the privacy issues has been a matter of serious concern with the implementation of the technology. This reference is very credible having been listed in the Social SciSearch Library Literature and Information Science, and Inspec (Dialog) database. Further, it has been refereed via Ulrich's International Periodical Database.

Handel, Daniel A., and Jeffrey L. Hackman. "Implementing electronic health records in the emergency department." The Journal of emergency medicine38.2 (2010): 257-263.


The objective of this study was to highlight the challenges and benefits faced while implementing the electronic health records (EHRs) and the necessary approaches that need to be set in place to speedily actualize the implementation process within the emergency department. The emergency departments lack the capacity to change their volume, therefore, must optimize their operation during the implementation process of the electronic health records. In conclusion, it is important to have an absolute understanding and predict the impact of the electronic health record system on workflow so that its successful implementation can be achieved.


The article presents electronic health records systems, its significant trials and tribulations and the privacy challenges with the focus on the emergency department. This can be considered as a more in-depth approach to the potential privacy challenges considering the fact that majority of those admitted to the emergency department in absentia of their personal physician. Hence, indirect permission to offer care and further cross-examine the medical records takes hold so as not to interrupt the patient care. In the article, the reimbursement and menace of implementation of the electronic health record systems are discussed alongside the costs incurred in setting up the system. This article is very credible as I noticed it had been cited by some literature thus I believe it is very appropriate. Also, it is an up to date reference published in 2010.

Electronic Health Record. Web. 29 September 2016.


An electronic health record (EHR), or electronic medical record (EMR), refers to an orderly collection of electronically stored health information about a patient or population and then presented in a digital format. The records that are presented in a digital format can then be shared through information-based networks that are installed within the respective department of an organization. It eradicates the requirement to trace the previous medical records of a patient and ensures the data available is accurate and legible.


This website has elucidated the meaning of electronic health record systems and defined other relevant terminologies. Further, it has made a comparison with the other existing paper-based records. The philosophical views of the electronic health record systems have also been discussed and other considerations on the privacy concerns. The website is so resourceful when doing research on electronic health records. However, it is not accepted in most academic writing since it lacks the authentication that is needed.

Practice Fusion Blog. Meaningful Use EHR Reporting Deadline: October 2nd, 2016. Web. 29 September 2016.


The final rules provision defines the meaningful use of the electronic health record (EHRs) incentive programs among the health care practitioners.


The blog focuses on the meaningful use of the electronic health record systems based on the application of the final rule. The final rule in this context offers the specification that determines the eligibility of the healthcare practitioners to take part in the electronic health record incentive programs. The blog is very useful as it dwells on a strategy that when implemented would translate into the elimination of certain pitfalls that have been associated with the electronic health record systems.

Works Cited

Amatayakul, Margret. Electronic health records: A practical guide for professionals and organizations. Amer Health Information Management, 2007.

Angst, Corey M., and Ritu Agarwal. "Adoption of electronic health records in the presence of privacy concerns: The elaboration likelihood model and individual persuasion." MIS quarterly 33.2 (2009): 339-370.

Electronic Health Record. Web. 29 September 2016.

Handel, Daniel A., and Jeffrey L. Hackman. "Implementing electronic health records in the emergency department." The Journal of emergency medicine38.2 (2010): 257-263.

Practice Fusion Blog. Meaningful Use EHR Reporting Deadline: October 2nd, 2016. Web. 29 September 2016.

Walker, James M, Eric J. Bieber, and Frank Richards. Implementing an Electronic Health Record System. London: Springer-Verlag London Ltd, 2005. Internet resource.

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Essay Sample on How Are Electronic Health Records Implemented. (2019, Nov 08). Retrieved from

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