Essay Sample on History of Journalism in America

Published: 2022-12-02
Essay Sample on History of Journalism in America
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Media
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 615 words
6 min read

Journalism first developed in the form of newspapers, this was an extension of the minor existing forms of communication such as verbal exchanges and of course such sources were significant to add appetites into the news to make it more appealing to the listeners (Berry, 2016). Traditionally, Archives was used to define a collection of documents and records which have not been published, and they were always in the libraries, therefore, when talking of the origin of journalism, one should always refer to libraries and nor archives which came in later on (Bodker, 2016).

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It is claimed that the current conception of news was introduced by collaboration between American and British journalists, this happened in between the 1830s and 1920s, their news contained a more detailed report than any other significant news anchors by then, like the French. Later on, American journalists also invented the idea of reporting and interviewing of the news, the inventions by the American were then adopted faster with the neighboring competitive countries like France, they then modified these ideas to make them what they are currently.

The Effect of Printers, Print Houses, and Technology

During this invention, a printer needed to be used in the process. A short description of how the first printers used to work and their housing is given. Traditionally, printers were kept in 3D-printer houses; however, they were challenging to purchase as they were quite costly and thus could only be obtained by the privileged families. The 3D printing was invented by an American engineer Chuck Hall, in the year 1986, it uses light to interconnect the molecules and the polymers in a document and eventually turns it into a solid shape. This is one of the most emerging technologies that ever be thought of in the line of technology, this printer favored majority as it was faster, durable and more sustainable.

Currently, the technology has led to new types of printers such as inkjet, laser, LED, and thermal printers which are relatively more convenient to the 3d printer used in the late 20th century. In addition, the printers were and are not appropriate as a research (Hook) states that some unsafe toxic substances were found in the materials that were used to design the printer, and this indicates that they were actually not safe and needed further checkup, the surface quality of the documents from this printers was also too rough (Daly, 2012).

Today, it is effortless to print a piece of news and get to the public far much faster than the 3D printing. Technology has also advanced some ways of anchoring news in America, and hence the evolution of TV's, Radios that were invented to ensure intelligence is passed through a large number of people for faster and more convenient communication.


America has indeed dominated by the number of inventions in the whole world, in 1985, a slogan of keeping America as the topmost in the world by its citizens (Daly, 2012), motivated majority more so In the sector of technology to do a lot of research which is currently enjoyed by almost everyone in all corners of the world, inventions such as new environmentally printers like the inkjet, televisions and radios for news anchoring and many others. The issue of environmental effects in terms of pollution is not yet at 100% success, but hopingly with the current studies and research, this will become history if we count one decade from today.


Berry, D. (2016). Journalism, ethics, and society. Routledge.

Bodker, H. (2018). Journalism History and Digital Archives.

Grafton, A. T. (1980). The importance of being printed.

Daly, C. B. (2012). Covering America: a narrative history of a nation's journalism. Univ of Massachusetts Press.

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